
Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! I have a question for the more knowledgeable ladies on this hair board. I still have some color left over from when I died my hair about 2 years ago. I was thinking that if I just cut all of the color out it would maybe improve my hair a bit and make it grow. I don't have that much color left in my hair and it's all at the ends of my hair (no more than an inch). Anyway, I was wondering if there was a right way to go about doing this or if I should just cut the color out and not really pay attention to how I cut it. OR should I ask my stylist to do it? What do you guys think? Please let me know. THANKS! :D
Im kinda in the same boat except I colored a year ago and it was hilights. I have been trimming gradually--- but because the color in the back is like 6 inches long Im probably going to have some streaks until I big chop next year after transitioning just because I dont want an awkward cut.

If you think your hair is going to look ate up (especially in the back) from cutting all the color off then I suggest going to a stylist that is not scissor happy who can trim it so it falls into place and still looks good. But if its really just an inch of hair then all you have to do is cut off an inch and the only thing that should come of that is that you would look better, not worse. Also, a good idea would be to ask a friend to help in the back.

BTW, cutting your hair wont help it grow, but it will help those colored ends go away, which means they wont look raggedy or split or just plain out of place... HTH, I just trimmed some more of my color off last night and am ECSTATIC that I did it.
If the color had damaged your hair, cutting it would definitely bring it back to life and provide a foundation for healthy growing hair. To answer your question about cutting it, if you decide to just randomly cut where you see the color you may end up with uneven ends. However if you are looking to achieve blunt ends and if you can't do it yourself, then I would suggest going to a stylist.