Want to cover up that MTG smell? I did!!!


Well-Known Member
So, I just got my MTG in the mail a few days ago and was so excited to use it until I opened the bottle and was like :nono:. Well, I thought about the most fragrant hair product I had and I pulled out my travel size bottle of Victoria's Secret So Sexy Nourishing Conditioner. I applied the MTG to my scalp, washed my hands VERY well, and then the VS-SSNC over it and to the length of my braids.


Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not going to go around shoving my head up people's noses, but I did manage to cover a lot of the smell. Next, I think I'm going to try Organix Coconut Self-heating serum and HH HH (blue bottle) since I have some left over.

If anyone else has other ways of covering up the smell post here! I've heard so much about both the results and the infamous smell! :lachen:
Surge used to cover the smell completely, but they stopped making it.:ohwell:
I'm still mad about that. :sad:

Wish I had tried some of those cover ups a few years ago when I was using MTG. I was sick and tired of people asking me, "Do you smell something burning?" :lachen:
When I was using it I used peppermint oil and scurl mixed and applied at night only. My SO hated the smell of bacon so I stopped using it and gave most away
I'm still mad about that. :sad:

Wish I had tried some of those cover ups a few years ago when I was using MTG. I was sick and tired of people asking me, "Do you smell something burning?" :lachen:
Girl! I would've died!:blush: I used it with Surge and no one could smell me. If they did, they were too afraid to say anything!:lachen: My hubby never said anything about a funny smell and he would flat out go there!
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On the subject of Sulphur based growth aids to any of the ladies here use MSM in the place of sulphur in their oils?
^^^ I did read somewhere that some ladies used MSM powder instead of sulphur, but I can't remember if I read it here or on BHM.
^^^ I did read somewhere that some ladies used MSM powder instead of sulphur, but I can't remember if I read it here or on BHM.

Thanks Demi - I am thinking of doing this as I cannot stand the smell of sublimed Sulphur and do not want to subject my family/ freinds to that smell when I know even I can't stand it :lachen: