Wanna Cut/Need Motivation & Suggetions


Well-Known Member
Ladies, HELP!!! My hair is split and damaged and I'm at my wits end..UGH!!!
My hair is right below chin length (Bob style). I just had it cut like this in July b/c it was breaking really bad. I thought this would help bring my hair back to life since all the damaged ends were cut off, but my hair has continued to break off. The thing is, now, my hair has split so far up the shaft that I need to get at least 3 inches cut off and I just don't want to do that.

Don't get me wrong now, I am going to get it cut b/c I know I HAVE to in order to have healthy hair. It's just that getting so much cut off is going to put my length above or right at my ear and I'm just not used to my hair being so short. If I want to continue to wear my Bob style, I'm going to have to get my hair cut low or faded in the back,too.

Man, this is really depressing. I'm thinking about just getting it cut to the new growth and getting a sewn in weave for a while. Any Suggestions???
Hmmm - the first thing you need to do is figure out WHY your hair is breaking and splitting, otherwise, it's going to continue to break off!

Are you transitioning? Or did you want to cut it to the new growth because that way you know that you have no splits/damaged ends?

I would really suggest examining your routine and other hair stressors to figure out why it's breaking off before you do anything else!
I'm sorry you're going through this, it does suck when you have setbacks. I agree with the above poster- examine your routine and find what it is that is causing the splits. Are you combing/brushing your hair alot? Are you using moisturizers (water-based) and sealing with oil? Have you tried the baggy-method? ( or sleeping in a plastic cap with moisturizers on the hair) A good place to start is this thread by Sistaslick: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=84746

You can turn things around check out this inspirational thread started by SO1913!: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=102697

Hope this helps :)
Okay, thanks ladies. I have been trying to figure out what the cause of the breakage is. I'm gonna look at the links posted for more help.