Wake Up


Well-Known Member
MANY OF U ARE ASLEEP, We have the President who will make revelations come alive before our eyes, the man of sin has been revealed, its not Trump, but He has said several things that might surprise you or you just overlooked. He said hes going to give the Church back her power. What Church had lost her power? He said he's going to unite Church and State. Indeed wasnt last week the "week of prayer" for unity of the churches. Why is it always the week of inauguration. People stop asking for peace, and safety we r at the end we r to prepare. 1 thes 3-7. Wake up. What does it mean to have the two united? This is the last generation. We have spoken to you many times about the Sunday Laws pay close attention, the Womens march is an indicator how the law will change to make Sunday worship mandatory. This is significant, whether you believe it or not. You will incur the WRAITH of either man or God, regarding it. Man if you break it GOD if you follow. GET Ready, the time is at hand.
MANY OF U ARE ASLEEP, We have the President who will make revelations come alive before our eyes, the man of sin has been revealed, its not Trump, but He has said several things that might surprise you or you just overlooked. He said hes going to give the Church back her power. What Church had lost her power? He said he's going to unite Church and State. Indeed wasnt last week the "week of prayer" for unity of the churches. Why is it always the week of inauguration. People stop asking for peace, and safety we r at the end we r to prepare. 1 thes 3-7. Wake up. What does it mean to have the two united? This is the last generation. We have spoken to you many times about the Sunday Laws pay close attention, the Womens march is an indicator how the law will change to make Sunday worship mandatory. This is significant, whether you believe it or not. You will incur the WRAITH of either man or God, regarding it. Man if you break it GOD if you follow. GET Ready, the time is at hand.

Please elaborate? As far as the week of pray for Christian unity, that's over 100 years old according to:


Remember, protestants left orthodoxy. This is the split. There is another one between orthodoxy, Eastern and Western. I don't think it's what you're probably thinking it is. But I always joke that Kushner's (Trumps son-in-law) address in NY is 666 5th Avenue lol. I mean, he does own such a property haha. The Church should be one, under the orthodoxy in which it was birthed. Don't kill me...but it makes complete sense. How that will look as one united Church, we don't know yet. I'm sure it's going to be a surprise to many of all the denominations.
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I believe we are living at the very end of time. I started reading The Great Controversy and the Bible. I want to be ready and have a stronger and real relationship with God. Please keep me in prayer. If you have any other resources about prophecy/Christian living....please share. Thanks
Beautiful words ... "To be ready and to have a stronger and real relationship with God..."

That's the real focus. ❤❤❤
@blazingthru, is this your voice or is this someone else? You said "we". I'm just asking..food for thought, indeed, though!
Mine, I have been silent for a long time, but there are many post from me about the Sunday Law. You have probably heard it said that the ban on Muslims is a religious ban. Muslims or not just black they are of all races, but its the religion. What is to stop the ban on Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, its a religious thing. Here is the question if your "safe" your on the wrong side. You will be okay with man but you will incur the wraith of God. Seriously, something to start to look into. God is angry about our choices to believe and obey Man instead of the Laws he has set before us. i have more to add.
Mine, I have been silent for a long time, but there are many post from me about the Sunday Law. You have probably heard it said that the ban on Muslims is a religious ban. Muslims or not just black they are of all races, but its the religion. What is to stop the ban on Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist, its a religious thing. Here is the question if your "safe" your on the wrong side. You will be okay with man but you will incur the wraith of God. Seriously, something to start to look into. God is angry about our choices to believe and obey Man instead of the Laws he has set before us. i have more to add.
Hi @blazingthru ... Good morning to you. Thank you for giving clarity to your writings.

Please add to your future posts at the beginning that they are your writings so that it helps our members as they read them. That will avoid the questions and make them easier for clarity.

Thanks so much :rose:
October 31, 2017 is the End of Protestantism. Everyone will be Catholic. Now to some this seems no big deal. but if you research your history and see all that the Church has been aligned with this is an issue. A major issue for some such as me. The reason there is an America, was because of those fleeing from religious persecution. As many on this board has confidently said those who protested "the Church" was Heretics. BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE AND THE BIBLE ONLY. Now this is not my writings. this information is easy to find. Listen to the Pope. He is saying a lot. A lot in these shorts hours. He saying so much. He compared to Trump to Hitler, but not in a mean why. its like he is telling you something. Hitler had advisers as does Trump He is all over the place folks is saying. but he isn't, he has an agenda and its going forward at a rapid space, and we really do not know what is going on unless we read the word and compare it to History. We would know that the Sunday Law quickly approaches, Which again to some means nothing. you go to service on Sunday anyway. But in the word what day does God say is Holy. He hasn't changed the date. His Wraith will be released on those who chose Man's Day instead of his day. (What is most interesting is the Name Trump. 'll come back. I have very little time in the day and have to type this before i go to work) The Pope wants this day to be mandatory and since Trump is giving the power back to the "people" they will demand the day as well. Look at the protest. I have a lot more to add. When Jesus was gong through hs trial Pilot said this has nothing to do with the State this is your issue. But the people. they had church and state align so that they could freely have Jesus executed. interesting

I am not now or ever attacking any person. However, we must examine our own faith. We must look at our faith from the point of God instead of tradition and what our parents have always done and see do we really know what is going on. Who side are you fighting on. This Issue is here again. There is Moses asking the same question.
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Well, I do believe this one-world religion is almost here, but it is as simple as choosing whom to be faithful to - a false system of unified worship or the true living God. I believe God's people will be among them in the forming of this system but they'll need to be called out. Jentzen Franklin gives me pause. I'd like to hear what you have to say about Trump, because I know your writings come from a place of love and grace. He's a fake populist for sure, but it's populism that will help usher in The antichrist.

What is most interesting is the Name Trump. 'll come back. I have very little time in the day and have to type this before i go to work)
I see where you're going...ahem...but I think the one world religion isn't going to be based on worhip of the true G-d, which is what the "universal" (i.e. 'catholic') faith is. The Christian faith should not be divided but I don't think any of us know what G-d Himself will do with that in the end. We don't exactly know what they will look like. But as for something evil, please know, Catholics are not evil (individuals of any faith can be evil) and I doubt that our Pope is trying to make us worship some lowercase g-d in October, 2017. Truly.

There are prophesies of the last pope, though, and they are rather scary and he will be persecuted for His Faith in the H-ly One and die and then Rome will fall. Pretty scary stuff. If anyone wants to go searching under the Malachy prophesies.

About Trump, I will say it's interesting to see people I know who hate Jesus suddenly talking about giving Trump a chance. These are racial minority people and Jews. I think of Omarosa Manigault, Conway, Pierson and that other (not McEany) blond talking about how we're going to bow down to him. That always struck me as WEIRD. Some of these people are Catholic and I dunno what kinda gd they are worshiping but it is not the H-ly Presence sooooo...smh. Honestly, if the Christian faith is going to be represented as a whole, it would probably be under what is/was the umbrella of the true faith, the one handed down. People are trying to undermine that but Jesus said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. So, the true Church will remain and some counterfeit attempt to take over? Things to think about.

I hope you do come back in and talk about what you perceive about the Trump name and if it means you will need to take a long time to come back and fully explain, then we can wait. These little tidbits...not so much, please. Another thing I always think on is this propensity to think the scripture relate to the U.S. and ignoring all the other countries of the planet save Israel. I think this is very short-sighted.
I see where you're going...ahem...but I think the one world religion isn't going to be based on worhip of the true G-d, which is what the "universal" (i.e. 'catholic') faith is. The Christian faith should not be divided but I don't think any of us know what G-d Himself will do with that in the end. We don't exactly know what they will look like. But as for something evil, please know, Catholics are not evil (individuals of any faith can be evil) and I doubt that our Pope is trying to make us worship some lowercase g-d in October, 2017. Truly..
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Blaz, please provide sound Biblical doctrine with scripture references.

Also, the comments regarding October 2017 and the Catholic faith are an over zealous opining, without Biblical grounding.

As for Sunday worship, it is not forbidden by God, nor is Saturday. God has released us from being bound.
Blaz, please provide sound Biblical doctrine with scripture references.

Also, the comments regarding October 2017 and the Catholic faith are an over zealous opining, without Biblical grounding.

As for Sunday worship, it is not forbidden by God, nor is Saturday. God has released us from being bound.
October 31 2017 marks the 500 years since Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis to the door in Wittenberg.
Martin Luther sparked the Reformation movement this began the separation from the Catholic Church. Though that was not his intentions. He wanted to debate the issues, but the Church did not see it that way. They viewed anyone who spoke against the Church as Heretics. Though he was very devout as was John Husk and the other "Heretics" So the Pope was given a I am going to call it a form for now. to sign from the protestant churches and Evangelicals Church agreeing that the reformation is over. We can unite and become one again.

Only we will keep our own doctrines but not discuss them with each other. in other words you cannot share your faith. you are not to bring more into your group that already belongs to another group.

My apologies for the delay, I work two hours from home, I spend four hours traveling everyday and so there is no time and I have a slew of people at my house over the weekend. I will give you as much scriptures as I can to follow up. Of course that was coming.
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Well, I do believe this one-world religion is almost here, but it is as simple as choosing whom to be faithful to - a false system of unified worship or the true living God. I believe God's people will be among them in the forming of this system but they'll need to be called out. Jentzen Franklin gives me pause. I'd like to hear what you have to say about Trump, because I know your writings come from a place of love and grace. He's a fake populist for sure, but it's populism that will help usher in The antichrist.
@Laela, oh my goodness, I didn't mean it in terms of something big, so sorry. So at the Last Trump Jesus will come and so initially it just means that Trump is the president that will set everything in motion. Many of you do not believe that the Church will go through the Tribulation we argue this issue many times, Hopefully, everyone can see, we will be here throughout and that its important to rely on faith to endure and get through it and with truth and understanding. Honestly there isn't much time.
Is this a thread about Protestantism versus Catholicism? I'm neither, so what do you feel I need to know? What does Trump or the current administration have to do with any of this?
Is this a thread about Protestantism versus Catholicism? I'm neither, so what do you feel I need to know? What does Trump or the current administration have to do with any of this?
It doesn't matter what you believe you are in one or the other group. A protestant doesn't belong to the Catholic Faith. Basically it is suppose to be a protest against the Church that particular church and its teachings. But Protestants forgot and now are uniting with the Catholic Faith to become a Universal Church. Unity is Great its Awesome if we have all of the same beliefs. Doctrine is not the issue, it was the issue before but now it is not, for some. But for those who stand on the word of God alone we have a problem with that issue, What the Churches are saying is they no longer have a problem and the issue where the Church split is now mute. October 31st 2017 commemorates the day Martin Luther nailed his Thesis to the door of the Church to protest the teachings.

This is the Thing we were in this county because of religious freedom. Folks were leaving their homeland because they were running from being persecuted. Church and State were together. it wasn't until 1798 that Church and State split. The capture of the Pope ended that. There was to be no more Popes. Atleast that was what was intended, Since the Church has lost its power. But we had people in place that helped the Church regain her power though no where near as what it was. Now in order to understand the significance of all that you need to have read Daniel and Revelations, In the Bible we learn about this particular Church, Which was united with the State or Government. She was the fourth Beast, the Last Ruling Kingdom in the bible she was the legs of the Great Statue that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed. That Statue would indicated who would be the ruling KINGDOMS till the end of time. that is why it is very important to know. then to follow history. So the First Kingdom was Babylon. the head of Gold, the second was Media Persia the Chest and Arms of silver then Greece, belly and hips of brass and Rome legs of Iron, the feet of Iron and Clay. Which means there would no longer be a Ruling Kingdom. The feet where we are today, actually we are at the toes. 220 years we have been at the feet now we are at the tip of the toes. As anyone knows this story we are preparing for the end of this world as we know it. We will all see it before out eyes, this is the Last Generation.

I will discuss more of the Last Kingdom the Iron Legs ROME
So for years the United States has been slowing allowing this to happen. As soon as the presidents started going to the Vatican we were going to be united. This is not something that we want to happen, but folks who do not do their research, who do not know their history think everything is fine. oh its the same thing. I Hear that in my own home. its terrible to be so accepting of something without knowing how this will effect you the individual in the end. Now all the presidents go to the Vatican but under Obama The pope visits the U.S. Capitol, where he will be the first pontiff to address a joint meeting of Congress.
Why would we need him to do that. No other Pope was invited to do this. Lets see who really invited him. Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner September 25 of 2015, John Boehner announced that he was resigning from Congress, effective at the end of October. While he didn’t give a reason for leaving, The Washington Post noted that he had been “faced with a constant conservative rebellion” in his own party. The resignation came one day after Pope Francis spoke before Congress; Boehner, a devout Catholic, was said to have had a longtime wish to see a pope address Congress.

Trump has a supporter call him and tell him he wanted to donate funds but was not able to because he was in the Church, so Trump said we can't have that we have to go back and amend the Law that President Johnson had put in place https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everson_v._Board_of_Education

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It doesn't matter what you believe you are in one or the other group. A protestant doesn't belong to the Catholic Faith. Basically it is suppose to be a protest against the Church that particular church and its teachings. But Protestants forgot and now are uniting with the Catholic Faith to become a Universal Church. Unity is Great its Awesome if we have all of the same beliefs. Doctrine is not the issue, it was the issue before but now it is not, for some. But for those who stand on the word of God alone we have a problem with that issue, What the Churches are saying is they no longer have a problem and the issue where the Church split is now mute. October 31st 2017 commemorates the day Martin Luther nailed his Thesis to the door of the Church to protest the teachings.

This is the Thing we were in this county because of religious freedom. Folks were leaving their homeland because they were running from being persecuted. Church and State were together. it wasn't until 1798 that Church and State split. The capture of the Pope ended that. There was to be no more Popes. Atleast that was what was intended, Since the Church has lost its power. But we had people in place that helped the Church regain her power though no where near as what it was. Now in order to understand the significance of all that you need to have read Daniel and Revelations, In the Bible we learn about this particular Church, Which was united with the State or Government. She was the fourth Beast, the Last Ruling Kingdom in the bible she was the legs of the Great Statue that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed. That Statue would indicated who would be the ruling KINGDOMS till the end of time. that is why it is very important to know. then to follow history. So the First Kingdom was Babylon. the head of Gold, the second was Media Persia the Chest and Arms of silver then Greece, belly and hips of brass and Rome legs of Iron, the feet of Iron and Clay. Which means there would no longer be a Ruling Kingdom. The feet where we are today, actually we are at the toes. 220 years we have been at the feet now we are at the tip of the toes. As anyone knows this story we are preparing for the end of this world as we know it. We will all see it before out eyes, this is the Last Generation.

I will discuss more of the Last Kingdom the Iron Legs ROME

Thanks, @blazingthru.

But, how do you know how long the current time (tip of the toes) will last? It could last another 100 . . . 200 . . . 1000 years, no?
So for years the United States has been slowing allowing this to happen. As soon as the presidents started going to the Vatican we were going to be united. This is not something that we want to happen, but folks who do not do their research, who do not know their history think everything is fine. oh its the same thing. I Hear that in my own home. its terrible to be so accepting of something without knowing how this will effect you the individual in the end. Now all the presidents go to the Vatican but under Obama The pope visits the U.S. Capitol, where he will be the first pontiff to address a joint meeting of Congress.
Why would we need him to do that. No other Pope was invited to do this. Lets see who really invited him. Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner September 25 of 2015, John Boehner announced that he was resigning from Congress, effective at the end of October. While he didn’t give a reason for leaving, The Washington Post noted that he had been “faced with a constant conservative rebellion” in his own party. The resignation came one day after Pope Francis spoke before Congress; Boehner, a devout Catholic, was said to have had a longtime wish to see a pope address Congress.

Trump has a supporter call him and tell him he wanted to donate funds but was not able to because he was in the Church, so Trump said we can't have that we have to go back and amend the Law that President Johnson had put in place https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everson_v._Board_of_Education

You know what Pope Francis told him? He basically said that there is a time to move on sometimes. Boehner was very emotional about his decision and has decided to leave months before. I believe he had another one-on-one with the Pontiff, which was a blessing and we can communicate with the Pontiff and ask for prayer etc.

The Vatican is NOT run by the United States and it is NOT making U.S. policy. The Church is divided because of heresies of those who left, because of in-fighting, basically, sinful man. Church matters are not U.S. matters. Nobody is going to force you to become orthodox at all. You talk of research but I feel there is a very large chasm between the truth of these matters and what you were told. I mean, if you think of someone as evil, you're going to believe any and all of anything to try and prove that and no one is going to change your opinion, simply. I don't care to try and change your opinion as I do not proselytize.

And no, the Protestant revolt wasn't against "Church Teachings" as far as orthodoxy was concerned, it was against man-made abuses. However, Martin Luther had his own problems (with heresies, drinking, anger, anti-semitism and a host of other things). You should truly read the actual history of it, including the 95 theses attached to the door. He was still a Marian, honoring the Virgin Mary and believed in the Divine Presence and Transubstantiation. I mean, there is a basic lack of comprehension. And yes, there was one Church that Jesus founded. We have messed that up...not Him. Shrugs

I will tell you that the Eastern and Western Churches (the orthodox, not ) will unite one day and we need to. We have the same faith. Anglicans are under some type of process to reunite and I believe there is a push for the Lutheran. But I feel you see this as forcing someone to drink poison of some sort...which is why I say you fundamentally do not comprehend this issue at all. Plus, no one but G-d knows the day and time of the End. Unity biblical and how could this not refer to the faith as passed down by Jesus and then the Apostles?


1 Corinthians 1:10New International Version (NIV)
A Church Divided Over Leaders
10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters,a]">[a] in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.

Question: Those fleeing persecution...to take it up and oppress Native American and Africans, murdering them by the millions? Doesn't that seem weird to you, as "Christians?" So, perhaps, it's not the "term" of the denomination but the worship of money, power and evil itself? Perhaps it's something much deeper than denomination? Who exactly were the "Christians" that came over here and made hell for my people? Yet, I look at history and see the obvious wrongs, long before this U.S. and STILL see orthodoxy for what it is. Well, even Pope Paul VI has told us that the smoke of Satan has entered the Church. That's all of them, btw.
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I fell for it again. I'm seeing something developing in the real world and it's not pretty. That's what I want to talk about. However, I see clearly that she thinks we are evil. I bet MY SOUL on orthodoxy. Clutch those pearls lol! Dust off my shoes anyway. BYE!

But let me say this, has anyone thought that the first "Church" was universal until the splits?
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The significance of the Sunday Laws. Well this is what it is all about who side or you fighting on. who side are you going to follow there are only two sides. God side and Satan's.
We say that we do not have to follow the bible on which day to Worship. God makes a huge deal out what day he desires us to worship and What day is Holy. The Sabbath Day is the Day of the Lord. It is his Day. it is the day of Rest it is the only day and in which he puts his sign and seal to. It is the only day in which he ask us to remember. The Church changed the day, it is in the Catechism they do not hide it, they had the day changed. they did not want it to be confused with the Jewish Culture any longer, but that is where Christianity Originated with the Jews if you are in Christ you are a Jew. you are grafted into the tree. Unless of course you were already Jewish when you became a Christian. more to add.
Kanozas, I do not respond to you directly because I feel that I always have to apologize to you for some offense and really it is not my nature to do so. At no point did I say you were Evil. The fact is this, you have your understandings of what the Church teaches you regarding Martin to make him a Heretic and he will always be that in your Church. Though its commemorated every year, hmm. But not to protestants, he made a change that allowed us to read the text for our selves and truthfully, if he was all the things you said he was, I wouldn't care. The end results were we are able to read with our own eyes what the word of God says.

Secondly, I have nothing against the Catholic Faith, The truth is laid out in the scriptures it is not something I made up and want to sit in Judgement its called a warning. But some will never heed this warning becasue they are so entrench in the teachings they cannot see any other way. I will have no part in what my own church is doing. They are joining the Union. Some. Not all. I study for myself. I have no one to blame for my decisions.

Your argument is really not with me. Truly it is not. I must say all. I must speak and not be silent. Its impossible to accept that the Church spoken of in the bible is the Catholic Church but it is. Everything the colors, the wealth, where it sits, the Name the meaning of the Name. The head of the Church is a man, who says he forgive sins. It is a political power. indeed who does not know the Pope, ask anyone. Anyone they can tell you who the Pope is, they can't name all the disciples or quote any scripture in the bible but they know who he is. He is well known and well loved and from my understanding he is a kind and gentle man. Nonetheless it is the Church that is spoken of in the bible. The united states is spoken of in the Bible as well, it is the Beast that will give the Church back her Power to control the world.

This is why it is an individual decision. Let your conscience by your guide.

So I see your last question. Why do you think she is called what she is called in the bible. The Great..... she is a large Church, she was part of the first church. she was unfaithful. This is the word. It is acknowledge that this Church was the true church but she was unfaithful and she...... well the bible call it what it is.
WINE is doctrine, teachings. So when you read drink the Wine in Revelations its talking about Doctrine and teachings.
It was told to me that that faith follows traditions more then the bible and that the Church has the last say not the bible. This is easy to look up. I chose not to quote or post it, but its extremely easy to look up these things. I would never agree to that. to me much is like common sense. If I was to purchase a house, I need to have all my ducks in order. They could careless what joe and rick said to do, you better have all that the Law requires if you want to purchase this house. or you lose out. Same as with God he said if you want to overcome follow me, he didn't say follow anyone else but follow him in the name of Jesus who is our savior, he speaks to the father on our behalf. But We have access to the throne directly. Now you believe that saints do this, yet we have no teachings of such a thing no where in the bible is there such a teaching. You believe that Peter is the foundation for the Church, we do not accept that teachings. we understand that Jesus is the foundation he is the rock, he is the cornerstone that the builders rejected. Theses are some of the things I reject. I am posting an article. As I did not include much scripture and I am running back and forth with this.
In the past few years we’ve seen a remarkable fulfillment of several apocalyptic prophecies. It has been exciting, thrilling, and faith-building to witness. But it also is sobering, for fulfilled prophecies indicate that the remaining last-day prophecies are soon to follow.

Unfortunately, some Christians do not want to face the coming reality of the prophecy of Revelation chapter 13. “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy, . . . and all the world wondered after the beast . . . . as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” (Revelation 13:1-3,15-17). This is a frightening prophecy indeed. It predicts that a coalition of religious and political powers will align under the leadership of the Antichrist beast to cast the world into a boiling caldron of affliction. There will be a great time of trouble unlike the earth has ever seen before (Daniel 12:1). Some students of Bible prophecy have even suggested this tribulation will be worse than we can imagine.

With the future so bleak, we can easily appreciate why some have chosen to remain ignorant about last-day events. Many of those who have sought to learn about it are so fearful of living during the beast’s reign of terror that they have become easy prey for false doctrine. The prevalent false teaching that promises a pre-tribulation rapture appears attractive against the backdrop of Armageddon and the mark of the beast. But ignorance and false doctrine will leave their victims destitute and lost as these fig-leaf garments dry and crumble under the withering blast of the final tribulation.

The desire to live in peace and security is understandable. Few of us, in our introspective moments, feel capable to stand for God and His truth when demons will overrun the earth. But despite these natural fears and aversions, we must not chase after promises of peace and safety that are not founded upon the sure Word of God. While we should focus on the love of God for sinners and the true security that comes from making Him Lord and Savior of our life, we should also give attention to the warnings of the Spirit concerning the last days.

The Scripture injunction we should heed most is that which warns us against worshiping the beast. Consider these sobering facts. All who worship the beast will forfeit the precious experience of eternal life with Jesus in a glorious new world (Revelation 13:8). They will be inflicted with the extremely painful and fearsome seven last plagues (Revelation 16:2). And finally, they will suffer utter destruction in the fires of hell (Revelation 14:9-11). Without question, we do not want to be found worshiping the beast in the days to come.

But what assures us we will not be in this group? Mind you, it is no small group. Revelation 13:3says that “all the world wondered after the beast.”

Although helpful, mere knowledge of the beast’s identity will not guarantee escape. Judas knew Jesus as the Messiah, yet he betrayed Him. Similarly, many of those who understand last-day prophecies will ultimately find themselves on the side of the beast. Knowledge definitely isn’t enough. So how can we be on the winning side when all the dust settles? Who will worship the beast? And what can we do now to keep from being part of that group.

The Final Conflict

First, we must understand that the final conflict will be over worship. All inhabitants of earth will be divided into one of two camps before the end—those who worship the beast and those who worship the Creator. Creature worship versus Creator worship will be the issue to divide the world. Everyone will have to make a choice regarding whom they will worship. How will the whole earth be brought to make this choice between the creature and the Creator? The Bible predicts a time when the beast will gain immense political influence. From this position of authority, he will force people to worship him. Those who refuse will be economically boycotted and eventually sentenced to death. “And he had power to . . . cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all . . . to receive a mark . . . that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:15-17).

As the beast seeks to enforce worship through force, God mercifully warns people against the beast and urges them to worship Him as Creator. “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. . . . And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God” (Revelation 14:6-10).