Wait! People really dye their hair with kool-aid??

LOL what's old is new again. People have been using kool-aid as hair dye from waaaay back. I remember it in the 80s as the thing.
YES! When I was looking at YT videos about coloring natural hair, I came across that video. I don't think it makes any difference color wise. I mean it's just Kool-aid. It would rinse out as soon as shampoo hits it.
My sister colored her hair with kool-aid back in the day. The color is more noticable in the light or sun. I thought it was more vibrant color than a semi-perm color. Also, it may take better to relaxed hair versus natural.
Yep Jeff <3 Hardy from the WWF (WWE) used to die his with it, every week it had different streaks in it.
I'm really considering doing this, since I scared of coloring my hair. I wonder what color I would need to use to get honey brown highlights...
You kidding me? Cherry Kool-aid was my hair dye back in the day LOL If I wanted purple highlights I went with the Blueberry flavor. That's what happens when you're a teen and broke.
I'm really considering doing this, since I scared of coloring my hair. I wonder what color I would need to use to get honey brown highlights...

I doubt if you'll be able to make honey brown with kool-aid. It's not a dye, it acts like a rinse. If I remember correctly, it's only going to give you red, purple, green, etc (depending on the flavor pack). Everyone was doing this when I was in high school.
Shoot, people were doing it when my sis was in high school. She graduated in 88.

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I'm really considering doing this, since I scared of coloring my hair. I wonder what color I would need to use to get honey brown highlights...

Me too! I am so doing this, but during the winter, though.

By the way, does heat make it sticky? And what about the bugs?
Im 34 and I remember my cousins doing this to their hair back in the 80s. I never tried it because my mom only did my hair. Very throwback way to color if you ask me:)
Oh wow this brought back memories! :lol: Yep I did this in high school. NEVER use kool-aid (that was for drinking :lachen: ) for hair we used the knock off... the bottle with the clown on it. :lol:
My friends and I did this in elementary school (well, summer after 5th grade). My behind still stings. From that whoooooole summer. Smdh

And yes, it bled a teeny bit but we were really active/sweating. It will also certainly dye your hands for a while if you don't wear gloves while applying it.

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