Wait? Doesn't My Guy Friend Have Feelings For Me Or Not?

I believe when a man has feelings for a woman he lets it be known by his actions. I.e. Asking you out on a date

Looking at your breast could mean he wants to have a physical relationship with you but not a real relationship.

Well we don't live in the same state so him starting something (at least right now) would make no sense. And since we are friends maybe he's not sure if I feel the same way so he could be throwing hints but afraid of rejection?? Any of those possible?
Honestly, none of those "clues" says he has feelings for you to me. Also; if you have to look for "clues" might as well just gone on to the next one...

I don't want you to put too much energy or time into him and end up his disappointed or hurt after he smashes and dashes possibly.

I would never have sex with him unless we were a legit couple
Well we don't live in the same state so him starting something (at least right now) would make no sense. And since we are friends maybe he's not sure if I feel the same way so he could be throwing hints but afraid of rejection?? Any of those possible?
Have you seen him be shy and afraid of rejection with other girls? How did he end up with the other 2 from the friend group?
Have you seen him be shy and afraid of rejection with other girls? How did he end up with the other 2 from the friend group?

yes! That's why I had to help him with the 2nd friend he dated. The first one was just physical, it wasn't serious at all. The other one he deeply cared for and he analyzed everything she did or didn't do and I had to talk him down off the ledge lol. I also had to encourage him to ask her out and date her. BUT me and him were the closest, he never had the friendship with those two girls like he did with me.
Some of my thoughts:
-Do you really want to be girl number three in the friend group that he has dated?
-Men are pigs (strangers will stare at your breasts).
-If you don't know if he is interested, then usually, to me, that means that he isn't. Plus, do you want to get in a relationship with someone who can't be direct? Someone you have to guess where they are at (in their mind)?
-I wouldn't take anymore time thinking about him. If he makes a move, then he makes a move. If he doesn't, you haven't wasted your time or energy on him. Clear your mind to let someone else come in.
Some of my thoughts:
-Do you really want to be girl number three in the friend group that he has dated?
-Men are pigs (strangers will stare at your breasts).
-If you don't know if he is interested, then usually, to me, that means that he isn't. Plus, do you want to get in a relationship with someone who can't be direct? Someone you have to guess where they are at (in their mind)?
-I wouldn't take anymore time thinking about him. If he makes a move, then he makes a move. If he doesn't, you haven't wasted your time or energy on him. Clear your mind to let someone else come in.
Ditto to like allllll of this... especially being #3
If he wanted you (seriously), you'd know it... I think it's pretty obvious that you've developed some romantic feelings towards him, though. And your "I get it, we're just friends!" rant is going to get you taken from being his friend who is a girl, to the friend zoned girl. Please stop doing that. The mind games will start (I think they already have).
If he wanted you (seriously), you'd know it... I think it's pretty obvious that you've developed some romantic feelings towards him, though. And your "I get it, we're just friends!" rant is going to get you taken from being his friend who is a girl, to the friend zoned girl. Please stop doing that. The mind games will start (I think they already have).

what mind games? Eh my romantic feelings haven't grown and I doubt they will. Especially once I find a guy I honestly like, I'll be over my crush. I'm not a relationship girl, i've only been in one serious one and I was engaged. I don't just jump in and out of them, i'm not afraid to be alone. I was mainly curious, but now I know. If he is playing games he's playing all by himself but he's not that type. He's the super sensitive guy that let woman run all over him and they use or abuse him.
what mind games? Eh my romantic feelings haven't grown and I doubt they will. Especially once I find a guy I honestly like, I'll be over my crush. I'm not a relationship girl, i've only been in one serious one and I was engaged. I don't just jump in and out of them, i'm not afraid to be alone. I was mainly curious, but now I know. If he is playing games he's playing all by himself but he's not that type. He's the super sensitive guy that let woman run all over him and they use or abuse him.

what mind games? Eh my romantic feelings haven't grown and I doubt they will. Especially once I find a guy I honestly like, I'll be over my crush. I'm not a relationship girl, i've only been in one serious one and I was engaged. I don't just jump in and out of them, i'm not afraid to be alone. I was mainly curious, but now I know. If he is playing games he's playing all by himself but he's not that type. He's the super sensitive guy that let woman run all over him and they use or abuse him.

I could have written this word for word last year and I STILL got played by a male "friend". Only one serious relationship? Check. Engaged? Check. Not a relationship girl? Check. Okay with being alone? Check. In my case, I had 0 feelings for this guy but gave in because he came off as the sensitive, shy type who has been abused by women. I figured I would give him a chance because he deserved a nice woman for once. Once I got to know him intimately, I realized that he was manipulative and his good guy image was a facade. Please don't fall for it. These super sensitive guys are master manipulators and as soon as you sleep with him, he'll turn cold on you. Keep doing what you're doing and just leave this one alone. He'll be alright.
I could have written this word for word last year and I STILL got played by a male "friend". Only one serious relationship? Check. Engaged? Check. Not a relationship girl? Check. Okay with being alone? Check. In my case, I had 0 feelings for this guy but gave in because he came off as the sensitive, shy type who has been abused by women. I figured I would give him a chance because he deserved a nice woman for once. Once I got to know him intimately, I realized that he was manipulative and his good guy image was a facade. Please don't fall for it. These super sensitive guys are master manipulators and as soon as you sleep with him, he'll turn cold on you. Keep doing what you're doing and just leave this one alone. He'll be alright.


I'd rather date a guy that I know dates around a lot because AT LEAST he is honest.
Some of my thoughts:
-Do you really want to be girl number three in the friend group that he has dated?
-Men are pigs (strangers will stare at your breasts).
-If you don't know if he is interested, then usually, to me, that means that he isn't. Plus, do you want to get in a relationship with someone who can't be direct? Someone you have to guess where they are at (in their mind)?
-I wouldn't take anymore time thinking about him. If he makes a move, then he makes a move. If he doesn't, you haven't wasted your time or energy on him. Clear your mind to let someone else come in.
This is a reason why I legit rejected a guy that truly liked me. He chose wrong. Point blank. A lesson learned for him. I'm not #3

We still have the same circle 25 years later. No way I could look a few people in the eye knowing that THEY knew he dated 2 others we all knew.

And the other two parlayed out of the group.
I have a guy "friend" (I use that term loosely 'cause I really don't like him, he's shady as IDKW) who tries to sleep around with all the people in our social group. He's never told me directly that he likes me, but he's told other people.

I don't think he "likes" me per se. He just wouldn't mind smashing. NOPE. NOT ME.
Didn't see the OP but in general, if you have to ask the answer is either NO or NOT ENOUGH. Either answer should prompt you to not spend too much time thinking about it. I think women (myself included) get into these fantasy relationships in our minds with guys. Men know how to show up when they want to...if a guy is serious about something--anything--he'll eventually figure out a way to make it happen.