waist length


New Member
is there anyone her with waist lenght hair here?
or really just any length thats has had a signifigant progress in growth
share your tips with me please!__
I have a couple of tips also_
She is an inspiration to us all. Healthy, relaxed, waist length hair. It can be done and she's living proof. A beautiful person inside and out. :yep:
OnceUponAtime said:
LHCF's LaLa has a blog with pictures. It looks like she's nearing or at tailbone length.

Right she is PASSED waistlength.

We have a lot of WSL ladies here too. SouthernGirl, Sylver2, Camellia, DahomeyAmosy (SP?), among others.
I don't think she is a member here but on BHM her screen name is loveya4ever. Priestess is right she really is a beautiful person inside and out. Thanks for the heads up on LaLa I need to go check her out and all the other ladies who have waistlength hair.
There are several members, including myself, who have waist length or beyond hair. There's a great thread, in which, many of us have posted. The title is: "!!Hip, Tailbone, Classic,and longer Club/Challenge!!" and it was started by Vintagecoilylocks. Why don't you all join us! :)

Here's the link ----> www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=61669 .


I bumped it!
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wow, looking at her fotki once again, shes made me re-condsider co-washing again! i think the point she made about RELAXED hair breaking at the ends after a while is very true. so now i think i'm gonna shampoo one week, co wash the next, and shampoo the next and so on, rather than co-ing every 2 days!

i wounder if spraying distilled water on the ends every day is a bad thing though? followed by a moisturizer? i doubt it cos water isits first ingredient anyway...i guess gathering my hair into a pony tail (very loose) and THEN spraying the pony with water will workout...dabbing moisturizer on, and then clipping under...

sorry, just thinking out aloud! her hair is MARVELLLLOUS!
Candy_C said:
wow, looking at her fotki once again, shes made me re-condsider co-washing again! i think the point she made about RELAXED hair breaking at the ends after a while is very true. so now i think i'm gonna shampoo one week, co wash the next, and shampoo the next and so on, rather than co-ing every 2 days!

i wounder if spraying distilled water on the ends every day is a bad thing though? followed by a moisturizer? i doubt it cos water isits first ingredient anyway...i guess gathering my hair into a pony tail (very loose) and THEN spraying the pony with water will workout...dabbing moisturizer on, and then clipping under...

sorry, just thinking out aloud! her hair is MARVELLLLOUS!

I do this to my ends. But my spray bottle has a very light mist. So it is like I am extremely lightly misting my hair with water on the ends. I do this everynight before I add my moisturizer+oil and baggie, because it helps my hair absorb the moisture better.

I highly recommend it!
CurlyDyme said:
is there anyone her with waist lenght hair here?
or really just any length thats has had a signifigant progress in growth
share your tips with me please!__
I have a couple of tips also_

What are they?
MizaniMami said:
I do this to my ends. But my spray bottle has a very light mist. So it is like I am extremely lightly misting my hair with water on the ends. I do this everynight before I add my moisturizer+oil and baggie, because it helps my hair absorb the moisture better.

I highly recommend it!

hey mizanimami...its been working well for me also! especially when its all dried in, (for me the night time) i can loose my hair and my ends look great. i think i've been heavy on the misting, i think i'm gonna be light handed and maybe the results will be even better! :)