Waist Length 2013

As posted elsewhere, here's my update:

So yeah...guess who got their first weave? :grin: Finally! I snuck in the bathroom at work to take a pic. It was curled but after flying around at work..well, you know... Either way, I'm liking not having to think about my hair. This thing is tight as heck...hoping this dissipates in the next few days. I'm shooting for a full 8 weeks so if you see me posting about taking this weave out, please SPANK ME!!!! :yep:

My First Weave (MilkyWay Yaky 100% Human Hair Color #1)

Your weave is really cute.

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I just joind LHCF this week after I talked to a friend that's on here about growing my hair. Three days, and I'm hooked. I BC'd last year on my b-day, March 5, for the 5 and final "I'm going natural" time. I know I'm late and I'm probably only NL now, but I would love to join the WL challenge, if I still can. Even if I can't I'll just check in to get ideas, and a good reggie.
:welcome: newcomers to the challenge! I also decided to join the 2011 Bootcamp Challenge as well to help me stay more focused on taking care of my hair and to grow it out :yep:
Anybody juicing their hair this summer? im thinkin about trying that again since im all natural now. My relaxed hair HATED juice:nono:
Anybody juicing their hair this summer? im thinkin about trying that again since im all natural now. My relaxed hair HATED juice:nono:

SmilingElephant I always juice my hair given that im living in a summer prone area :). Im relaxed adn juicing is a must for my hair. She asks for it if i forget. I use curl free activator and seal with grape seed oil or coconut oil. But of late i discovered grape seed oil works best for my hair.
how si your hair journey so far? HHJ
Since wearing my hair out in a wng I've experienced a lot of breakage. I should know better but I kept doing that style. So last week I straightened my hair because I had the flu and needed to have dry hair until I got better. Today I felt inspired to "trim" it. I'm glad it's straight so I could see how the gel was eating up my ends. All the progress I had is gone but that's ok because I have until 2013 to reach the prize.
Before pic. It's not really clear but you can see the thin ends and what has to go.

After pic. It's all pretty even though it doesn't look like it.

This how much I "trimmed". I'm going to start babying my ends now.

My baby bun will be my PS for a while.

I'm also wearing my hair straight because I'm tired of the SSKs. (Sorry if the pics aren't clear and too big. I'm my own photographer and I'm using my phone)

ETA: I'm going to use the after pic as my starting pic. I'm not a regular pic taker.

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That bun is sooo :lick::lick: juicy and that silk WOW!!! HHJ
Rossy2010 ..my HHJ is still going good :yep: thanx for asking :)....hopefully i'll have some pics up for ya'll next week...Reina is fierce! khadicurlz....it looks more like u did a dusting to me instead of a trim....nice growth tho:yep: Im scared to put heat on my hair right now...i think i'll hold out til i reach my WL goal:yep:...well flat ironing it anyway.
Anybody juicing their hair this summer? im thinkin about trying that again since im all natural now. My relaxed hair HATED juice:nono:

I should juice this summer but I don't know if I could keep to it.

That bun is sooo :lick::lick: juicy and that silk WOW!!! HHJ

Thank you. I can't wait for it to get big. It's still a baby bun.

Rossy2010 ..my HHJ is still going good :yep: thanx for asking :)....hopefully i'll have some pics up for ya'll next week...Reina is fierce! khadicurlz....it looks more like u did a dusting to me instead of a trim....nice growth tho:yep: Im scared to put heat on my hair right now...i think i'll hold out til i reach my WL goal:yep:...well flat ironing it anyway.

I've never been afraid of heat, I love my natural texture :grin:. I haven't used heat since the beginning of November 2010. Your hair grows so fast I can't wait to see the next pics.:yep:
Hey everybody :wave:

Here's some new pics....


Sorry this is lopsided:rolleyes:...im using the library computer ya'll...but my nape reaches my collarbone!!!:woot:


My sister styled my hair for me....excruse my face:look:

I did update my blog as well:)
SmilingElephant you make me jealous, I want to rock some twists too!

I measured my hair I'm at 5-5 1/2 inches now at least on the left side. I'm 10 months post-relaxer and 4 months post-BC! Woot! Woot!

Oh, I'm trying out apricot kernel oil. I already like it. It feels a little thick in your hands but goes on the hair very light and it smells soooo good.
Ravengirl....Lol:grin:...why can't u rock twists? They're so EASY to do...you just gotta have a lil patience to do LOTS of them! But thats really all ive been wearing is twists. ¶ :welcome: to all the challenge newcomers!...Waist Length 2013 leeegggoo!:clap:¶ Apricot kernel oil huh??...hmmmm:D
I'm in!!!!!! I'm SL now. Let me see if u can find a strait hair pic to post for my starting length.

This is semi straight hair from around Jan 7. It wasn't. A length check so I don't have pics of the back.

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MMM....I don't even think my natural hair is collarbone yet but whatever. Hopefully all these two-a-day workouts I'm doing/have planned will get me to my goal of wl by the end of 2012. Summer 2013 is pushing it!!!! lol
Hey ladies! Checking in...still hoping for APL by May/June...so close I can taste it!


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^^I will once I get over these sinus issues. Nothing like being on an elliptical with a runny nose. Not hot.
MMM....I don't even think my natural hair is collarbone yet but whatever. Hopefully all these two-a-day workouts I'm doing/have planned will get me to my goal of wl by the end of 2012. Summer 2013 is pushing it!!!! lol
LaFemmeNaturelle...have u actually stretched ur natural hair to see where it is?? EllePixie....ok...im using my phone and from looks of ur pics....u look like u could claim APL in a month honestly....but pics come out small on my phone :(......keep it up ladies:D
LaFemmeNaturelle...have u actually stretched ur natural hair to see where it is?? EllePixie....ok...im using my phone and from looks of ur pics....u look like u could claim APL in a month honestly....but pics come out small on my phone :(......keep it up ladies:D

I hope so. I don't want to claim it until my hair stretches (because I don't think I'm going to straighten it) comfortably to that part of my back, so I'm giving myself some breathing room.
I'm down. Do you know I've been here all this time and haven't really done a forreal challenge all the way througH??? :lol: shame on me.

I just texlaxed my hair; it's probably only 30-50% relaxed or so. I'm thinking I'll be able to stretch the relaxer to about every 4-6mths. I'm a daily washer who rollersets and airdries overnight. Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll be able to just airdry and wear my hair in a ball...after that it's on! :yay: