Waging War


Well-Known Member
I've noticed in some threads it seems as some of us are being attacked. I want all you ladies to know that as a true Christian we will be persecuted. They will bring up our faults of the past and anything that they can think of to attack us they will do.

Matthew 5:9-11 (New International Version)

9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Here's a video by CeCe Winans to give us strength. Waging War

Waging War lyrics
Anoint my head anoint my feet
Send your angels raining down
Here on the battle ground
For your glory
We're taking territory
Fighting unseen enemies
Like never before
We're Waging War

I’m tired of principalities
Messing with me
(Waging war)
I’m tired of the devil
Stealing from me
(Waging war)
I promise he won’t get
One more thing
(Waging war)
I’m taking it back
Taking territory
(Waging war)
I’m ready for the battle
I’m ready to win
(Waging war)
My weapon of power
He lives within
(Waging war)
I can't be defeated
The enemy has got to flee
(Waging war)
I’m taking it back
Taking territory

Going into battle
Going into battle
Going into battle

Be my sword
Be my shield
As we claim the victory
Over the enemy
In your name
Your rule and reign
Never being defeated
We're waging war

(Go back to bridge)

(Bridge 2)
Fire by night
Cloud by day
A strong tower
Send the latter rain
Lion of Judah
Lord, God,
Mighty In battle
Since you did
It back then
We know you’ll do
It again
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Who is attacking you?

Not me per say. But I know it seems as if some of the ladies have been attacked. Not even just on the forum. You may feel like someone is attacking you out in the world due to your beliefs. Could be family, co-workers, etc. So I heard this song and thought I would share with the ladies.

I know it feels as though I've been attacked in my life since getting saved. People don't like change and as soon as I say "No, I can't do that because I'm saved and that's not right." They feel they should attack and tempt me. But I'm waging war and not letting the enemy win.
As Christian we can expect to be attacked by the outside world but its terrible when its other christians attacking christians. I was told I was attacking and I had to reexamine my words and actions and I know in my heart and mind I wasn't going after anyone but I don't know if my words came across that way and since I do not wish to offend or cause anyone to struggle. I step aside. I don't step aside on the word of God, not now or ever. but I limit my comments on this forum.
Okay cause I am Jewish and I get attacked all the time for my beliefs. I get told that I am going to hell because of my beliefs my people have been massacred and expelled for our beliefs. We are blamed for all the worlds problems because of our beliefs.

This is to say if this is what you believe. Don't let ANYONE I mean ANYONE try to sway you or make you feel bad because of what you believe and yes some of your own co-religionist are going to attack you too. I grew up in a VERY VERY Orthodox Jewish Home and sometimes I was attacked by my More secular co-relgionist as being TOO religious.

So on your journey people are going to be that way. And everyone has their own path to what they believe it their truth. The only thing you can do is live by example and live your life to the fullest Not everyone is going to have the same beliefs even if they go to the same chruch or Mosque or Synagouge. It is all subjective

Dont' worry about it. Just keep the faith
Yes ladies. I also know that there are tons of religions. In Christianity there are donominations. I consider myself a Christian/non-denominational. We will always feel like our religion is the best. As a Christian I may feel that way and I'll respectfully disagree with you. I won't change my beliefs about God and who I feel is God because of what you believe in.

I know at times we see that people that are Christian have a perversion on what we believe is truth and when they say some things about the Bible, God, and seem to interpret the Bible in their own way we speak our minds. That's when stones are thrown in retaliation. My beliefs are to stand up for the Word of God. I'll take every stone thrown and give it up to God. If you feel like I'm attacking you by saying something in the Bible, give it up to God.

Just know until the end of time, there will always be lukewarm Christians who straddle the line. They want to throw scriptures in the mix but will go out and participate in un-Christian like behavior and say that God is loving and I can repent. We are to stand our ground and not cower because they feel like we are "Holier Than Thou". Jesus said we would be persecuted. We are here to enlarge God's territory.

We are in a spiritual war where we will see many lukewarm Christians who are attempting to lower God's standards to inclusionism. Inclusionism of sins that "are okay, because God loves everyone." No I think not! Repentance is only for so long. I look at like this: If you tell someone fire is hot and not to touch it they will one day touch it and now know that it is indeed hot. You can help them with the burn, soothe it, and send them back out not to make the same mistake. Now if they continue to do it, there is only so much soothing you can do. Eventually that hand will lose feeling and there is no coming back from that (this is the point in life when you die and there are no chances for repentace, you've repented before and continued to sin and always said "Well, I can do it again, as long as I repent"). So stop while you are ahead, because tomorrow isn't promised to any one of us.
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I've noticed in some threads it seems as some of us are being attacked. I want all you ladies to know that as a true Christian we will be persecuted. They will bring up our faults of the past and anything that they can think of to attack us they will do.

Matthew 5:9-11 (New International Version)

9Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called sons of God.
10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.

Here's a video by CeCe Winans to give us strength. Waging War

Waging War lyrics
Anoint my head anoint my feet
Send your angels raining down
Here on the battle ground
For your glory
We're taking territory
Fighting unseen enemies
Like never before
We're Waging War

I’m tired of principalities
Messing with me
(Waging war)
I’m tired of the devil
Stealing from me
(Waging war)
I promise he won’t get
One more thing
(Waging war)
I’m taking it back
Taking territory
(Waging war)
I’m ready for the battle
I’m ready to win
(Waging war)
My weapon of power
He lives within
(Waging war)
I can't be defeated
The enemy has got to flee
(Waging war)
I’m taking it back
Taking territory

Going into battle
Going into battle
Going into battle

Be my sword
Be my shield
As we claim the victory
Over the enemy
In your name
Your rule and reign
Never being defeated
We're waging war

(Go back to bridge)

(Bridge 2)
Fire by night
Cloud by day
A strong tower
Send the latter rain
Lion of Judah
Lord, God,
Mighty In battle
Since you did
It back then
We know you’ll do
It again


After reading the homosexual son's wedding thread :nono: I think you are right.

I just pray that the holy spirit can fill me up like it does wonderful women like Shimmie so that I may too be able him defend his word, will and purpose against those who try to destroy the gift and knowledge he has blessed us with.
Yes, that was one the reasons I started the thread. People being called the devil and saying we weren't there in Biblical times so the Bible may be incorrect. :ohwell: Well you know what, I wasn't there for Martin Luther King, Hitler, Darfur, George Washington, slavery, etc. but we have history books that tell us about them. We can believe what is in a textbook but not the Bible. No ma'am.:nono: I believe the Bible. People always talk about the verity of the Bible, but a lot of worldly laws are based on Biblical commandments: stealing, killing, adultery, honor your mother and father, etc. How can you be willing to take that part and abide by it daily but forget the rest. I think not!


After reading the homosexual son's wedding thread :nono: I think you are right.

I just pray that the holy spirit can fill me up like it does wonderful women like Shimmie so that I may too be able him defend his word, will and purpose against those who try to destroy the gift and knowledge he has blessed us with.
Two things:

1. While I can understand and even appreciate, on some level, the "waging war" sentiment, I encourage us to be WORSHIPPING WARRIORS, meaning that instead of directing the majority of our spiritual energies fighting the devil, those energies can be better directed to worship unto the Lord, who then dispatches ministering angels to fight into the spiritual realms. Yes, there is a time to engage in spiritual warfare, but it should not be all that we do.... and guess what? Because the Lord is a gentleman, He will not force Himself when we're spitting in the spiritual warfare. He's stand on the sidelines until He's FINALLY called in to fight the battle that wasn't even ours.

2. We need to PICK OUR BATTLES. Every battle isn't ours, .e.g, being called "the devil" isn't a battle to fight, in my humble opinion. That's why I don't even give energy or focus into those things....

When it is a battle to fight, we do what the Lord Jesus Christ did and fight with the WORD OF GOD: It is written... It is written.... It is written.... Resist that accuser and watch it FLEE!

Humbly submitted....
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After reading the homosexual son's wedding thread :nono: I think you are right.

I just pray that the holy spirit can fill me up like it does wonderful women like Shimmie so that I may too be able him defend his word, will and purpose against those who try to destroy the gift and knowledge he has blessed us with.

And may I be as 'humble' and precious as you... :kiss: :kiss:

Darlin' sister, Shimmie is not so wonderful, but I've simply come too far to give up on the wonderful love of God and the grace and mercy that He's given to me. There's no going back. In this life, we get what we 'stand' for. And the Word of God is the only place that will not sink under any one's weight or pressure. Neither will it disappoint us.

If we don't 'stand' strong in God's word, than our faith and our prayers will be weak and ineffective; so will our lives. How than can we pray for those who need it most and see what we pray for come to past? satan knows this and hence his persecution to try and discourage and stop us, make us to give up; not believe in the life and truth of God's word.

God calls us to be not weary in well doing, for we will reap (prosper), if we do not faint (give up).

God bless you, Angel... :giveheart:
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Yes, that was one the reasons I started the thread. People being called the devil and saying we weren't there in Biblical times so the Bible may be incorrect. :ohwell:

Well you know what, I wasn't there for Martin Luther King, Hitler, Darfur, George Washington, slavery, etc. but we have history books that tell us about them. We can believe what is in a textbook but not the Bible. No ma'am.:nono:

I believe the Bible. People always talk about the verity of the Bible, but a lot of worldly laws are based on Biblical commandments: stealing, killing, adultery, honor your mother and father, etc. How can you be willing to take that part and abide by it daily but forget the rest. I think not!

:amen: As Paul said... "I Believe God..."

The devil lies; so when he tries to dispute God's word, I know that what satan is disputing is a lie and God is totally Truth.

I'm not calling 'people' the devil or satan. satan has simply convinced them one way or another that God's word is not so. Most folks who down play the Bible simply haven't 'experienced' who God is through His word. It's just a fact. Without a relationship with the Lord, how can one 'believe' Him and His word? They both go hand in hand.

I wish the best of Jesus to everyone. He is surely the best that I've ever been given in this life. Praise Him and His name and His word forever and ever. Amen. :Rose:

To me, the persecution is like seeds in a cantaloupe. I don't let them stop me from enjoying the fruit. I just scrape them out and enjoy each slice of rich healthy melon...:yep: I love the fruit of the Spirit of God and I refuse to let anything stop me from praising the Lord of my heart and life.

I'm not upset with anyone who disagrees, that's life and I wish the best of life even to those who disagree with me. :love2:
I probably couldnt stand to read the thread that sparked this one


but thank you thank you thank you for the song/vid!!!!!
