Viviscal & Phyto Supplements


The Bun Master
Hi All,
I love this forum. You all have such wonderful information to share and I have been working towards my goals with moderate success. Seeing and reading your stories has refueled my determination to get the hair and the lenght I want.

I have used Viviscal in the past and was happy with the results. I think my hair grew at the rate the product promised, but I was breaking my hair on the right side with what I thought was a protective style. Unfortunately, I found a beautician that prompt reduced my gains and didn't do much to help me attain my goals. Before making the investment again, I was wondering if you'd share any experiences you've had w/the product.

I recently purchased the Phyto line's supplement, which doesn't promise gains, but hair health so any experience with this product would be helpful too. Thanks!! <font color="purple"> </font>
I took Visvical for several months and had good results I Plan to start taking these vitamins again.
This is the only thing that changed the texture of my hair.
It's interesting that you're asking about Phyto and Viviscal. Those are the two products I am interested in taking. I've actually taken 2 boxes of Viviscal and I did notice some growth; however, I think that I need to be more consistent to know if the product truly works. A friend told me that she gained most of her growth using Viviscal. She has been taking it for, at least, 2 years now. I'm noticing that most people recommend vitamins that have fish oil in them.
YES,Consistency is the key and I recommend taking a really good multivitamin along with viviscal.
I'm taking Viviscal and have been for the last 5 months. My decide whether or not to continue will be based on the growth I see next week when I get my retouch(4 months post). If I'm still averaging 0.5"/month, I'm trying something a little cheaper (Lessman @HSN or Phyto).
Thanks for the feedback! I didn't notice a texture change, but I did have gains. Considering the cost, I wanted to see if Phyto might be a more cost efficient method. But I want more aggressive gains, so I'll pay!
Initially I purchased 4 boxes, b/c it was cheaper than buying 3 (I gave one away) and the recommended usage period is 3 months, before you can reduce dosage to 1 pill per day. Over the course of 3 months, I grew about 4 inches in the crown (b/c it grows like crazy anyway) and 3 inches in the back. My sides and front are my challenging areas so they only gained 2- 2.5 inches.

I wish I had have continued to take it because I would have reached my goal by now, instead of trusting another scissor happy saboteur w/an apron and beauty license.

I think if you stick with it you will be happy. Sorry, I can't offer much on the Phyto supplements yet, b/c I just purchased my bottle over the weekend. I can say they are more pleasant in taste than the Viviscal! And I've researched the Phyto line for awhile now and I love that all of the products are from botanical origin.
Just curious, but do you have any suggestion? How long did you take the product? What sort of gains have you seen?