Viviscal Anyone?


Well-Known Member
HI Ladies,

I took Viviscal last year for about five months with great results. I feel like my hair got much thicker, not sure how much of lenght should be attributed to time or the pills. I took a break for a few months and restarted last month. I'm now on the second pack, planning to take it for another four or five months. This time I have a weave so I'm expecting better results. I don't think wearing twist outs is best for my hair type to retain growth. Anywho, I'm hoping to hear some success stories or have some company on the journey.

HI Ladies,

I took Viviscal last year for about five months with great results. I feel like my hair got much thicker, not sure how much of lenght should be attributed to time or the pills. I took a break for a few months and restarted last month. I'm now on the second pack, planning to take it for another four or five months. This time I have a weave so I'm expecting better results. I don't think wearing twist outs is best for my hair type to retain growth. Anywho, I'm hoping to hear some success stories or have some company on the journey.

I've been taking Viviscal for about a year and a half (off and on). Did six months straight and noticed thicker hair at the root. Then took it a little sporadically for a few months before taking if full time again to finish out the year. For the past 3 months or so I've been taking one a day for maintenance, but now I decided to go back to two.

I did a trim about 2 weeks ago that left my hair barely grazing apl which is the longest I've been since 1st grade (back when sepia was the norm)!

When you consider female patterned baldness/thinning hair is a reality in my family, I would say Viviscal is making it less traumatic. In it's natural state, my looks very full. Straightened not so much, but I'm still not scalpy. I only straighten once in a blue moon. Mostly I wear wng's or buns.

I don't currently take it but have been doing some research to see if it's something I want to start when I finish a year on BB vitamins. Did either of you experience shedding when you took a break from taking it?
I have taking it in the past. I think they changed the ingredients to include biotin and when they did that it went all downhill for me. I can't take anything with biotin in it no matter how much I increase my water without breaking out.

Before I got really nice results from it. I would take 1 a day and I took it as well for a couple of months and then would stop. I still have some on my nightstand. I may try to order the men's formula(I don't think they may have put biotin in it but I will have to double check)
I have taking it in the past. I think they changed the ingredients to include biotin and when they did that it went all downhill for me. I can't take anything with biotin in it no matter how much I increase my water without breaking out.

Before I got really nice results from it. I would take 1 a day and I took it as well for a couple of months and then would stop. I still have some on my nightstand. I may try to order the men's formula(I don't think they may have put biotin in it but I will have to double check)

I stick with Viviscal because of the low Biotin content. I really am afraid of the breakouts from Biotin. I ruined my face in the past with that stuff. Im all clear now. I don't break out from Viviscal.
I don't currently take it but have been doing some research to see if it's something I want to start when I finish a year on BB vitamins. Did either of you experience shedding when you took a break from taking it?
Nope. Viviscal helped reduce shedding and it stayed that way even on break.