

New Member
HI everyone!!! I want to try to take vitamins, but my mom says that she's not sure if I should...I mean Im pretty healthy....What should I do I want my hair to grow?!!!
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Kreeme, she's 14 according to her profile...

Shree, listen to your mom... she has your best interest at heart. BUT, if you like, maybe u could talk to your mom about taking "Flintstones Complete". My 19 mth old daughter takes them occassionally to supplement her diet. I take them myself (the chewables) because I'm a chicken &amp; can't swallow large pills.

Here's the Supplement Facts:

2 &amp; 3 yrs of age - chew 1/2 tablet daily
Adults &amp; children over 4 - chew 1 tablet daily

Vitamin A 5000 IU.............100%
Vitamin C 60 mg...............100%
Vitamin D 400 IU...............100%
Vitamin E 30 IU.................100%
Thiamin (B1) 1.5 mg...........100%
Riboflavin (B2) 1.7 mg.........100%
Niacin 20 mg.....................100%
Vitamin B6 2 mg................100%
Folic Acid 400 mcg............100%
Vitamin B12 6 mcg............100%
Biotin 40 mcg.....................13%
Panthothenic Acid 10 mg...100%
Calcium 100 mg.................10%
Iron (elemental) 18 mg.......100%
Phosporus 100 mg..............10%
Iodine 150 mcg..................100%
Magnesium 20 mg................5%
Zinc 15 mg........................100%
Copper 2 mg......................100%

God Bless,
Thanks for the help...but I talked her into it and now we just have to find the right kind for me!!!1
ohh holla!!!! dang another teen this is cool. girl i'm 17. tell me how your vitamins work out cuz i want to get some to but i'm scared to take too much. i'm on some bootleg one-a-days, but i never take them when i'm suppose to. also i'm gonna start back on my iron soon. oh and check out side effects. i heard some might make you gain weight or cause acne. b-careful
Thanks....When I get them I'll be sure tp let you know
laugh.gif are the One-aDAYS? MY MOM TAKES THEM...any side affects.
...any ways how are you?
Be careful on the Iron though girls. The RDA (Recommended Daily Amount) is 15mg. Don't take anymore than that. I'm not sure what the RDA is for young girls like yourself so it's best to consult your doctor about whether its safe to incorporate into your diet. The fact that you are on a one-a-day already probably has a sufficient amount of iron in it. You don't want to overdo it on the iron. That's one mineral I wouldn't like to mess with.

But please before you go back on it, check with your doctor and let him see the one a day you are on already to check the nutritional content on the pack/bottle
yeah i'm about to be 17 (week and a half yay!)...and i'm thinkin about takin supplements, but i dont know which is right for me cuz i dont wanna mess up anything in my body cuz i'm still a youngin! lol
i'm bout 2 be 16 in a whole minute, and i take vitamins, actually my mama thinks its good that i'm tryina be healthy. i take 3 1mg PP biotins, 3 PP Amino 1500 1 multi vitamin, 1 calcium/magnesium, and 1 vitamin C.
oh by the way, peachtree, does flinstones complete work for u?? cuz if so, i'm about to go buy some tonite! lol

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Works like a charm
Wouldn't substitute them for anything
(I switched from Centrum &amp; One-a-day to Flintstones
Thanks....When I get them I'll be sure tp let you know
laugh.gif are the One-aDAYS? MY MOM TAKES THEM...any side affects.
...any ways how are you?

[/ QUOTE ] my one a days are good. i don't know if they help my hair though. my mom has been making me take vitamins since i was little. they do crazy things if you get the right combos. i remember when i went to camp one year my mom made me take b-complex and cod liver oil. the end result was that every bug within' a mile of me left me alone while my niece got bitten by everything.
Be careful on the Iron though girls. The RDA (Recommended Daily Amount) is 15mg. Don't take anymore than that. I'm not sure what the RDA is for young girls like yourself so it's best to consult your doctor about whether its safe to incorporate into your diet. The fact that you are on a one-a-day already probably has a sufficient amount of iron in it. You don't want to overdo it on the iron. That's one mineral I wouldn't like to mess with.

But please before you go back on it, check with your doctor and let him see the one a day you are on already to check the nutritional content on the pack/bottle

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thanks for the concern. i try not to take to much ofthis stuff. it has a 100% of vitamin a,c.d,e,b1,b2,niacin,b6,folate,b12 and patothenic acid. and i'm really aniemic. it's sad i'm forver cold or asleep
. so my doc has me on them every now and again to keep my iron count on point. i have been off them for a while and i'm going to go and get a refill.
yeah i'm about to be 17 (week and a half yay!)...and i'm thinkin about takin supplements, but i dont know which is right for me cuz i dont wanna mess up anything in my body cuz i'm still a youngin! lol

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sup kookysnkream
. how long have you been on the board?
hey yall. i'm 14 too shree. wassup? yea i had the same question about the vitamins thing. can taking like a b-vitamin, biotin, silica, and a multivitamin be too much? besides in theory that you don't wanna mess up anything, does anyone know of any real dangerous side effects with those?
Whats up soslychic how are you doing me?
Im find..Its nice to know that there is someone my age in here...
well anyways I see that you are a type 4a/b
is it relaxed...and we are going to the store in a few days to look at moms real tired( she's a chef) so I guess we will see what the pharmicist lady says...
hey ineedmoney i've been on the board for like...3 days. lol how about u? so far i've gotten a lot of good advice just wish i woulda known about this site a year ago! lol
i've been on here about two wks and let me tell you it is helping BIG TIME!!
and forget a year ago, i wish i knew about this piece in middle school. that is about the time my mom left me out in the wilderness on my hair. it's funny how little blk people know about their hair.
my hair is natural and i get questions from sisthas!? i'm like you got the same stuff under that relaxer. don't you know?
Hey ladiez is just good to know that im not alone cuz my momz been tryin to force me off my Bugs Bunny -n- Friendz One-A-Day but i won' allow it

But in case you need a lil boost the dr. ok'd me on takin two of these a day to up my odsages on biotin b5, etc. HTH
so would flintstones be good? i mean i hate popping pills. i took flintstones for a minute when i went to this doctor and asked if people older than 5 could take these. he said yes and lo and behold the back of the box of flintstones gave recommended dose for adults. so i guess flintstones arent just for kids. plus for me they are easy to remember to take and the fact that they are chewable.
God bless you all.
Shree - the bugs bunny works great for me! I have definitely noticed an increase in my hair growth.

Azul - All of the chewable kiddy vits are good. This includes flinstones, bugs bunny, scooby doo...I'm proud to be a kiddy vit conisieur!!!
Girl You crazy, Thanks for replying anyways I was wondering how many of us excersise you know for hair groweth? what was everyones result in hair groweth after you starteed taking the vits?
Hey everyone I got the One-A-Day Bugs Bunny and Friends Complete (multi -vitamin) yesterday tell....this has the samething that the Flinstones there enough protien because I dont see it written on the bottle and when the best tiime to take vits?
Thanks for the help everyone.
yeah i'm about to be 17 (week and a half yay!)...and i'm thinkin about takin supplements, but i dont know which is right for me cuz i dont wanna mess up anything in my body cuz i'm still a youngin! lol

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You know, I would recommend a regular multivitamin. I think that's the best start, you know, like Centrum or One A Day. That's for basic health and should be taken daily.