Vitamins vs. Growth Aids: Which gives YOU more growth??

Growth Aids vs. Supplements... which gives YOU more growth?

  • My hair grows faster with growth aids

    Votes: 31 17.8%
  • My hair grows faster with supplements

    Votes: 55 31.6%
  • My hair grows about the same rate with either

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 70 40.2%
  • Other - please elaborate

    Votes: 4 2.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
So, I'm just wondering... how many have you have noticed more growth with vitamins vs. growth aids, or vice versa? which one, in your experience, promotes a faster growth rate?? :)
So, I'm just wondering... how many have you have noticed more growth with vitamins vs. growth aids, or vice versa? which one, in your experience, promotes a faster growth rate?? :)

I've been taking vitamins for years and it is beneficial. I can't say it has helped me with an increase in hair growth rate, but I'm sure it has helped.

I have been using growth aids over the past few years and you can definately see more growth with them then without. Now, the OCT/MT...I have to say has given me incredible growth in a short amount of time...more than any other growth aid.

Anyhoo...hope that answers your question, from a growth aid user perspective!
I voted I dunno because I've never tried JUST growth aides or JUST vitamins. I'm always doing both as well as baggying, deep conditioning and low manipulation. I have seem growth, retention and general improved hair health, something in my routine must be working...
Not sure, never used growth aids but I do take calcium about 5 days a month and every now and then I'll take prenatal vitamins but I never remember to do it consistently so I don't know if it helps.
I do both but I would say ultimately that good diet, lifestyle, health and nutrition which would include supplements are the foundations for strong, healthy, viable hair.

MHO - Growth aides help speed thing along but if there is an internal deficancy of any sort then growth aides are rendered fruitless.
I put I don;t know. I have noticed my hair grows a lot faster now that I am being more active like daily workouts and more water. But I also use a growth aid and vitamins as well. I think the whole combination is working for me. last 8 weeks I have got 1.5 inches of growth.
Growth aids, for me, work faster. I can't honestly say whether vitamins would have worked better, as I never had the consistency to actually keep using them for the 90 days + it would take for it to get into my system and actually start producing results. :yep:
Vitamins have helped but i think my hair wouldve progress without as well.

I love vitamins! My skin feels smoother, i have more energy. I just feel better.
A combination of vitamins and growth aids. Vitamins definitely, because I stopped taking them for ten years and my hair was thin and my hair would always split at the ends. Using the growth aids, such as castor, aloe vera, others I have tried such as Surge 14 and MTG, because you have to massage it into your scalp, you did see the difference, also eating more spinach, eggs and lightly cooked vegetables, juicing has made a difference.
Nicole I am with you on the vitamins point. I agree one hundred percent and I must say your hair is beautiful. Long and thick.

Happy growing.:grin:
Vitamins DEFINITELY work. I think the combination of a multivitamin and Biotin has helped my growth a lot!
i would say that vitamins makes your hair grows faster . you have to start internally to have healthy hair. so if you take the viamins that would assist in the growth cycle ...i take biotin , b complex, and flaxseed oil , and omega 3-6-9 pill. my stylist has commented om ny hair been more shiny and thicker tha it was its definentley working....:grin: i think yoiu have to supplement the vitamin regimen with growth aids also ...i use several different types of variety growth aids...thats a long list just to name a few#1 in my book WGO IT SOFTENS UP MY NEW GROWTH VERY EASILY. next comes coconut and almond oil.... and beauty 4 ashes godhead line kinda of expensive buts its all natural ingredients.... i buy from their line like every 4 months or anyway, i think you need both viamins and growth aids:lachen::drunk:
I used to take biotin and a multi b complex, but have since stopped. I noticed results with the biotin and b complex, but my friend said her hair had grown just as much by just taking a regular I've just been taking a regular multivitamin everyday for growth.
Healthy hair growth comes from the inside out, so I said vitamins. Your hair won't be ish if your nutrition sucks and it's breaking off as fast as those aides can grow it.
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I started a vitamin regime this month so I'll let you know the results around mar. 1st!

I am taking:
Alpha Lipoic Acid

I will be swapping the flaxseed and fish oil with Omgea 369 in a week since my bottles are almost out

Hoping for some harmony amongst mind*skin*hair :grin: So far my nails are growing fast and STRONG (they use to be so fragile and peel easily)
If someone already has a healthy diet, the growth aids will be more beneficial, and like someone already said, the results are quicker.
Growth aids don't work for me, sadly.
Being healthy in general and just taking care of my hair seems to be what works to give me good growth. I take a multivitamin.
I take both from time to time. I suspect that I've seen more immediate growth from using growth aids but I'm not really sure. I do think that both work.
The thing about vitamins is I am unsure of the need. Your body gets rid of what it doesn't use everyday, and most people have healthy hair without vitamins. To say vitamins are essential is like saying the food you eat everyday has no nutrition in it whatsoever. Usually it does, unless you're eating candy and bacon everyday. It's also saying that the majority of people are getting no nutrition from regular food and have to take a multivitamin- like ALL of us are unhealthy and NEED a pill or our hair will be unhealthy. I just don't buy that. I hear many doctors say you get what you need from the food you eat anyway, so vitamins seem like a waste to me. I guess I can't hop on the vitamin bandwagon because I see unhealthy people will nice hair all the time. I dont know *shrugs*
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Well both work well for me I guess...With msm and silica together I got about 1.5 inches in like a month six weeks...With MTG I got 2.5 inches in three months...With the vitamins I didn't get the same amount of growth the second month. But with MT I got an inch a month EVERY month I used it everyday so ummm yeah.
Vitamins beyond a multi do nothing. Women's multi and iron (I'm anemic) seem to be all I need. Topical growth aids....not sure if they work or not. Idl them much because they're smelly and oily but I'm pretty much over them.