Vitamins making U tired?


New Member
I have been unbelievably tired recently. I am getting my normal amount of sleep, nothing has changed in my diet except I stopped eating meat but I only ate it on occasion anyway so what is making me sooo tired????
The only thing that I can think to blame are my supplements. Has anyone heard of vitamins or herbs contributing to tiredness? I was wondering because I can't think of any other reason for this. Please let me know what you think
It might be your vitamin.

One A Day for Women and the Oil of Olay vitamins made me feel very drained.

I switched back to Centrum Multi and never experienced that problem with this brand.
I have been unbelievably tired recently. I am getting my normal amount of sleep, nothing has changed in my diet except I stopped eating meat but I only ate it on occasion anyway so what is making me sooo tired????
The only thing that I can think to blame are my supplements. Has anyone heard of vitamins or herbs contributing to tiredness? I was wondering because I can't think of any other reason for this. Please let me know what you think

you might want to take a b complex because it is supposed to make you less groggy and more alert, etc and have energy. Sometimes if you overload on supplements, etc they can have negative effects. some of the hebs might be putting you to sleep
It might be your vitamin.

One A Day for Women and the Oil of Olay vitamins made me feel very drained.

I switched back to Centrum Multi and never experienced that problem with this brand.

Centrum works great. You might want try take them at night before you go to bed.
I had some Formula 50 vitamins for hair and nails that drained me completely! I stopped taking them and switched back to good ol' Flintstone Vitamins + Calcium! I pop one of these every morning when I give my daughter one and when I can remember I try to take a B-50 as well. I'm alert all day when I do this.
Centrum works great. You might want try take them at night before you go to bed.

Hi Synessqueen

I used to take my Centrum vitamins at night, but they gave me insomnia (too much energy in the evening). It took me quite a while to figure out what I was doing wrong:spinning:. I always thought taking at night was best too because your body is resting/repairing etc. while sleeping but it proved too much for my system.

So I take my vitamins right after I eat breakfast in the mornings now and that worked much better:yep:. I think it is important to have something on your stomach to help with absorption.

For those who get nauseated, you might want to eat something before you take your vitamins to see if that helps. If you feel drained, switching brands would most likely solve that.
It might be your vitamin.

One A Day for Women and the Oil of Olay vitamins made me feel very drained.

I switched back to Centrum Multi and never experienced that problem with this brand.

OMG! Im taking these exact vitamins and I always feel drained! I would have never blamed the vitamins.

Great thread, OP. I would have never suspected my vitamins were the culprit.
My vitamins make me feel drained too. I have learned to only take them at night right before I go to bed.
I had some Formula 50 vitamins for hair and nails that drained me completely! I stopped taking them and switched back to good ol' Flintstone Vitamins + Calcium! I pop one of these every morning when I give my daughter one and when I can remember I try to take a B-50 as well. I'm alert all day when I do this.

I take Flinstone gummy vitamins! I'm not much of a pill taker, and I always used to forget to take my vitamins when they were in pill form. But since the vitamins I have now taste like candy I never forget to take them. And I believe that most adult vitamins contain too much of a good thing. I like kids supplements because they don't have such high concentrations of nutrients. We already get some nutrients from the foods we eat. I take low-dose vitamins just in case I didn't get enough of a certain nutrient in my diet.
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I am taking vits too but my problem is nothing to do with sleep...I have a feeling they are making my boobs bigger...I already have enough on my chest I dont need any more baggage there....I cant figure out which ones are causing this unless I eliminate all and start again...I am taking biotin 2-4mg, mega multi vits, b-complex and kelp beta carotene.
Funny you should ask this question. Just last week I mentioned to a friend that i'm so tired and I think it is the prenatal vitamin i'm taking. I'm not preggers but thought a prenatal would be the best vitamin for me. I feel drained most days and have literally dozed off in my office a time or two around my cycle.

I get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, so now I definitely think it's the vitamin.
Funny you should ask this question. Just last week I mentioned to a friend that i'm so tired and I think it is the prenatal vitamin i'm taking. I'm not preggers but thought a prenatal would be the best vitamin for me. I feel drained most days and have literally dozed off in my office a time or two around my cycle.

I get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, so now I definitely think it's the vitamin.

bumping...i'm glad i am not the only one... do you take your vits before you go to bed?
bumping...i'm glad i am not the only one... do you take your vits before you go to bed?

the answer is the large amount of Biotin without the othe B vitamins. They work together and help eachother absorb meanwhile too much of one can knock out others and that can cause fatigue. I would take and Balanced B complex to ensure your getting the other B vitamins and not causing yourself a defiency of the others of some sort

Biotin (vitamin H, vitamin B7) dosage, intake, recommended daily allowance (RDA)
An adequate amount of biotin is about 30 to 100 mcg daily. The U.S. RDA for biotin, the value used for nutritional supplement and food labeling purposes, is 300 micrograms/day. Doses of up to 2,500 mcg have been used safely to treat hair and nail problems. Higher intakes have been recommended for reducing blood sugar levels in diabetics (5-15 mg/d). Vitamin H works best when combined with B-vitamins. Biotin is available in multivitamin and multivitamin/multimineral products as well as in single ingredient products. In single ingredient products, biotin is available as lozenges, tablets and capsules.

it may or may not be that but you can certainly incorportate the other b's to rule it out
Despite daily exercise, a healthy diet, and getting plenty of rest, I have also been extremely tired since I started taking my liquid vitamins...I will start to take them at night to see if the vitamins are the culprit.

Thanks for this thread :)
I am taking vits too but my problem is nothing to do with sleep...I have a feeling they are making my boobs bigger...I already have enough on my chest I dont need any more baggage there....I cant figure out which ones are causing this unless I eliminate all and start again...I am taking biotin 2-4mg, mega multi vits, b-complex and kelp beta carotene.

**me runing to GNC to pick up biotin 2-4mg, mega multi vits, b-complex and kelp beta carotene***:auto: