Vitamins: Is it all that necessary?


New Member
So... I've been taking

  • GNC Hair Skin & nails
  • GNC Silica
  • Nature Made Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • And an occaisional vitamin/protein shake like slim fast or something....
Are all these vitamins actually necessary? Then I heard of biotin and though of throwing that in too. I just want my hair healthy! Then I thought, maybe I can just make a chocolate protein shake, throw it in a blend and throw in all the vitamins, and crush it all up and drink! Maybe I would actually take them everyday?

I'm really just looking for info on what everyone thinks is necessary, what's the best thing to do, and if all is necessary... crush them all up? I'm tired of skipping days. BTW I take 1 of each
First off, don't crush them all up. Vitamins are bettr absorbed when you spread them out through out the day.

Look at what you take, there could be a easier way to get what you need for health and hair.

GNC Hair Skin & nails
GNC Silica
Nature Made Vitamin E
And an occaisional vitamin/protein shake like slim fast or something

First off, start drinking a protein shake daily in the mornings with fruit as breakfast to get your day started off right with a protein and fiber.

Drop the indiviual iron, zinc, and vitamin E. Only keep the extra iron if you are currently anemic. Replace these with a comprehensive multi that will give you lots of B-vitamins and the rest of that stuff. You can try Natures Plus ultra one, kal enhanced energy...I can pm you more options......

Keep the silica

Your hair skin nail vitamin....What form is the vitamin A in?
If you don't want a lot of separate pills, drop it and add biotin instead.

Also incorparate nuts like almonds and walnuts in your diet to get omega fatty acids and some food based vitamin E. Try putting a handful into a plastic bag and snack on it while at work or school.
Personally I think, if you're healthy, you just need one complete multi, and then if you want you can add silica, MSM, biotin or a herbal complex--unless your multi already has these in good quantities.

My concern about taking so many different "complexes" is that you may overlap on vitamins that are toxic in large quantities and end up canceling out the benefits (Like too much Vitamin A can lead to hair loss). Or if the vitamins are water soluble, you just end up peeing them away, which is wasteful.

Also if you're eating well and getting most of your necessary nutrients from food, all the extra you get in supps just gets dumped by your body--so you may never see the boost in growth others claim to see w/ those products.

ETA: :yep::yep::yep: to what Gymfreak wrote. I forgot to mention the essential fatty acids (Flax, Fish oil, Borage etc)
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I was recently wondering this also. Am I taking too many vitamins? I take:

*B Complex
*Omega fish oil
*Flaxseed Oil

I was recently wondering this also. Am I taking too many vitamins? I take:

*B Complex
*Omega fish oil
*Flaxseed Oil


I don't think you are taking too many but it is about what it comfortable for you.

What multi do take? How often?

Depending on that, you could drop the b-complex, drop the flaxseed oil and eat a handful of walnuts instead.
I don't think you are taking too many but it is about what it comfortable for you.

What multi do take? How often?

Depending on that, you could drop the b-complex, drop the flaxseed oil and eat a handful of walnuts instead.

Thanks GymFreak! Are you studying to be a doctor? I would go to your practice, you're always so knowledgeable and helpful.

The multi that I take comes in a packet. It contains 2 multi's, a b-complex and a Fish oil pill. Its called Good Days.

I'm allergic to nuts, so I can't really eat the walnuts.
Thanks GymFreak! Are you studying to be a doctor? I would go to your practice, you're always so knowledgeable and helpful.

The multi that I take comes in a packet. It contains 2 multi's, a b-complex and a Fish oil pill. Its called Good Days.

I'm allergic to nuts, so I can't really eat the walnuts.

Thanks Joyandfaith. The packet sounds cool. They usually are designed to all work together. If you can't eat nuts you could try Barilla Plus pasta. Its whole grain but tastes just like regular white pasta. It is full of protein and omega fatty acids. I use it as a meat substitute.
I join LHCF and start takin VITAMINS i knew tha my hair would grow waist lengh in no time.But my head aches all the time so i knew its time ta give my doctor a visit afterward my blood was sky high now i no longer take vitamins we should all take a ONE DAY VITAMINS all the other stuff we tryin out not good .
Thanks Joyandfaith. The packet sounds cool. They usually are designed to all work together. If you can't eat nuts you could try Barilla Plus pasta. Its whole grain but tastes just like regular white pasta. It is full of protein and omega fatty acids. I use it as a meat substitute.

Thanks! I'll try Barilla pasta.
Jesus Christ gym!, can you help me too?

Fish oil
liquid multivit
carrot juice

You need some sort of LHCF award. Youre so helpful and you know SO much.

I'm really happy with my comprehensive regimen

I take what I researched and what I know I need, not excess of the known hair growth band wagon vitamins

its a total benefit to my health (with is most important) and my hair :yep:
i take a hair/skin/nails because it already has biotin, MSM and stuff like that in it...i am not a fan of taking a WHOLE bunch of pills so 2 of these a day works fine. i recently got on the flaxseed oil bandwagon and take one of these a day but i dont know why i am taking it...

the only thing i am considering adding in is silica because i read in a thread that AtlantaJJ and some other people use it and swear by it. i just dont know what these things do and i think its weird to want something without knowing the benefits.
I fell off the vitamin bandwagon.

After looking at my 6-10 month progress pics, i noticed my hair grew. But nothing spectacular happened. I think i gained my 1/2 inch per month, thus 3 inches of extra hair was on my head. Nothing more.

I took Biotin 5mg, FutureBiotics Skin, Nails, Hair, Flaxseed oil, some other brand of Hair,Skin, Nails, etc.

Now i'm on the topical growth aid bandwagon. I started in July and by December, if i just see another 3 inches of extra hair and nothing more then i give up will stop doing all the extra stuff.
Jesus Christ gym!, can you help me too?

Fish oil
liquid multivit
carrot juice

You need some sort of LHCF award. Youre so helpful and you know SO much.

Whats up Cieramichele :)

Let pimp your regime :lol:

Fish oil
liquid multivit
carrot juice

Okay, your liquid multi...what brand is it and how do you take it?

Fish oil is good...keep that. If you did want to elimate it, eat a fatty fish 2-3x times a week and eat walnuts, just a handful, everyday.
Chlorophyll- you can keep that if you see it is benefiting you

MSM and L-cysteine.......Quick work on single form amino acids. If you are not taking it with vitamin C then you are wasting your time. Without it, your body can't ultilize it nearly as effciently. You should be taking atleast the same mg amount of vitamin C as you are taking of the L-cystiene. Twice as much is even better. Don't take it for no more than 3 months straight. You always cycle single formed amino acids on and off. Same for the msm, you need extra vitamin C. You can try taking these supplements with a vitaminC fortified beverage.

Biosil- good source of silica so you can keep that

Carrot juice- Its good stuff but how many vegetables and fruits do you eat on a regular basis now? If you are eating enough, you can drop this as your multivitamin is giving you vitamin A as well. You can replace it with a protein shake and depending on which one, you can drop the extra L-cystiene for now to simply your regime. Or you can incorporate beet juice or extra beets into your diet and drop the msm since beets at sulfur to your diet not to mention plenty of hair growing iron.
Whats up Cieramichele :)

Let pimp your regime :lol:

Fish oil
liquid multivit
carrot juice

Okay, your liquid multi...what brand is it and how do you take it?

Fish oil is good...keep that. If you did want to elimate it, eat a fatty fish 2-3x times a week and eat walnuts, just a handful, everyday.
Chlorophyll- you can keep that if you see it is benefiting you

MSM and L-cysteine.......Quick work on single form amino acids. If you are not taking it with vitamin C then you are wasting your time. Without it, your body can't ultilize it nearly as effciently. You should be taking atleast the same mg amount of vitamin C as you are taking of the L-cystiene. Twice as much is even better. Don't take it for no more than 3 months straight. You always cycle single formed amino acids on and off. Same for the msm, you need extra vitamin C. You can try taking these supplements with a vitaminC fortified beverage.

Biosil- good source of silica so you can keep that

Carrot juice- Its good stuff but how many vegetables and fruits do you eat on a regular basis now? If you are eating enough, you can drop this as your multivitamin is giving you vitamin A as well. You can replace it with a protein shake and depending on which one, you can drop the extra L-cystiene for now to simply your regime. Or you can incorporate beet juice or extra beets into your diet and drop the msm since beets at sulfur to your diet not to mention plenty of hair growing iron.
do you think V8 is good?...not fruit juce v8 but the real V8. It has beets as one of the main ingredients. And we have the low sodium cans.
do you think V8 is good?...not fruit juce v8 but the real V8. It has beets as one of the main ingredients. And we have the low sodium cans.

If you have the low sodium kind then you should be fine. I drink v8 occasionally. I actually like plain tomato juice myself. I also get a fruit and vegetable blend sometimes from the Health Food store called Vruit.
If you have the low sodium kind then you should be fine. I drink v8 occasionally. I actually like plain tomato juice myself. I also get a fruit and vegetable blend sometimes from the Health Food store called Vruit.
thanks! Thats stuff is an acquired taste type of product:look: It better do something.

Never heard of Vruit:lick:...have to try it out. Its probably at Feel Rite.
Whats up Cieramichele :)

Let pimp your regime :lol:

Fish oil
liquid multivit
carrot juice

Okay, your liquid multi...what brand is it and how do you take it?

Fish oil is good...keep that. If you did want to elimate it, eat a fatty fish 2-3x times a week and eat walnuts, just a handful, everyday.
Chlorophyll- you can keep that if you see it is benefiting you

MSM and L-cysteine.......Quick work on single form amino acids. If you are not taking it with vitamin C then you are wasting your time. Without it, your body can't ultilize it nearly as effciently. You should be taking atleast the same mg amount of vitamin C as you are taking of the L-cystiene. Twice as much is even better. Don't take it for no more than 3 months straight. You always cycle single formed amino acids on and off. Same for the msm, you need extra vitamin C. You can try taking these supplements with a vitaminC fortified beverage.

Biosil- good source of silica so you can keep that

Carrot juice- Its good stuff but how many vegetables and fruits do you eat on a regular basis now? If you are eating enough, you can drop this as your multivitamin is giving you vitamin A as well. You can replace it with a protein shake and depending on which one, you can drop the extra L-cystiene for now to simply your regime. Or you can incorporate beet juice or extra beets into your diet and drop the msm since beets at sulfur to your diet not to mention plenty of hair growing iron.


I drink V8 V-fusion that has 2 servings of fruits and veggies and each cup. I use that to take some of my vits. I did pick up some gummy vit C sups.

I eat tuna & sardines often and im eating starting to eat more fruits and veggies.

thank you! :D
I joined LHCF wanted quick hair growth...took a lot of things-BIOSIL, MSM, BIOTIN, GNC HAIR/SKIN/NAILS, omega fish tablets..other stuff and other stuff which I cannot even recall now-some good, some not so good. Now it's GNC H/S/N, fish oil, multi more MSM, rarely biosil or very rarely biotin...don't want or need all the other things. I've learned the benefits of a balanced meal plan, water, regular shampoos, conditioning and a lot of patience. My body feeds my hair now not a bunch of over the counter 'magic.'