Vitamins and Weight Gain


Active Member
Since I started my vitamin regimen, my hair is growing more and so it the rest of me. Is there anyone out there who has had this problem? The only thing I can attribute it to is the vitamins. I've gained 10lbs. since I started taking vitamins back in March. This is very unusual for me. I've been a stick all my life and at first I didn't worry about it but now it seems every time I get on the scale I've put on more weight. I work out but my clothing just keep getting tighter.

Does anyone think the vitamins are playing a role in this? Anyone had a similar experience? I love the vitamin effect on my hair
but if this is what it's doing to my body, I don't know.
vitamin B, especially the complex helps your body cells to optimally utilise energy so you eat more and gain more weight as a result. some ladies here have reported increased appetite with vitamin b complex. if you take a multivitamin that may be the case as they contain b complex
Yep; I've definitely noticed an increase in appetite since I've started with the Biotin and B5. I hate that. I would like to lose 5 lbs. and I'm finding it impossible to do, even with my workouts 3-4 times a week. I'm thinking about discontinuing the vits for a while...
I've gained 10 lbs also. I haven't been going to the gym like I should though. Diamondlady are we twins(LOL)? All my life I've been skinny, they used to call me anorexic annie. Since I've been taking vitamins, I have to watch what I eat, and work out.
Same here. I even made a post about weight gain some months ago.

I think I'm going to ditch the biotin & B vits once I reach my goal. I'll just continue with the One-A-Day Weight Smart and pray I don't gain another pound.
How is the One-A-Day Weight Smart? Isn't that supposed to speed up your metabolism? Maybe I should try that.
Hey Lindy,

So far, so good. I just started it about 2 weeks ago. It gives me a lot more energy, but the b vits make me have a larger appetite, so they could be cancelling each other out. I dunno. I'll have to give you an update later because it's too soon to tell.
I have gained 2 lbs in 2 months, which is a plus for me. I'm 5'6 and weigh 128 lbs. This is the most I have ever weighed (short of being pregnant) and I am lovin it!!!

I just wonder if I will be able to stop gaining weight when I want to, I am a little concerned about that (cus I will be 40 in Jan, and I heard metabolism slows down then) Anyways my mom is 62, 5"11 and weighs 140 and so does my dad, so we'll see. But for now I'm lovin it!!!
Since I started my vitamin regimen, my hair is growing more and so it the rest of me. Is there anyone out there who has had this problem? The only thing I can attribute it to is the vitamins. I've gained 10lbs. since I started taking vitamins back in March. This is very unusual for me. I've been a stick all my life and at first I didn't worry about it but now it seems every time I get on the scale I've put on more weight. I work out but my clothing just keep getting tighter.

Does anyone think the vitamins are playing a role in this? Anyone had a similar experience? I love the vitamin effect on my hair
but if this is what it's doing to my body, I don't know.

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yes, several of us have posted about it. I have actually gotten on the scale and weighed 10 lbs more. I take the vitamins now, sporadically, because I am lazy and I hope this stops the weight gain. I, however, do exercise as well.
I don't think I take B12. I think other ingredients in the Hair Vitamins may slow down the process.