Vitamins and pregnancy


New Member
I plan on getting pregnant next year and I'm thinking of adding some biotin and MSM to my multivitamin. My multivitamin has 300mcg of biotin in it. I know some of you take above and beyond that amount and it has really worked for you but has anyone continued this while they are pregnant and is it safe? I've only started taking my vitamins for the past week, just to see if I can keep up with it and I can so I'm ready for the full commitment. Any suggestions would be welcome and appreciated.
I know I read a while back that you shouldn't take MSM if you are pregnant because MSM detoxifies your body and the toxins can be harmful to a baby since you will be sharing the same blood supply. You shouldn't breastfeed while taking MSM either. I can't remember where I read this at but do your research.
Dear Miss M
Taken from the Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century by Earl Mindell Get a good Multivitamin particularly from Solgar for Prenatal vitamins, which is suitable for you when you are breastfeeding, make sure that you get Folic acid 800 mcg daily, chelated calcium 500 mg and magnesium 250 mg, 1 tablet 3 times daily, ginger extract one caspule taken 3 times daily if needed for morning sickness. Evening Primrose oil and Royal Jelly are suitable to take when you are pregnant, also certain Algaes you can take when you are pregnant such as Spirulina, which is rich in protein and has a wide range of nutrients and minerals, also there is only one hair tablet you can take when pregnant is Pil Food, Brewers' yeast is also useful. Please do some research and visit a nutrientist to make sure you are getting the optimal levels, to ensure that you have a healthy pregnancy, breast feeding and reduce loss of hair, which can effect some women, not all about six months after they have given birth, make sure that you get plenty of rest and if you have a juicer, juice your vegetables, it may be easy to take in the form of drinks etc.
Best of Luck
You should always check with your doctor first. I actually stopped taking all of my hair vitamins except for the prenatal and iron they put me on. My hair grew very much with just these 2 vitamins while pregnant. This was also do to the hormones. I would just ask your doctor first and see what they recommend what is safe for both you when you become pregnant.