Vitamin Survey


New Member
Hi All!

Could you share with me what vitamins you are taking for your hair. There is probably already a thread out here on this topic but I can’t find it.

I was taking pre-natal vitamins and was getting immediate results with my nails, but not my hair. I stopped taking the pre-natals because a Registered Dietician told me that they have too much iron. She told me that no female needs that much iron unless she’s anemic, pregnant, nursing a child, or vegetarian.

Now I’m taking those expensive Hair Formula 37 vitamins (HF37). I don’t understand the benefit of having to take that many vitamins several times a day. Plus, they’re expensive. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I’m guilty of thinking just because something is pricey that it will work better then something less expensive. I’ve been taking these vitamins for only a few days and I will finish all of them just because they were so dang expensive. I hope to find some more reasonably priced vitamins that do the job.

I was reading on an older vitamin thread that Nutrilife (spelling?) vitamins are good also.

I just want to get your opinions.

Thanks in Advance!

I take One-A-Day and that's it. I was reading an article on here about how a lot of vitamins don't contain what they say they contain. Some even have harmful ingredients. I stick to One-A-Day.
i take perfectil hair, skin and nails and its great. ive used other brands but this vitamin is the only one that has given me study growth.:yawn:
Try the prenatals without iron...GNC sells them. But, I think as long as you have a vitamin that contains folic acid, biotin and vitamin'll b ok.
I take a generic target brand of prenatals. I saw results in my hair from doing this two years ago (went from sl to past apl in three months) so I decided to try it again.
I am using Maxi-Hair - I got them from but they are also sold at Vitamin Shoppe (cheaper at
Natures Made Multi for Her Liquid Soft Gel

Natures Made Super B Complex Liquid Soft Gel

Natures Made Flax Seed Oil

I take these for overall health, but it's definitely a bonus for hair, skin and nails too. :)
GNC's Hair, Skin & Nail program ( which includes... Primrose Oil Caps and Collagen)

GNC's Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil

One-a-day energy multi vit.
I take Nature's Bounty Biotin (5mg) and a regular a multi from Vitamin World.
I used to use Phyto vitamins from Sephora. They're 50 dollars a bottle. Made my hair texture nice but didn't grow my hair.
Biotin does though...
I don't take vitamins for my hair, I take them for my health. I take One-a-day, vitamin D, Omega 3, and B-Complex when needed.

I don't do the taking vitamins for hair thing. My hair grows fine if I'm taking nothing at all, because I try to eat well.
Maxi Hair

After all of the vits run out I plan to only do Chlorella nad MSM. Still not sure if I will continue the Spirulina. The Chlorella is supposed to be an awesome food multivitamin.
I recently started taking GNC Prenatals, MSM and Viviscal
I stopped taking Evening Primrose Oil, but i'm going to have to put that back since I notice my hair was softer and smoother with them, plus they help with Aunt Flo
I use MSM right now. I started using it to help me with my excema.

A positive side effect is that it is making my hair much softer and easier to manage as it grows in.

I cannot say it is causing any major overgrowth, but I think I would need to be using it for about 6 months to really say it gives more ng than I can get without it.
GNC multi-vit for active women & fish oil. I stopped taking garlic, and I see the difference. I'm going to start back, but they burn my stomach sometimes even on a full stomach.
I am taking chlorella,spirulina, and super omega 3 fish oil. I know it sound like a lot but it really isn't I just keep them in a pill case and take them at lunch. My skin is soft and clear and my eyelashes have grown in very thick and I have lots of ng. I am getting such great results that I am motivated to switch up my whole diet to be more healthy.