Vitamin Supplement Frenzy


New Member
I have read so many threads, websites etc in the last few weeks trying to make an educated decision on the best vitamins to take for hair growth as im suffering with heavy hair loss for the last few months or so.

My question is how do you all decide what vitamin/s to take? Do you base it off medical/lab tests vs results, other testimonials from people taking the supplements and what it did for them, or another deciding factor?

I started taking MSM just a little under a week ago and I researched it for weeks before making the final decision to try it. But i also read much about other supplements, for example

Vit B complex
and the list goes on and on and on

Right now I am taking MSM, Vit B Complex & EPO and already i am taking 4 tablets per day. Do I really want to add another 6 into the mix????? Supplements arent the smallest tablets to take at the best of times, they are HUGE!

So going though some posts I see people taking so many supplements, some are taking what must be 10 + supplements per day.

How do you know what is working if you are taking so many of them? Im thinking I will just keep the MSM going for a minimum for 3-5 months and then I will evaluate my results. If I see nothing then I will perhaps move onto the next top rated one. I have pre-ordered viviscal which isnt cheap by any means but I want to give it a few months before I start taking it.

Plus my concern is the expense of it all :perplexed If I took all of the top rated hair growth supplements I could quite easily spend in the range of £100 per month.

I am not knocking anyone who takes many supplements here as I myself am "jumping on the bandwagon" in an attempt to see hair growth but I am so perplexed by it all. Then we start throw hair oils, shampoos, conditioners etc into the mix which adds to the minefield and expense.

So what helps you decide that first step into the supplement minefield?

Is it research and results or testimonials from others?

Thanks so much for your input.

Sorry for the long post! :confused:
Testimonials from others, and pictures are the biggest draw for me and I always go with what I think could work for me too.
I have always taken supplements all my life so this was nothing new to me. I don't take them for hair reasons, just for overall health; the side-effects on the hair are just the extra benefits :) . My parents are both in the medical field and have always given me supplements so it was a norm to me.

The vitamins I am currently taking are sold by a family member. I bought it based off the testimonials that I heard and how it fit with what I wanted in a vitamin. I'm happy with it, even though it is annoying taking about 6 pills a day (3 at night, 3 in morning). I can tell a difference in my energy levels and the strenght of my nails when I don't take it.

I also take calcium supplements because I don't consume any dairy product and flax seed oil & b-complex to boost my immune system (that I found through research).

So to answer your question (i'm long winded :) ) it's based of research, testimonials, and recommendations from my parents in the medical field.
Yup i go by testimonials and pics...idon't mind taking loads of vitamins as there all beneficial to my body as well as myhair
I did research and this board helped, but personally i take biotin, msm, silica, nioxin, and a multi.....and i have flaxseed oil which i haven't started. You may want to start a poll here with the ladies on the board. HTH
Yeh starting a poll would probably be a good idea, but being a newbie I havent looked at how do to one yet. :perplexed

Will have a look
I tried to choose supplements that had total body benefits, not just hair growth. I take MSM because it helps with my allergies and skin. I've always taken a multivitamin, but the one I take now has high levels of B-vitamins. I really notice a difference in my energy level. I take a calcium supplement because my multi doesn't provide 100% of the RDA of calcium (I may re-evaluate this one, though; I probably get enough calcium from my diet). I also take spirulina for it's antioxidant benefits. The only supplement I take that seems to be strictly for hair is biotin. I just started it last week.
I based my decision on a thread here that was called Bargello's Vitamin Regime. I just started taking them about 3 months ago. So far, so good.
I take a multi vitamin with MSM and a calcium supplement cos I'm allergic to dairy products. I hate swallowing pills so have no intention of increasing my vitamin intake for any other reason but health.