Vitamin/Supplement dosages


Hi ladies,

I just wondered if anyone knew the best dosages to take of certain vitamins/supplements to get the health/hair growing benefits.

I've been searching the forum extensively and now have a list of supplements to buy and take but am still unsure of the most effective dosages. I thought having a post would be useful for all the ladies here, especially beginners. So if anyone can help on dose for the below (and add to this list other supps that would be great):

Garlic oil pills
Alpha Lipoic Acid
B complex
Vitamin C

Also any recommendations on where to get the best vitamins would be very useful too.

Sorry if this post has already been covered somewhere else as I couldn't find anything.


PS. I'm not sure on the difference between mcg, mg and the symbol that looks a bit like a backwards u, so if someone could explain that would be great. :-)
I've been reading some of the old posts on Biotin...and I saw some very...not so smart dosages. A lot of the time, they give you a recommendation on the bottle. A minimal dosage and the max. Biotin starts with one time to five times daily. To me, this means start at the lowest dosage and work your way up as you note whether or not your body is okay with it. That way, you know what's a safe dosage for you, and what isn't. I saw a couple dives into 10,000mcg and more...and then complaints about breaking out, etc. Some people had them at the lowest dosage...others a very high dose.

Here's an explanation I pulled from another site:
Each of the units you are asking about are masses - usually used to indicate the amount of medication delivered per dose - and are generally seen written as "mg per tablet," or "mcg per ml," etc. The "g" in each refers to "grams", and since this is metric, we only have to decipher the prefixes to know the units (for a list of S.I. prefixes, click here). The first one is straightforward, "m" is the prefix for "milli-" meaning "one-thousandth of", so 1 mg is "one milligram", or "one thousandth of a gram." The second prefix, "mc", is a bit trickier, since it is not an S.I. prefix. "mc" is a medical abbreviation for "micro-" meaning "one millionth of." The S.I. prefix for "micro-" is "µ", which doesn't appear on most pharmacists' keyboards; hence the usage of "mc" instead. So, 1 mcg is the same as 1 µg - "one microgram" or "one millionth of a gram."
1 g = 1000 mg
1 mg = 1000 mcg (µg)
gymfreak has a really good post on this site that talks about what they do and what they are good for.

you can also check out my post on Bargello's regimen.. she was a member of hairboards years ago, but people swear by her vitamin regimen.
I was wondering teh same thing only a couple of days ago whilst browsing through a few threads. a few people state that they take 5000mg of biotin. I was like :shocked: my dosages are only 5mg, that cant be right.
I came to the decision that they must mean 5000mcg which is the same as 5mg
At my health food store, biotin comes in 1000mcg, 5000mcg and 10 000mcg doses. Yet, on each package the suggested amount is one pill a day regardless of which dosage.

But you should be able to take 10 of the 1000 mcg every day without problems, since they sell the 10 000 mcg.

Can't say how that'd affect your skin though :ohwell: