vitamin question

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I've been taking vitamins close to a year now and it seems that my hair growth has slowed down considerably. In the beginning when I started taking them my hair began growing quickly. Up until February/March it started to slow down. the last time I had my hair braided was May 3rd. I put a permanent color in just to get an idea of how much growth I get in a month. Today makes approximate 1 month,2 weeks, 2 days and I have only close to .75 of an inch of new growth. Is it possible that your body becomes "immune" or used to the vitamins when taking them long term? I'm seriously considering taking a long break from the vitamins just to see if that makes a difference. Has anybody experienced this?
<font color="blue"> Only .75? Lol...Sorry legs71. I just started taking vits so I would LOVE to see that lol. Right now I'm at .5 in/mth.

And Yes, it is possible for your body to get "immune" to a product. It's like taking drugs; eventually your body develops a tolerance for it and u need higher and higher doses to get a high.

I would say more but i really don't know your vit routine, diet see if perhaps other outside factors could be interfering. </font>
Legs .75 in one month. Ooooooh that's so terrible.

Girl you're good to go.

I've noticed that when I stop after a long time I get this growth spurt. Maybe 3 weeks on 1 weeks off might be a good routine to try.
Maybe I'm just being greedy, but it seems slow. At exactly a month I had 1/2 an inch. In the crown area it's .75 and other areas a little less. It just seems like it's growing sooooo slow in comparison to when I started taking the vitamins.
Maybe 3 weeks on 1 weeks off might be a good routine to try.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm going to try this - starting TODAY!!! I think I'll take my multi everyday and add the B vits &amp; Biotin when I do the full week.
Maybe 3 weeks on 1 weeks off might be a good routine to try.

[/ QUOTE ] That's a good idea. I'm going to try it.
Perhaps taking a break in between your vitamin regimen, also I've heard that it's good to do a cleanse every few months so that there isn't a buildup of vitamins in the system. I know one person who did this and noticed that the vitamins worked better. If you do a search on the internet there is a lemon olive mixture I think it's called a liver cleanse that is pretty effective.