Vitamin/Oil/Juice/Herbs Ingested for Hair Growth or Health

So tell us which Vitamins/Oil/Juice/Herbs you
ingest for Hair Growth or health and why?

If you ingest something other than a
Vitamins/Oil/Juice/Herb, please tell us what it is.

I will go fist:

Carrot Juice - (Juice)
Lots of water - (Juice)
V8 Juice Low Sodium - (Juice)
Juice Plus - (Vitamin)

I am getting ready to
buy Aloe Vera Juice too!
My mom told me a long time
ago that it had
wonderful properties pertaining
to health :yep: (Good over all health, means great hair too)
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Hair Health (and body)
Calcium/Vitamin D
Pretty good Diet

Extra hair growth

I want to try:
More protien
L-Cystiene (sp)
V8 Fusion (i think its called, that has 1/2 or full serving of fruits and vegs)
And i got some Fungreek i want to see if it will increase hair growth
I take a daily muliti vitamin,
drink lots of water
fruits and veggies.
I don't ingest my herbs though (I do put them in food for flavoring...thyme is soo yummy)...since I grow my own I like to put them in my hair oils and deep conditioners.
I take a daily muliti vitamin,
drink lots of water
fruits and veggies.
I don't ingest my herbs though (I do put them in food for flavoring...thyme is soo yummy)...since I grow my own I like to put them in my hair oils and deep conditioners.

So which herbs do you use in your hair products?

I know people can put herbs in their tea's :yep:
A girl on my jobs hair is sooo long it...grew from just below shoulder to almost tail bone in just over 1 1/2 I asked her what she recommends for hair growth...she told me noni juice.....(she makes her own) so I buy a bottle from her.....then my GF tells me the lady doesn't wash her hands after she uses the needless to say I won't be drinking that.....

I'm going to start back with the carrot juice, aloe vera and protein drinks....all that I have in my kitchen cupboards and have not been taking........thanks OP this will prompt me to start back:yep:
A girl on my jobs hair is sooo long it...grew from just below shoulder to almost tail bone in just over 1 1/2 I asked her what she recommends for hair growth...she told me noni juice.....(she makes her own) so I buy a bottle from her.....then my GF tells me the lady doesn't wash her hands after she uses the needless to say I won't be drinking that.....​

I'm going to start back with the carrot juice, aloe vera and protein drinks....all that I have in my kitchen cupboards and have not been taking........thanks OP this will prompt me to start back:yep:

ewwwwwww!!! And I bet she used her hands to smash the berries and going on...hahahahahaha....sorry..ask for a refund
So which herbs do you use in your hair products?

I know people can put herbs in their tea's :yep:

I put some rosemary, lavender, Ginger root (not really and herb though). I like to pound them to let out the juices before I put them in my oils. Before applying rosemary to my hair oils I had really bad itchy and flacky scalp from the heat used at the Dominican salons. I've eliminated most heat (except for DC) and started applying my oil infused with rosemary and there hasn't been a flake in sight.
A girl on my jobs hair is sooo long it...grew from just below shoulder to almost tail bone in just over 1 1/2 I asked her what she recommends for hair growth...she told me noni juice.....(she makes her own) so I buy a bottle from her.....then my GF tells me the lady doesn't wash her hands after she uses the needless to say I won't be drinking that.....​

I'm going to start back with the carrot juice, aloe vera and protein drinks....all that I have in my kitchen cupboards and have not been taking........thanks OP this will prompt me to start back:yep:

What is noni juice? Sounds like she as also has good hair growing genetic's

What does aloe vera juice taste like? I know people in my country drink (and eat it sans it when they have hyper tension and I've always been told that it's the most disgusting thing ever. What's your take on it?
I have had Aloe Vera Juice before...and I know how gross it is...but it's suppose to soooo....gooood for you!

I usually mix my Aloe Vera Juice with Orange Juice
I drink a v8 fusion...its a full day's serving of veggies and fruits in a juice. I wrote about it in my blog. I don't take any other supplements.
I take the supplements listed in my signature, plus nettle and kelp, lecithin, vitamin b6 and acv softgel called KLB6. I mix my aloe vera with my goji juice. I love to add parsley to lots of things I eat. Parsley is a whole food and is also very good for hair. I have a big canister of powdered herbs nettle, burdock, comfrey, oatstraw, rosemary, kelp, barley grass. irish moss that I mix in my conditioners and homemade scalp concoction. I also mix in aloe vera.

I have taken ACV straight out the bottle and pure, organic, unrefined coconut oil, but both are hard to choke down (unless I dilute the ACV with alot of water) so I have never been consistent with it. Coconut oil is so good for you internally, but that stuff is hard to choke down. It feels like you have a mouth full of grease, which is exactly what you have...

Next up on my supplements to try is the black vinegar capsules and coconut oil softgels. A couple years ago, I read that the coconut oil in the softgels are not really effective because in order to get the full benefit of the two tablespoons a day that is recommended, you would have to take like a half bottle of the softgels a day, but maybe just taking in some of the good stuff even if it isn't two tablespoons will be beneficial. Also, the black vinegar is supposed to be 43 times more powerful than ACV. I am still researching and trying to figure out how/where they got 43 times more powerful from (smile) as the number seems arbitrary to me although I do not doubt that black vinegar is more powerful.

P.S.: I forgot to say that I take my supplements for health. I added the nettle a few months ago and PP sent me double my order by mistake, so I have been taking the nettle for a few months now, but I tried that specifically for hair. Everything else I have been taking for years before I started researching good hair care "best practices."
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What does aloe vera juice taste like? I know people in my country drink (and eat it sans it when they have hyper tension and I've always been told that it's the most disgusting thing ever. What's your take on it?

I drink Aloe Vera juice and it is tasteless, kinda like water. The kind that I use is named George's.

I love it. I take 2 oz. in da morning and two at night. Keeps me regular too!!!:yep: