Vitamin Brand Conditioners and Shampoos- Anyone use these?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone become a fan of this brand of shampoo and conditioner? I tried searching but vitamin and conditioner bring up a ridiculous amount of search results. They're sulfate free and really push the antioxidant, nourishing vitamins appeal. Oh,and they're about 6.99 for either one.



My roomie had these in the shower. I suspect she might be Niko's Cousin but haven't asked her yet. There's quite alot of evidence that she is ...flax seed oil, denman brush, shea butter, etc, etc. But anyway, this was in the shower. I didn't use it, just sniffed it and it smells heavenly, absolutely delish. I would buy the conditioner on the smell alone, but wanted to see if any of you knew the deal.
I love the mangosteen yogurt conditioner, but not the acai guava. I rarely buy shampoos, but I am a huge fan of the mangosteen yogurt condish. I have only tried the two....I have been meaning to try the blueberry avocado as I love avocado.
I love the mangosteen yogurt conditioner, but not the acai guava. I rarely buy shampoos, but I am a huge fan of the mangosteen yogurt condish. I have only tried the two....I have been meaning to try the blueberry avocado as I love avocado.

Do you use these on the regular? Do you find hem to be more moisturizing than other drugstore conditioners, say pantene or garnier.
Well, I have to say that I have not been a fan of Panteen until I recently tried the Nature Fusion moisturizing with cassia, aloe and ginger. The nature fusion is one of the best conditioners I have tried in years. My hair despises anything Garnier, so I don't go near the stuff. I researched the Vitamin conditioners and they are made by the same manufacturer as Organix. As a matter of fact, the ingredients are almost exactly the same except for the fruits in the Vitamin conditioners. With regard to Organix conditioners, I have only tried two of them: the coconut milk and the vanilla silk. My hair loves the former and hates the latter one. Go figure!!! The mangosteen yogurt is very moisturizing. The acai guava did nothing for my hair.
I used the acai conditioner. It has great slip and moisturizes my hair well. I just picked up the goji berry/green tea conditioner and it was pretty moisturizing for me as well.