Vitamin A Alert


New Member
I just read in "First" magazine that vitamin A aids hair growth; however, intake in the toxic range (25,000 IUs) can cause thinning. You can reverse toxicity-related loss by not taking A-apecific supplements and getting the recommended 5,000 IUs per day from foods such as mozzarella cheese (378 IU per 1/2 cup) and eggs (316 IU each).

**For those of you taking multiple supplements, please take a few minutes to add up your daily vitamin A intake to help prevent hair loss.
Thanks Alireno for this important info. Many people are still unaware of how toxic vitamin A supplements can be if taking too many. I get my vitamin A from the foods I eat, like eggs, cheese and veggies high in beta-carotene (non-toxic).
I don't know if it's any less dangerous (water soluble), I take the beta carotene form of Vita A. I'll have to ask my dermatologist when I reschedule.

Thanks for sharing!
Yep, I researched and found this info before I began my vitamin regimen. Thanks for posting. It's definitely important to add up what all of the supplements are giving you as a total and to think about how much you may be getting in your regular diet to avoid taking too much of something. I put all of my vitamin info into a spreadsheet so that I could make sure of this.
Great point. Remember that the fish oil capsules (cod liver oil, salmon oil etc.) contain vitamin A.

Yes, beta-carotene is fat soluble. It is a precursor to vitamin A. There is a formula to convert beta-carotene quantities to vitamin A... if I find it, I'll post it.