Vitale Life and Body Relaxer


New Member
Does the Vitale Life and Body (regular) straighten 4b hair (as in almost bone straight)?

Does anyone use this relaxer or the Vitale Concorde (super)?

Any comments or suggestions are appreciated! Thanks yall:yawn:
I'm not relaxed anymore, but when I was, this was the BEST relaxer! Left my (mostly 4a) hair bone straight. :up:
I'm not relax anymore either and really not sure of my hair type.. But this was my all time favorite and when I would go to the salon to use it I would buy the other bottles that went with it and it came out even better..(its like 4 or 5 steps) I think the very last relaxer I got my stylist got it bone straight and it was just beautiful..
My daughter is a mix of 4a/b and uses this (after being natural for 3 +yrs) and she gets super straight hair after applying it for 10 min max
Thanks for the replies.

I was about to give up on lye relaxers because they NEVER get my hair bone straight how I want.

My cousin who is a beautician recommends Vitale products all the time.

I might give it a try when it's time for me to relax my hair.
I used this and didn't care for it. Burned my scalp worse than any other relaxer-- like, my ENTIRE scalp was burned. :nono:

It also didn't get my hair bone straight. All it did was soften my new growth. :perplexed I was disappointed because I'd heard such great things about this relaxer, but it was a disaster for me.
I bought this at my local BSS and it didn't straighten my hair, more of a texlax and barely that. My hair is low porosity and hard to straighten so it might work better for someone without these issues.