Well-Known Member
I know alot of ladies buy from Vitacost, I would suggest you check your statements. What happens is when you clicK on THE POP UP BOX asking you if you want to subscribe to there monthy subcription, (DONT, JUST HIT THE X) vitacost automatically charges you a recurring monthly fee of 14.95. Im sure they received a lot of complaints so now they charge you a one time fee of 19.95 in additon to what you've already been charged through a company called ADAPTIVE LLC. Even if you only entered some information into the pop up box and canceled, or just clicked on the box. I was unaware of this entire scam until I looked back at my statements, and realized i was charged additional 19.95 through a different company called ADAPTIVE LLC.. Ladies just just be careful, their is a reason they dont allow paypal. Type in vitacost scam into your search engine, you will be suprised how many complaints there are.

eta:, a company that sells vitamins over the internet, basically sold my credit card information to a company called "Shopping Essentials" which is an internet scam company that sets up recurring charges on its victims credit card accounts. The charges are $14.95 per month, and can fly under the radar for months before being discovered.
If you investigate Shopping Essentials, you'll find that they are really in the business of setting up and maintaining e-commerce websites for other businesses. In exchange for their services, Shopping Essentials gets the credit card information of everyone making a purchase at the websites that they have assisted. They then set up recurring charges on these credit card accounts. If you catch them, they'll tell you that you must have accepted their subscription offer when making an online purchase. These subscription offers are disguised as discount coupon offers (either toward your next purchase or for shipping.) The disguised coupon is used to both legitamize the scam and also as an attempt to shift responsibility to the consumer and avoid criminal prosecution.
I called Vitacost to complain about this scam. When I spoke with their representative, I was told that I must have clicked on an offer for a discount coupon; and by doing so, I had accepted the "Shopping Essentials" subscription. The representative at Vitacost tried to defend their actions, stating what a valuble service Shopping Essentials was offering. This reaction leads me to believe that Vitacost is also receiving some portion of these monthly charges since the only "value" must be to them (certainly not their customers.) If Shopping Essentials were really offering a valuble service to consumer's, then why the deception? And if Vitacost is a legitamate vitamin company, then why are they involved in scamming their own customers?
Equally disturbing is that I now believe Vitacost and their exclusive vitamin brand "Nutraceutical Science Institute" to also be a scam. Vitacost advertises that they are the exclusive distributors of this fantastic brand of "doctor recommended" vitamins called "Nutraceutical Science Institute" or NSI for short. It is very likely that Vitacost and NSI are the same company. They are BOTH located in Boynton, Florida. NSI vitamins are the main product line of Vitacost. Since NSI vitamins are not distributed by any well known distributor such as GNC or Vitamin Shoppe, their contents are not backed by anyone other than themselves. The only way for a consumer to be sure of their contents is to pay for a lab test(too expensive for the average consumer). If NSI really were a fantastic line of vitamins, wouldn't they want a well known distributor with a trusted name? Of course, legitimate distributors such as GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, and others scrutinize the contents of products they sell. I suspect NSI products to contain little if any of what they advertise.
My experience with Vitacost leads me to believe that they are partnered with Shopping Essentials in the business of scamming the public. I also believe that NSI is an "invented" vitamin brand of questionable content used as a "hook" to lure naive shoppers into their scam.
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Fraud Warning - Vitacost sells your credit card and bank info
Written: May 24 '07

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Here is a company that sells your credit card or bank information, without you knowing, to anyone willing to pay for it.

I purchased Vitacost vitamin products due to price. To my surprise I was nailed months later with a $14.95 credit card charge twice and one for $1 from a company called AP9 Shopping Essentials Plus, that I never made. I also learned they conduct business under the name Adaptive Marketing LLC and Trilequaint Corporation.

Vitacost sells your credit card info to unscrupulous companies. An intelligent person knowing what you now know would have less stress if you shop at a legitimate and ethical company such as Puritan Pride or the Vitamin Shoppe (at this time I do not know of any similar fraudulent activities conducted by these companies).

Know what's like to be scammed, ripped off, violated or have someone take over your credit card or bank account unauthorized? You may not even be aware you have been locked into some scheme to leech $14.95 or more from your account every month.

How do you know that this is fraud.. why else would a company charge you $1 within your billing cycle outside the $14.95 every month? They really screw you on their site and you don't even know it. You cannot cancel your credit card account if there is any amount still owing over two consecutive month cycles. By charging $1 it allows these shell companies to lock you into a vicious cycle you will not get out of easily. The resulting damage to credit card companies and individuals is lost time, lost productivity and stolen money. A person with any common sense would know this is an issue government must deal with swiftly and with relentless treatment for these unethical and criminal activities. The amount lost each year to this type of fraud is over $60 MILLION.

It just so happens when you shop online at Vitacost if you click on a banner ad (even accidentally) while shopping it will harvest your credit card number (if you entered it for a purchase already) and they will sell it to anyone who is willing to pay for it (e.g. see company above). This is real life it is criminals playing the system with your money and your life. Don't roll over and accept the beating. It is easy.. Shop Vitacost and similar companies and eventually pay the ultimate price and humiliation of being violated!

Vitacost is an unethical and immoral company that does NOT make its living from selling products. That is just an entry way just like Vista Print to collect your personal information and sell your credit card information or inadvertently sign you up for something unknowingly on a monthly un-revocable basis.

Your bank will tell you automatic re-occuring monthly charges cannot be closed.. and I understand why that law allows this practice. What I cannot fathom is why there is not a law preventing such fraudulent activity as compromising your credit card number for unauthorized purchases and being placed on a monthly renewal without your knowledge of it. You can prevent unwanted pregnancy either before or after it happens. Why would someone chose to take care of it after the fact when they could have avoided the pregnancy in advance?

I saw there are a large number of complaints online who shared the same issue although it was with issues with coupons issued by Vitacost for $10 off and others where free shipping offered. In these cases there is a statement you click to agree to the terms that is longer than War and Peace. Who reads through these multi-page 8 point text size pop ups? You assume what you are buying is what you selected within the framework of the order page and not some other hidden statements in an pop up agreement.

There is no doubt these were meant to be part of the scam. Why else would the dregs of society have to bury an offer.. hide it away where you will most likely not see it and not even be given a confirmation of what you unknowingly agreed to?

Sound advice - if you want an uncorrupted credit card, an unblemished credit history, and bank account safe from criminals you can begin by disposing of everything sent to you from Vitacost out, delete their emails - if you open them you become at risk, and not visit sites known to harvest and sell credit card numbers.

I don't doubt Vitacost sells vitamins and perhaps decent quality at a competitive price - I was a customer until I was a victim of these practices. Now that you know how they really make a living are you willing to save $10% -50% on a $10 - $20 item just because you will be RAPED and repeatedly VIOLATED every month for $14.95 for an unprecedented time for a service you never heard of and may never use.. let alone the lost time you will take to right a wrong.

I am not vocal about many things although when I am ripped off and there are those who don't know how to navigate the mine field of resolving a scam that even the government seems be helpless about and tens of thousands of people's lives are turned upside down there comes a time when someone has to bring the mountain to Mohammed and bring things to light.

May you never have to endure what others have gone through and are still dealing with having just made an innocent purchase at Vitacost (or Vistaprint). To your health and prosperity.

I notice the pop-up box on the Vitacost website when completing an order. I always close the box 'cause years ago I heard of the scam of selling credit card nos. and your e-mail address to third-parties. Also I don't click on the "NOTICE: This order qualifies for a FREE SHIPPING REBATE. Click here for details." link they send you in the order-confirmation e-mail.

There are a lot of websites that have "take a survey" pop-up box. One that comes to mind is

But the bottom line is always close out these pop-up boxes and don't click on pop-up offers for rebates, discounts or surveys. They're all scams as far as I'm concerned.

But I'm severely disturbed about Vitacost's practices and will explore ordering from Puritan's Pride and Vitamin Shoppe in the future. And I always wondered what this NSI brand was but never ordered any of those products.

Thanks, OP, for posting this info.
Yeah, I've ordered from them quite a bit, and never had any trouble, but I do use paypal, and I never accept any rebates or special offers.
I do want to find more about the NSI supplements possibly being dodgy.
Oh no!!! I take a lot of supplements for an illness and I ALWAYS order from Vitacost. Never had a problem but then again I never signed up for that offer but the box does come up everytime.

I always figured that NSI was Vitcost's brand just like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe has their own brand but I never use NSI products because I don't know anything about it.

I am so disappointed in Vitacost for dealing with shady companies and being shady themselves.:nono:

*Off to double check bank statements*
I know alot of ladies buy from Vitacost, I would suggest you check your statements. What happens is when you clicK on THE POP UP BOX asking you if you want to subscribe to there monthy subcription, (DONT, JUST HIT THE X) vitacost automatically charges you a recurring monthly fee of 14.95. Im sure they received a lot of complaints so now they charge you a one time fee of 19.95 in additon to what you've already been charged through a company called ADAPTIVE LLC. Even if you only entered some information into the pop up box and canceled, or just clicked on the box. I was unaware of this entire scam until I looked back at my statements, and realized i was charged additional 19.95 through a different company called ADAPTIVE LLC.. Ladies just just be careful, their is a reason they dont allow paypal. Type in vitacost scam into your search engine, you will be suprised how many complaints there are.

They do accept paypal.
Glad this was posted. I order from them all of the time. I haven't ordered anything since last year. i just logged on and erased my credit card info that was saved on there. thanks
Wow. I placed an order 2 months ago. I had a slight issue unrelated to any scam and decided to order from Puritan Pride too. I have to look at my statement now. I may just stick with Puritan Pride from now on.
This is really scary to hear. I have to keep a look out on that. I only pay through paypal, so perhaps that is more secure. But I'm appauld that vitacost would do this. I may not buy from them again.
I just read an article last week that the Fed Gov is putting a stop to companies doing this type of ish. The article said a customer would have to manually put in their credit card number in order for the company to be able to sell stuff to them. I am still searching for the article.
This is disheartening, I've been ordering from them for the past 2yrs without any incident. I may need to do some research on other companys. I wouldn't want this to happen to me.
They do accept paypal.

I havent ordered from them for such a long time, but for some reason i couldnt use paypal. I know there are some sites who will offer paypal but will not allow you to purchase using it. Ive actually contacted paypal about it, and theyve said, some companies wont allow you to purchase through paypal but they'll still offer it.
I've ordered from Vitacost for awhile now and use paypal. I haven't experienced any issues but thanks for the article, I will be sure to be on the lookout.
Thanks for the heads up. I ordered something a while ago and didn't experience this. However, I will not be ordering from them again.
This happened to about 2 years ago and I sent a scathing email to Vitacost and Shopping Essentials. They immediately gave me my money back!
I have ordered from vitacost for the past five years and have never had a problem. I have been using paypal for the past year or so but I never had problems when I was just using my visa directly either.