
Well-Known Member
I saw these in stores and am tempted to take them as an alternative to taking big horse pills everyday. I want to incorporate the carrot juice challenge and spirutein into my regimen which is one I hope that will be easier for me to continue. I also want to try out l-cysteine because I dont think I could eat enough eggs. Anywho has anyone tried these vitamins? Did they taste good and are they as effective as normal multivitamin pills? God bless you all.
I bought some adult chewable vitamins from the Vitamin Shoppe, they taste like a flintstones vitamin with a slightly chalky after-taste that I chase away with juice.

I've never tried the Vitaball/Gummy Vites, but I use the supposedly "kids" vitamins, right now the Jimmy Neutron ones, lol! If you look really closely on the back where the directions for use and ingredients are listed, you'll find that a lot of childrens vitamins can be used by adults!! The Jimmy Neutron ones, and most of the kids vitamins, have to be cut in half for children under a specific age. Adults and kids over 12 (I think) take 1 whole tablet for 100% daily vitamins and minerals. Plus, it don't hurt to take more than 1 if you feel like you may need a little extra! I HATE those big 'ole horse pills that taste all yucky!!!
Those types of vitamins taste, look, smell, and feel so bad going down your throat that I just stop taking them! Kids vitamins for me!
I think I remember vevster posting that these were not safe but then again it could have been something else.
I hope it is something else because I dont like taking big horse pills everyday. I can keep up with it for a month tops and then afterwards I get tired and dont do it anymore. I do have the chewable vitamins like flintstones but that after taste is what gets me sometimes even though it is a whole lot better than those huge horse pills. God bless you all.
I'm not sure about the Gummy Vites, but STAY AWAY from the Scooby Doo fizz vitamins! NASTY!! My kids will not take them, and I don't blame them! I tasted those things, and I knew why they were a bit cheaper than the regular Scooby Doo ones!
I checked the back of some of the gummy vitamins in rite aid and was disappointed that they didnt have a lot of the vitamins and minerals as the chewables. I didnt see the vitaball or gummy vites so i wil have to keep on looking and compare and contrast. if not i will go to vitaminshoppe and get their gummies. God bless you all.
I got the gummy vites and they are soo good. I dont taste any mediciney aftertaste, its like eating a regular gummy bear. if only all my vitamins were gummy
God bless you all.