Virtuous Gal, I am shouting you out!


Well-Known Member
VirtuousGal, I just have to thank you publicly for sharing your comments on the Beyonce 1+1 video concerning the spirit of Baphomet. Thank you for having the courage to call it out! I was assigned to preach at our church's youth revival and I shared that link and information on Baphomet, and one of the young people got rid of her Beyonce music because of it.

Now the parents in the church want another workshop to help them see the media influence of the enemy on their children. To God be the glory! Best believe that you have contributed and I believe the Lord will add a jewel to your crown! Bless you dear! :rosebud:
Aww wow thank you! I've read a few articles about it and I completely recognized the symbols and it definitely startling to see how much it permeates music, business and the world. I just had to call it like I see it :)
@VirtuousGal, I just have to thank you publicly for sharing your comments on the Beyonce 1+1 video concerning the spirit of Baphomet. Thank you for having the courage to call it out! I was assigned to preach at our church's youth revival and I shared that link and information on Baphomet, and one of the young people got rid of her Beyonce music because of it.

Now the parents in the church want another workshop to help them see the media influence of the enemy on their children. To God be the glory! Best believe that you have contributed and I believe the Lord will add a jewel to your crown! Bless you dear! :rosebud:
@VirtuousGal or nissi,
Can you please share the link here?

I just want to point out something else posted on that site:

"- These videos will beyond any doubt show that Jesus is just a myth and just a symbol for the sun - sun worship. Don't take my words for it, just watch this set of movies; each of them about 10 minutes"

I rebuke that website in the name of Jesus. This is why we can't just blindly follow what someone posts on a website. It's cleverly woven among all the propaganda. :nono: