Video/Tutorial Needed for "Dime" Moisturizer


Well-Known Member
We have seen blogs, articles, posts where it is recommended that you use only a "dime size" amount of leave-in and/or moisturizer on your hair. In another thread there is a discussion of reality: a "dime size" amount doesn't cover bupkes! If there is anyone longer than SL who successfully only uses this minute amount, could you PLEASE post a link to a video showing how you distribute this to cover all of your hair -- with plenty left to focus on your ends!

Thanks SO much!!
We have seen blogs, articles, posts where it is recommended that you use only a "dime size" amount of leave-in and/or moisturizer on your hair. In another thread there is a discussion of reality: a "dime size" amount doesn't cover bupkes! If there is anyone longer than SL who successfully only uses this minute amount, could you PLEASE post a link to a video showing how you distribute this to cover all of your hair -- with plenty left to focus on your ends!

Thanks SO much!!

HAAA!:lachen:Yea - I have no Idea how anyone does that.....

I don't use a dime amount of anything.

Love ya Soulie!
A dime section on all my hair---no, but if I part my hair in 4 sections, then part that in 4 sections, then a dime section would work.