VIDEO: Soooo, now satan placed the "rapture" in the bible to deceive us?


New Member



I'm one of the 1st people to encourage people to question everything - the bible included but seriously. What is he saying? Is he serious (yes, I know that he is).

I'm still on the fence about Paul being a true apostle. It is true that he does not meet the standard however, if he really "met" Jesus & was chosen by Him then Paul does meet the standard. However, this standard was set by men who canonized the bible. But still, I have chosen to trust God to have everything that is needed for salvation in the bible regardless of any changes that men are alleged to have done to the bible.

My point is: this guy is serious that satan put lies in the bible to mislead believers into following the antichirst.

Thoughts please.
Ive heard this before, that the word 'rapture' isnt even in the bible

I just figured it this way, if Jesus comes in the 'flesh' again, I will not follow that Jesus , that would be the anti christ. So while some might thinking they will be 'raptured' by following him

on the other hand the Bible clearly does not state Jesus would return in the flesh and the scripture they use to support the 'rapture' still doesnt involve following a man in the flesh