Vidal Sassoon Steam Rollers (Caruso replica)


Hello Everyone-

#1 For those who are using the Vidal Sassoon Rollers: What is the difference between the "Steam" setting and the "Ionic Steam Setting"?
I know that the Ionic steam setting makes a clicking noise but what is the major difference between the two?

#2 For Caruso or Vidal Sassoon Users that use the 'End Papers':
How are you using the End Papers? Are you wrapping it around the roller and then steaming it or wrapping it around your hair and then putting the roller on?

Thanks in Advance!!
I have the same system.

Always wondered the same thing. I've only used the rollers on the ionic setting.
I have the Vidal Sasson steam rollers and from my understanding, the ionic setting just makes your hair silkier. No real difference though. I have an ionic setting on my dryer too and it makes my roller sets come out even softer and shinier.

I don't always use end papers, but when I do it keeps my hair from looking frizzy or tangling at the end.
I don't think that there is a major difference between the two steam options. The clicking noise is very annoying so I don't bother using it.

After putting the roller on the steam for 7 seconds, I wrap an end paper around the roller then roll.
Hi Im not trying to get off subject but how do you even use steam rollers? My friend bought some steam rollers and has no clue how to use then and neither do I. How on earth do you use those u shaped pins to hold the rollers?