Victory is Mine


The Credit Countess
"Victory is Mine Victory is Mine Victory today is mine, I told Satan get thee behind Victory today is mine".

I’m posted this message to tell someone Victory today is yours. No matter what you are going thought Victory today is your.

I know someone here needed to here this I know this because I had typed this whole message and it was lost so I know that it was trying to be stopped thinking she typed all of that and lost it she won’t type it again, but I’m here to say Get thee behind me Victory today is OURS.

I was looking at the Word network Friday and it was an award ceremony and they were honoring the gospel performer John P. Kee and he had a testimony that had me shouting so much that I couldn’t wash the dishes. He spoke of a car accident that him and his son was in a couple of weeks again. He was driving in his truck in the snow and the truck hit some ice and run off of the road and towards an embankment. He said that as he was going toward the embankment that he asked God to take him and protect his son. Now there were going towards the embankment John said that all he could call out was the name of JESUS (something about the name Jesus), and you know what, the truck toward over and went back on the highway in the right direction and he and his son was without a bruise, or any injuries.

So I want someone to know that God is still in control and he is still in the blessing business. Stay encourage and don’t give up. Please don’t give up.

God Bless

Remember if you have been thru a test you have a testimony to give
I sing this song most every morning in the shower and then I change the word victory into whatever I need and eventually change the whole song into my daily affirmations.

Victory this year is mines.
That's one of my fav. church songs! Thanks for posting that story :) I'm here counting down the 24 mins. til Bobby Jones gospel comes on BET :D
blaxalrose said:
Thank you for posting this..I've been sad and crying most of the morning, I needed to hear this...
Sweetie, don't be sad! Know that no matter what, GOD's got your back!! Say like Job: "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him!" Even when it looks bad, know that it's working for your good.

Girl, you stand flat-footed and tell the devil you've read the last chapter in THE BOOK, and you know how the story ends. He loses! :trampolin

Be happy and blessed, blaxalrose! :kiss:
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The Lord know just what you need and when you need it!!

I really needed to hear this. Thanks LadyR for posting such a positive reassuring message!!