Victory in Singleness: A Strategy for Emotional Peace by Valerie and Jerome Clayton


New Member
I just posted this on the Soulmate thread, but the Spirit is pushing me to post this in its own thread for those that don't read that thread. As my walk with the Lord is growing, I am learning to do what He tells me.

Valerie and Jerome Clayton wrote a book called Victory in Singleness: A Strategy for Emotional Peace. I did read that book a few years ago, and found it to be excellent. I don't normally recommend books, but this one was great. I would even recommend it to non-saved/non-Christian people, because it talks about issues in a non-accusatory manner, but really makes you think. In fact, the issues discussed in the book are so true to life, even married people could really benefit from the book as they still struggle with many of the areas discussed.

The book is broken into three areas/emotions. Authors id envy, discouragement and bitterness that many women, in particular, experience while facing prolonged singleness. Although I'm still in my early/mid 20's, I found this book to be a good help for life issues in general. There's also a good amount of reference to scripture.
I just Googled the book title and read some (favorable) reviews on I will definitely get this book. Thank you for obeying the gentle leading of the Lord as I have been having a challenge in this area of my life for a while now. I pray that it is a healthful contributor to my healing and deliverance.

Peace to you!
RelaxerRehab said:
I just Googled the book title and read some (favorable) reviews on I will definitely get this book. Thank you for obeying the gentle leading of the Lord as I have been having a challenge in this area of my life for a while now. I pray that it is a healthful contributor to my healing and deliverance.

Peace to you!

No problem. At the time I read the book, I didn't think I was having issues with singleness. However, when I read the book, it was about so much more than singleness. It really dealt with core issues. For example, you may not struggle with envy, but you may struggle with disappointment or something else the book talks about. But you may have a friend that struggles with envy and you can help that person.
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cocoberry10 said:
I just posted this on the Soulmate thread, but the Spirit is pushing me to post this in its own thread for those that don't read that thread. As my walk with the Lord is growing, I am learning to do what He tells me.

Valerie and Jerome Clayton wrote a book called Victory in Singleness: A Strategy for Emotional Peace. I did read that book a few years ago, and found it to be excellent. I don't normally recommend books, but this one was great. I would even recommend it to non-saved/non-Christian people, because it talks about issues in a non-accusatory manner, but really makes you think. In fact, the issues discussed in the book are so true to life, even married people could really benefit from the book as they still struggle with many of the areas discussed.

The book is broken into three areas/emotions. Authors id envy, discouragement and bitterness that many women, in particular, experience while facing prolonged singleness. Although I'm still in my early/mid 20's, I found this book to be a good help for life issues in general. There's also a good amount of reference to scripture.
Thanks for posting any information on how to empower people to get closer to God and embrace their current state of life with peace until their change comes is essential to well being of the mind, body and spirit.
Re: Victory in Singleness: A Strategy for Emotional Peace by Valerie and Jerome Clayt

Sounds good to me. Thanks for the encouragement. I'll be sure to check this out at my Christian bookstore.
I was able to get this book from the library yesterday and I started reading it last night. Some of it made me tear up because some of the very words I have thought/said of myself were in the pages. The section on envy either hit home or confused me somewhat (or both) about what envy really is.... It still sort of feels like stuff I've read before that has been said/written to encourage women re. singleness. The authors used the term "prolonged singleness" and that stuck out to me because I never considered myself being in prolonged singleness, although I have been waiting to be married for a LONG time.

I'm going to finish the book.
RelaxerRehab said:
I was able to get this book from the library yesterday and I started reading it last night. Some of it made me tear up because some of the very words I have thought/said of myself were in the pages. The section on envy either hit home or confused me somewhat (or both) about what envy really is.... It still sort of feels like stuff I've read before that has been said/written to encourage women re. singleness. The authors used the term "prolonged singleness" and that stuck out to me because I never considered myself being in prolonged singleness, although I have been waiting to be married for a LONG time.

I'm going to finish the book.

I'm glad you are enjoying the book RelaxerRehab. Although I didn't struggle with envy, I was in a very discouraged state at that time. To many, my life was going well, and truly I was doing better than most people my age. But to myself, my life was not where I wanted it to be and I was feeling bad about that.

When you finish, pm me. I would love to discuss your thoughts on the book, especially the part on envy (I would post here, but I don't want to give away anything from the book/spoil it for others).
Ordered it! Cant wait until it comes in the mail!

After seeing it on here...I read the reviews on Amazon and couldnt resist clicking buy now!

If I remember, which I should, I will post back when I am done reading it:D

Thanks for the suggestion....
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Ordered it! Cant wait until it comes in the mail!

After seeing it on here...I read the reviews on Amazon and couldnt resist clicking buy now!

If I remember, which I should, I will post back when I am done reading it:D

Thanks for the suggestion....

You will certainly be blessed by reading this book!