Very underprocessed in the back/help!


New Member

okay I started self relaxing in september because of various reasons. I got sick of paying money to see a hair stylist and having them leave the relaxers on too long.

Since then I have noticed my hair has been growing a little faster than before. The problem is my hair is reverting fast after I retouch it.

I first used silk elements and it got it straight but it reverted 2 weeks later. It happened the first and 2nd time I self relaxed. I though it was the relaxer because some people said their hair reverted too. I then started using ors olive oil-normal/no lye.

The third time I self relaxed was with ors. It came out straight but reverted like in 2-3 weeks lol.

Now usually I can go 8 weeks until I get a relaxer but since retouching myself it seems like I have to go every 6 weeks because I can barely handle all this new growth after 2 weeks.

I dont understand this at all. Is it the relaxer or my technique?

I used my fingers the first couple of times I relaxed. I think Im not getting enough creame on my newgrowh and not parting it enough in sections.

I relax the back first and then the front last to prevent overprocessing since I relax slowly.

The hair in the front isnt bad. Its the back. The middle back I have crazy newgrowth. Im only on the 3rd week since I self relaxed.

Theres parts mainly in the middle back where its even frizzy down to the ends and no I dont run a relaxer to my ends. I only relax the newgrowth but Im guessing im missing parts in the back.

I want to ask this all newgrowth and should I run the relaxer to the ends in the back since its frizzy. It basically feels like a fro. no joke. Very tight curls.

I cant relax my hair till the 2nd week of march.
I did buy a dye brush to use next time. Maybe that will do the trick.

I also want to say my newgrowth isnt wavy like some peoples. It gets kinky. My hair is fine but I guess it might be resistant. I dunno if should change relaxers or what.:confused:
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It might be your technique. Do you go back and smooth?

It's best to make small parts. It's easy to miss a patch here and a patch there. You may want to do your back one day and your front a few days later if you think it will give you more time.

I think it would be ok to redo those sections you missed, if you're sure it's underprocessed and not overprocessed.

yeah probably. My whole hair in the back is almost turning into an afro :mad:. Its not just small patches. Its almost my whole back area. Its getting hard to comb out. I can barely style it anymore..just a pony tail. :(
Im trying to keep it moisturized.

Yeah I go back and smooth but Im guessing im not parting into small sections. getting everything in the back. After so much underprocessing each time i relax my hair in the back just keeps getting kinkier.

Im pretty sure its underprocessed because i rarely leave it on longer than the extended time and I only relax the newgrowth. I also do the back first for 15 minute, wash out the back and then the front last for 15 minutes. I dont relax the whole head in one sitting.

If I correct those underprocessed areas will I have to leave it on less than the other parts?

baglady215 said:
It might be your technique. Do you go back and smooth?

It's best to make small parts. It's easy to miss a patch here and a patch there. You may want to do your back one day and your front a few days later if you think it will give you more time.

I think it would be ok to redo those sections you missed, if you're sure it's underprocessed and not overprocessed.
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I had found this to be a consistent problem for me too. My back was never relaxed as much as the front. I discovered that the back needs almost 5 more minutes of processing than does the front.

So, I relax in 2 sections, the front half and the rear. Now, It's not so much of a problem.

There's a difference between relaxers too:

Motions Silkener Regular, I can relaxer the front for 9, the back for 12-14.
Silk Elements Mild, Front - 18 minutes, Back 22 minutes.

Everyone's hair is different but because of different textures throughout, you may need to modify how you're doing your retouches to obtain maximum consistency.


Also, I'd recommend if you're finding it's not straight enough, don't make large incremental jumps in times (1-2 minutes max) or you'll end up overprocessed and that's even worse. You can do a corrective to get it straighter if necessary but you can't unprocess it once the damage is done.
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thanks for the recommendations.

my hair is hard to explain. its very fine but the newgrowth gets pretty course and kinky.

I relax the back and front for 15 minutes. Im afraid if I leave it on any longer my hair will fall out.

I dont know if should switch to extra strength relaxer? prob not because of my hair texture. grr.

VWVixxen said:
I had found this to be a consistent problem for me too. My back was never relaxed as much as the front. I discovered that the back needs almost 5 more minutes of processing than does the front.

So, I relax in 2 sections, the front half and the rear. Now, It's not so much of a problem.

There's a difference between relaxers too:

Motions Silkener Regular, I can relaxer the front for 9, the back for 12-14.
Silk Elements Mild, Front - 18 minutes, Back 22 minutes.

Everyone's hair is different but because of different textures throughout, you may need to modify how you're doing your retouches to obtain maximum consistency.


Also, I'd recommend if you're finding it's not straight enough, don't make large incremental jumps in times (1-2 minutes max) or you'll end up overprocessed and that's even worse. You can do a corrective to get it straighter if necessary but you can unprocess it once the damage is done.