Very Thin Hair


New Member
Hello Ladies,
I have been working on my hair for the past 3 months or so. I had a baby afetr a year ago and while doing this I grew my hair out natural and got it pressed. My hair was very thick and healthy. Then I moved from LA to Memphis and could not find anyone to press my hair the way it used to be when I was in LA so I got a no lye perm. Well back in January I got an Luminize color lifter applied to my hair the lady ran out on my hair nad advised me to come back in 2 days because it will be ok. Well I went back and because then my hair has broken off really badly and it is now very thin I have no problem getting my hair to grow it is just so thin. I currently wash once every 3 or 4 days....I have not had a perm since Sept 4th.....I wear protective styles 98% of the time(drawstring ponytail, braidout, cornrows) adn I started taking Nourishhair by GNC, Biotin 5mg, Bcomplex, Vegetal Silica, MSM 1000mg, Evening primrose oil, and a multi vitamin) but my hair is still thin. My new growth is a betetr texture and is thicker than my ends but no where as thick as it used to be. I purchased Motions oil moisterizer yesterday to apply this weekend but now I am skeptical. I am trying to decide if I should just go natural or just nurse my hair back with a lye perm and gradually trimming off the parts with color on it. Any suggestions...I am feelign really down.

ALso does your hair tewnd to look thinner when it is wet because wet it looks really stringy but dry it looks a little thick, not much though. I am gonna attempt to create a link to some photos of my hair. All advice is welcome and needed. /images/graemlins/confused.gif
Hi Tonya.

my hair was thin as well. but i added pantothenic acid(b5) and the twinlabs amino fuel liquid to my routine and it has made my hair THICK!! still not as thick as i would like it to be but atleast it isn't paper thin like before.

More of the ladies will come and offer their advice /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I agree with Madison - Pantothenic Acid has worked wonders on my hair....a lye realxer will be a better option most likely as well.

But I would also want to examine what effect the color "lifter" you used had on the hair...can you tell me some more about the Luminzer? What color did you lift your hair to? What do you mean when you say she left you and told you to come back in two days???? Could you clarify?

Also - has your hair always been on the thin side? Or fine? Perhaps I can recommend some stuff to you. I've had this problem as wlong as I can remember and I've found some great ways to work with it...
Hi Tracy!
No before I started experimanting with color and streaks I always had thick long hair. She used a prodict by Clariol called Luminize
She started applying it to my edges only...then she ran out. My hair was really thick then and she said she had no idea my hair was that thick so she did not have enough for my whole head or to pull to the ends. She told me to come back in two days. I would not have gone back but I walked around looking liek a skunk and I was very self soncious of the two tone hair. My roots were a snady brown and the rest of my hair was black. So when I wentr back she re did my entired head. Within 1 month I started experiencing severe breakage. I am assuming it was from this becuase at this time I was still getting my relaxers done professionally. I also waited a full 2 weeks before i got my retouch. My hair in the back had broken off to about 1 inch in places but I have grown it back to about 5 inches. But my hair is just really thin and stringy looking. I ahve a yahoo page but I am having a problem posting my pics so you can see it.
Hi. And I am sending you a <<<hug>>> because it sounds like you are frustated. Fistly, yes it sounds like things went downhill when you let this woman do your hair. (How unprofessional to not analyze the head you are doing and to plan accordingly.) I think you must BABY the hair you have. And clip it as the new growth grows in. Luckily, your hair grows fast. I don't think you should perm it, because you will have healthy new growth and you should leave that alone.
Good luck, and by June this disaster will be a memory.

I'm not sure what your current regimine is but I would suggest doing deep conditiong treatments with every wash. Also, stay away from all chemicals until your hair is better and to gradually trim the damaged hairs. A lot of people swear by Motions CPR and Aphogee's Treatment for damaged hair. Have you tried those?
I would say no to the relaxer until you hair is stronger, you don't want to add to the problem.
Ok now I am confused....I just called my beautician from when I was younger with pressed hair bra starp length...told her the whole long story and she told me to continue perminig nad just keep cutting the damaged parts off. i am confused so I guess the perm will stay under the sink until I decide what to do......
I agree with you guys that I should hold off but she does specialize in hair care...but u guiys do to ...look at your hair??? Oh my oh my..... /images/graemlins/confused.gif

First - hugs to you ((((Tonya)))).

I HATE when hairstylists do this to people's hair. The blunders your stylists part were MANY. I don't know enough about the specific color you used to say that it didn't cause the damage you experienced but I can tell you that I know my share about color and your stylist caused as much damage as the color did.

Okay. First I'm going to tell you what went wrong /images/graemlins/smile.gif and then I'm gonna mention some things that might help fix it. I don't mean to sound condescending at all - so don't get me wrong - but I always found that KNOWING what happened, and why, was always invaluable information for me going forward. Even in the repair process. If you know what the nature of the problems are and why they occurred ; it makes it that much easier to fix them. Ya feel me! /images/graemlins/grin.gif So I'd like to share what I know is all....

Color should be applied two to 4 weeks AFTER a retouch. I'll explain later why you MUST MUST, MUST color after the retouch (I'm at work so I'm trying to be careful time wise here) NOT two weeks BEFORE. So not only did she color your hair at the wrong time, but she did it TWICE. Not only that, but once the hair has been colored my experience is that it's best to wait anywhere between 8-10 weeks to relax your hair. This is because you want to give your stylist (or yourself) the greatest amount of new growth to work with because you'd be overlapping not only previously relaxed hair but previously relaxed AND colored hair. Over-processing is easy to do here. This step gives you the best possible chance to avoid it.

In addition to that - color thins the strands anyway - relaxer or no relaxer. And a no lye relaxer can be a problem (it isn't for everyone) because like any other relaxing product it raises the cuticle to do it's work - but the "calcium" in the calcium hydroxide formulation has a molecular structure that is quite large. Sodium is smaller - so it raises the cuticle, goes into the cortex, does it's work and leaves quietly. You condition it well and eventually the cuticle closes leaving the hair sealed and protected - which it is the cuticle's job to do. Calcium on the other hand, because of it's molecular size, can get stuck (for lack of a better description) on the way out and leave the cuticle open indefinitely. This leaves the delicate inner hair structure exposed to air, heat, and styling products. This results in a slow death to the hair strand. Many times it will appear lighter (a sign of oxidization - like how an apple turns colors when the white fleshy part is left open in the air?) at first and eventually, breaking and shedding ensue leaving the hair looking damaged and dry.

So -- you had the normal thinning that occurred from coloring (which isn't usually necessarily debilitating BTW) then you had the color application done in the wrong order; TWICE (for the love of God!!! Grrrr! /images/graemlins/mad.gif), and then you had the no-lye relaxer possibly drying out your strands, applied just two weeks after the coloring faisco. Add the unavoidable hormonal impact that being pregnant might have...and well, mamita - your hair's been THROUGH IT. In short, that's why your hair is thin. But I'm sure you knew that /images/graemlins/tongue.gif. And I commend you. You've obviously been doing something right if you still have enough to comment on LOL! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif and now we need to start helping you grow a mane full of long strong healthy hair like you had before. Your focus should be babying the cuticle of the hair in particular, keeping it sealed and the hair moisturized as much as possible.

Definitely switch relaxer formulas. You may not be having a problem with the no lye, but you can't really know whether or not you are, IMO, if your hair is already so damaged. Choose a mild formula as well. Better safe than sorry. Your colored hair will thank you if any overlapping occurs. Condition the hair with every single wash and wash regularly. No less than once a week. Roller set your hair ONLY. Air drying is ok too but heat is a BIG no-no for you right now. The only heat you should get should be from your deep conditioners under a heat cap and the time you spend under a dryer. When you've done that, and you get comfortable with the lye relaxer and your new routine, I also recommend you try a clear Sebastian Colorshine on your hair. This isn't the kind of color that will damage your hair. I'm actually suggesting it because it will assist in your work with the cuticle keeping it sealed and helping the ends to resist splitting. But it also gives the hair some body by coating the strands, which causes them to sit further away from one another. This will help with the appearance of the hair while you grow in new hair that is actually strong, thick and healthy. Add some Pantothenic Acid to assist in that thick, healthy, grow out process.

I've gone on WAAAYYY longer than I intended to (sorry y'all but everyone here knows how long winded I can be /images/graemlins/tongue.gif ) so if you have any questions let me know. But I think these considerations and knowing what went off with your hair will help loads.

Good luck to you chica!
Thank you Thank you Thank you.
I ahve a Motions Oil moisturizer Lye relaxer for my next relaxer but I will give it away and pick up the MIld formula whenever i decide to do it. I will pick up the pan. acid and I already have a Sebastians Colorshines (mahonganny) under the sink on reserve as well...(ok I am am pj so what I ahven't used them yet!!!)I am gonna print this out and save it you are truly and asset to this board! /images/graemlins/cool.gif
Glad it helped Tonya.... /images/graemlins/grin.gif

I think you're well om your way. And that Mahoghany you have it gorgeous. A really nice deep rich chestnut brown with a red undertone. You'll like it I think. I checked out your pics too - you have really nice hair!!!! It's very shiny and it looks healthy despite your travails....You'll be thick and bouncin' again in a hot minute. You wait and see! /images/graemlins/grin.gif
From your pictures your hair doesn't look too thin, and your wet set looks very nice. I am currently growing out layers and I think my hair looks thin on the ends, my plan though, is to cut the thin ends little by little. I just can't do one big chop to get my hair where I want it, I'm just so used to the length now! I would suggest though, a deep protein conditioner w/every other wash, (if you wash 2x a wk) or atleast ever wash if your washing once a week. I absolutely love Organic Root Stimulator's Hair Mayonaisse!
Thanks ladies!
I did the mild relaxer this weekend and left it on for less than 5 minutes and it loosed up the "curl" in my new growth. At my roots my hair is very shiny and thick. I cut a nice amount off my ends to get some of the thinness out and wrapped it up after lettign it dry I lightly flatironed and le6t it stay wrapped the majority of the weekend. MY HAIR S SO SOFT AND SHINY!!! I am gettign alot of compliments because I have not worn my hair down in awhile but as soon as another 2 days past I am washing and rolling up in some tight curls!!! Then back into my ponytail for another 8 to 12 weeks. I have alos been shoppiong for my B5 I am so excited...Thanks again ladies. I just love this board /images/graemlins/grin.gif
You must add some pictures when you can. I love reading about good results towards healthy hair. Isn't it strange how just a little trim can make your hair appear thicker and for some strange reason a little longer - or at least the same length before the cut?

What products did you use for your relaxer, wash, condition and so on?

I've been doing the B5 for some weeks now (500mg in the a.m, 500mg in the p.m.) My roots are slightly thicker than usual, but I won't be sure it's the B5 until my touchup because I'm 8 weeks into a touch up. I think it's the B5 a little though.

I'm anxious for you to try the flexirods too. I hope you got the picture I sent you.
I did get the pic and i was so exited I tried it on my aunt but she is a square and did not know how to keep them up but i ma so excited to do my own!

I used Motion Oil MOisturixer IN mild for my relaxer. My conditioners were CPR (Motions) deep conditioner...then Elasta QP's Intense(moisterizer) deep conditioned again then Fantasia IC leave in....wrapped my hair with Paul Mitcehll Foaming Palmade and Wild groth oil on roots....I also applied Adore in Sienna Brown. That is probaly where most of my shine came in:-) /images/graemlins/grin.gif
I will try to pick up a disposible came nad take pics of my new style whic wil probaly be a loose wet set cause it has been 3 days and I am about to wash again maybe I will take a pic of my flat hair too before I wash. I was gonna hold out for a few weeks becuase I want to see more progress length wise but since i have been such a pest I supopose I could do the honor of posting before nad after pics:-)

Thanks again for all the helpful info
While diggin in the crates, I saw this post and this soooo describes my situation now. Color gone wrong...For me its been about 4 months and I feel a little better but its still paper thin
I feel cutting it...shoot I'd be better off getting a Halle Berry and that's DRASTIC. A trim seems like it really wont do it justice over all.

Does anyone have any suggestions or have any of you been down this road before? Thanks in advance