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We all go through periods where we feel like we are just spinning our wheels. But rather than just focus on shoulder length, bra strap or waistlength when those areas are JUST NOT HAPPENING FAST ENOUGH! are some of my growth barrier breaking tips to get you through the rough days.
1. I focus on a specific problem or section of hair. For example, right now my focus in the KITCHEN. I want an even hairline there or as close to it as possible. I want to grow my kitchen area to bra strap as thick as possible. So I really focus on that section and I do the MN in that area rather than all over.
2. A couple of areas of my hair are drier than others, due to the thickness, I probably do not reach those strands as often and as thoroghly as I should when it comes to deep conditioning, moisturizing or sealing in the moisture. So I am focusing on the middle section in the back of the crown, and also the section of hair just above the kitchen. Generally when we deep condition, we tend to slather everything on from front to back and the top sections look great. I notice that right now I am getting more growth in that area and the extra attention...well those whirly curlies are just loving it and soaking up the attention. I am now individually bagging those section with my Sedal Hair Styling Cream in the purple jar followed by my homemade carrot castor oil mix. (Chanou's Recipe originally). I fold a couple of baggies over these areas and secure with a cut off pantyhose holder. I leave it for a couple of days at a time and then repeat till shampoo or conditioner wash day. When I deep condition, I part those areas thinly and slather on the deep conditioner for a couple of hours without heat under a bag and a toque or a warm hair cover and let the body heat do the job.! Sometimes artificial heat just dries out my hair. I add oils to the conditioner now instead of my hair.
3. If your bangs are thin, focus on that for a few months and just do your normal regime without giving the rest of your hair a worried thought. If dry ends are the problem focus just on that. Whatever the area that needs the most care or is thriving the LEAST! Find an area and JUST LOVE IT FOR ALL IT IS WORTH AND TREAT IT LIKE THE FINEST SILK!
Of course the point is you will not be agonizing over how many inches you did not get this month? But they will come anyway.
If you want to try shampooing more often or LESS, make that a focus and FINALLY, pay attention to HOW YOUR HAIR FEELS. Is it loosening, breaking out some waves, or sprouting curlies you never noticed before, growing in some side burns or a banging hairline, or thicker roots and thickness from roots to ends? Is the color deepening? Is is getting softer or coarser? Just find something to really appreciate about your hair and focus on that. If there is a fixable problem focus on that. AND STROKE YOUR HAIR WITH LOVE and appreciation. Don't pull on it, or fight with it or mutter negative things about it or to it. Sheesh!!!
Before you know it, you will wake up and find length and thickness that may surprize you and you will be loving your hair into thriving and growing, just like a beautiful garden patch. bonjour
Mahalialee, thank you so much for this post:) . We can definately get caught up in what the 'end results' will be before focusing on improving certain parts of the hair. I am definately trying to stick with this thought process and taking note of all the improvements I see, instead of just how close I am to armpit length.
You are so right, Mahalialee!

As with any goal, we have to focus on the journey too. Where we came from, where we are, AND where we're going. That positive mind set is the only way to stay positive and to keep us in the game.

Thanks for the reminder.
Very inspirational post! I think this is what I've been lacking in my regimen - FOCUS! With the help of my big sis (ella) I hope to focus on only my dry ends for the next few months.

Thanks for the awesome post!
I really like this. I can think of two areas that could use some TLC and like you said I think one of these areas is not getting a lot of product when I moisturize and condition because of where it is.

Thanks for sharing this.

Thanks for keeping us inspired and motivated ;)

4A - 4B TYPE
current length - SL
condition x1 weekly
deep condition x1 weekly
aveda conditioner and treatment
dark and lovely leave in conditioner
amla oil
3 weeks since last relaxer


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