Vent: You were just born to have long thick hair...


New Member
All you ladies with thick brastrap and beyond length hair were just born with it and sometimes I think there is just no hope for people like me with fine hair.

I was at the salon on saturday getting my first phyto "textlax" after 3 months. Everybody else had thick hair. I always feel so inferior and like I am wasting my time or setting myself up for a fall when I see ladies with such thick hair.
I was Ikea the other day and was fixated on this ghanaian ladies hair. It was thick and brastrap length and I get the impression that she's not even that bothered with it. I see little girls with long thick hair and realise that a majority of you ladies with beautiful hair were those little girls which adds to my discouragement. My hair was so thin and short as a child! :wallbash:
So when a lady decides to care for her hair, it is that much easier for her to grow it to great lengths and it looks so beautiful. Whereas for me, I have to fight to get it healthy and long and also fight that much harder to keep it that way.

Apologies for the incoherant nature of my post, I'm just feeling a frustrated and want to vent.
Does anybody else have days when they feel like this?
I just wanted to tell you to not be discouraged. Be patient with your hair and it will be good to you. Start taking pictures so you can see where you started as to how you will be down the line. You will be suprised with how much the hair grows and gets healthy. If you are anything how I used to be, then I'm sure you may look, measure, and "play" with you hair. Just find a good reggie and stick with it, enjoy your hair in it's different stages, and have'll get there!:yep:
I think your hair is beautiful. I've seen several pics of women who had thin and short hair before learning to take care of their hair. Cathy Howse is one person who comes to mind. You just have to search them, I don't want to shout anybody out. Stalk their fotkis. I do think your hair will grow beautifully as it already looks beautiful at the length it is.
I feel your pain. While thickness isn't my issue, length is. I've been taking proper care for my hair for almost 5 years & while the back has grown a couple of inches, it seems like the sides have had very little growth. I'm trying to be patient but man how long is it suppose to take?

I'm thinking genetics are playing a role in my slow hair growth. None of the women in my family have long flowing hair except for my little cousins & that's because they are half-white. :lol:

Hang in there girl, we'll get thru it.
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I feel your pain. While thickness isn't my issue, length is. I've been taking proper care for my hair for almost 5 years & while the back has grown a couple of inches, it seems like the sides have had very little growth. I'm trying to be patient but man how long is it suppose to take?

I'm thinking genetics are playing a role in my slow hair growth. None of the women in my family have long flowing hair except for my little cousins & that's because they are half-white. :lol:

Hang in there girl, we'll get thru it.

The slow growth might be due to poor diet, exercise, lack of sleep etc. I dont mean to get on you, but I'll realy dont believe other races or people who are mixed have faster growing hair. Their hair might retain length easier because of a looser texture, which usually means les dryness, there less breakage, longer hair.

OP, I understand how you feel. I have been there and some days still go through it. All we can do is continue to gve our hair TLC, take care of our insides, and think positive. I've had setbacks GALORE but I wont give up. This weekend, I discovered two new broken patches, but I'm gonna keep on pressing on:yep:
I understand as well. Im in the struggle right now to get to SL when I am end of neck length right now. Just learn to accept and embrace your hair because if you dont your opinion of your hair will never change. Stay in the fight because you can do anything you set your mind to. Keep in mind that getting to where you wanna be will not come tomorrow but someday it will!!!!

Happy Hair Growing!!!!!!
PM for further encouragement!!!!
Aw. I don't have thick hair. It's not that thin in overall density, but certainly not as thick as a lot of women's hair. My strand size is fine. Right now my hair is approaching BSL AGAIN. I'd cut it last summer to SL after being almost past BSL. I find that with proper care, delicate handling and the right products, my hair grows just fine. It always did, but controlling breakage and damage make a huge difference in how healthy I can grow longer hair. I don't know what would happen if I tried to get it super duper long, but long? Nooo problem!

Please stick in there, keep working on your regimine, trying products and techniques till you find what works. It took me several years poking around here to begin to figure out what my hair really needs--and boy have I had setbacks! We fine-haired girls can grow long hair; in fact I think there are a number of ladies on the board who have fine hair at WL and longer.

I want to show you these pictures not to hijack but to encourage you.

Me and my Mom have the same type hair. Thin and very fragile. The first pic is Mom's hair after years of abuse. Getting relaxed too often and colored and not being taken care of properly. All my life her hair has been this length and she wore a wig every day. It was not even straight in this pic. If it was you would be able to see that it was completely see through.

The second pic is her hair now. She is natural now and I'm not good at pressing but you get the point.

You can and will with the proper care grow your hair. Don't be discouraged. If you want i will PM you and tell you what I do to Mom's.
I went natural before her and mine is shorter because of too much manipulation. I am bunning daily now so I'll see if that helps.

Keep ya head up. You will see results sooner that you think.:yep:
This is my problem too. I'm getting length but I hate how thin my hair is. I was planning on going natural in a couple of years but, I think I might need to do that sooner...I dunno.

I was thinking maybe telaxing for now can help with the thinnest. Who knows.
I just discovered today that I can have a heavy Kate Moss fringe with my own hair! Now this may not mean much to most, but for me ALL my life my hair's been very fine with a widow's peak in front. so no matter if my back hair grew to a decent (shoulder length longest) length the front was always:nono:, so basically I do think you CAN grow ur hair regardless of genetics, whether you get past APL BSL, or WL MAY depend on it but u can have healthy swanging hair while trying.:yep:.

So don't be discouraged, I was just moaning about not having any growth, but I have- in between trims, lightening and relaxing. Try to stick to what works and only browse fotkis of those with BSL + hair they tend to have K.I.S.S reggies while giving inspiration
I kind of partially agree with you. But before I go any further, let me tell you that every body can have long hair. Growth is not a problem, if you need retouch, you're growing girl. BUT, I must admit that if you have dense and thick hair, it could be easier to retain length. First, thick hair is less prone to damage, second dense hair equals more field to play in. If I have twice as hair as you and lose the same amount of hair as you per day, that means that at the end of the month, I'd end up with less apparent damage on my ends than you. On top of that, if you're not gentle with your hair and play with it too often, damaged ends will be around the corner. You'll have to trim it more often because of that and then retain less hair than me. But that is relevant only if your level of manipulation is high enough to make the difference. If you keep your manipulation at the lowest level, are gentle with your hair and maintain it to keep it healthy, you'd end up with good growth, minimun trimming, and maximum retention. That doesn't come overnight, patience is the key... Take care ...
Wow, am amazed at the amount of responses. I honestly did not think that anybody would respond. Thank you. I really enjoy reading other peoples success stories because they really encourage me.

LadyD2u, I can't see the pictures you post :(
The slow growth might be due to poor diet, exercise, lack of sleep etc. I dont mean to get on you, but I'll realy dont believe other races or people who are mixed have faster growing hair. Their hair might retain length easier because of a looser texture, which usually means les dryness, there less breakage, longer hair.
this is my thinking as well. our hair all GROWS the same, it's all in the retention.
Man I was just venting about this yesterday. I made a video and was going to upload it, but did not because I figured it was hopeless to even go there.

My hair is fine and is of thin-to-medium density. It will never be as thick as some of the ladies on here. On Sat when I went to my stylist I told her how I was feeling so frustrated about the density. Somedays, I feel the [relative] thickness coming in, other days, I feel straight bald-headed. This lady straight up told me that my best bet would be to cut 2 inches off and just keep it there forever. "I know you want to grow it long, but it'll look thicker if it was shorter" :rolleyes:...Not "well let's just see when your layers and damage grow back out" or something like that.

All that to say that while I'm frustrated as hell with my hair right now, I have put too much effort and time into it to just chalk it up to 'Oh well, this is just how it's gonna be' and throw in the towel. It ain't happening. So just keep positive girl! You may not have been born to have thick hair, but you were born to have beautiful, healthy hair that grows and is a reflection of how you care for yourself :yep:

Take care :)
Man I was just venting about this yesterday. I made a video and was going to upload it, but did not because I figured it was hopeless to even go there.

My hair is fine and is of thin-to-medium density. It will never be as thick as some of the ladies on here. On Sat when I went to my stylist I told her how I was feeling so frustrated about the density. Somedays, I feel the [relative] thickness coming in, other days, I feel straight bald-headed. This lady straight up told me that my best bet would be to cut 2 inches off and just keep it there forever. "I know you want to grow it long, but it'll look thicker if it was shorter" :rolleyes:...Not "well let's just see when your layers and damage grow back out" or something like that.

All that to say that while I'm frustrated as hell with my hair right now, I have put too much effort and time into it to just chalk it up to 'Oh well, this is just how it's gonna be' and throw in the towel. It ain't happening. So just keep positive girl! You may not have been born to have thick hair, but you were born to have beautiful, healthy hair that grows and is a reflection of how you care for yourself :yep:

Take care :)

:eek: :thud:
well my hair was jacked all my life, never made it past top of shoulder length , until I went natural, I do think genetics might play some role but it certainly is just part of the whole picture

if you look up the thread 'throwback pics' you will see my hair while it was relaxed , at its longest for back then

other mentioned other changes that can be made such as nutrition and diet etc. you would be surprised at what making some even subtle or big changes can make for your hair
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Yes girl!! And the last 2 times I went to her I didn't see anyone with long hair, and her sister has just cut her hair you know what that means...:nono: Gotta go, gotta go.

:driver: Bye Bye Bye :lol:

A, I know we talked about it before but I think we are doomed to be complete DIYers. Nobody seems to want to act right for more than 2 months. :ohwell:
:driver: Bye Bye Bye :lol:

A, I know we talked about it before but I think we are doomed to be complete DIYers. Nobody seems to want to act right for more than 2 months. :ohwell:

Yeah, it sucks :ohwell:. I'm still gonna keep searching though. I refuse to do my touch up again. :nono:
Ok, back on topic: Penz, have you tried vitamins? I've been slacking on biotin for quite a few months, but I saw thickness I never thought I'd grow from using it.
No, but I've been thinking about it. And I have that [licensed] co-worker who said he'd order the Vitale Pro for me if I wanted :pray:
listen i'm totally feel ya. i feel like that so many times but i'm tryin to believe that my hair can and will grow! I just have to continue to be good to my hair, treat it well, don't over manipulate and treat my body well. Hopefully, we can retain more length cause our hair is definitely growing.
I think you need to check out KiniKakes album. She has fine hair and it is growing strong, long, and healthy. (hope she doesn't mind)

My hair never became as healthy as it is until I became natural, which was not too long ago in MARCH. My hair has NEVER acted right with the use of a chemical, in the past I just didn't know how to take care of it. Post Jan 07 and pre March it was just an over process gone wrong. Nothing I did could save it.

You may never have hair as thick as many ladies, but that by all means does not mean it cannot grow long.

It's many ladies on this site who hair use to be JACKED before they became more knowledgeable about their hair, you see the before and after and it's amazing. and many of them didn't have waist length hair as a child.

I want to show you these pictures not to hijack but to encourage you.

Me and my Mom have the same type hair. Thin and very fragile. The first pic is Mom's hair after years of abuse. Getting relaxed too often and colored and not being taken care of properly. All my life her hair has been this length and she wore a wig every day. It was not even straight in this pic. If it was you would be able to see that it was completely see through.

The second pic is her hair now. She is natural now and I'm not good at pressing but you get the point.

You can and will with the proper care grow your hair. Don't be discouraged. If you want i will PM you and tell you what I do to Mom's.
I went natural before her and mine is shorter because of too much manipulation. I am bunning daily now so I'll see if that helps.

Keep ya head up. You will see results sooner that you think.:yep:

Wow. Your mother had incredibly progress. Thanks for sharing.
LadyD2u... re: your mom's hair =wow, eXcellent, her hair is lovely! What a wonderful daughter you are to put this care into your mom's hair & esteem!

To the one who started this thread. Don't give up. I feel like this at least once a week!.. and my hair issues are worse than yours dealing w/hair loss on both edges. I believe you should really focus on documenting/journaling your progress w/lots of pictures and journal entries. You will see your progress and then maybe begin to see that most healthy people can grow their hair. It is true that genetics sometimes plays a part w/making it MUCH easier for some to retain length, but yes just accept that you (myself as well) have to put more effort into your hair to reach your ultimate hair goals. *Also, try to find ways to make this journey fun. Get a personal friend to join you in the healthy hair journey. I have about 4 friends that went natural in 2008 and so we're on this journey together, this makes it more exciting.

Good luck!
I have fine hair, too. I went natural 2 years ago and my hair thickened up quite a bit. Relaxers were literally eating my hair up, my strands are just too fine to handle chemicals. Also, co-washing helps a lot with thickening.