vent vent vent.....


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll make this as quick as possible!

I have been trying to help my cousin with hair care
...She used to have beautiful bra strap hair, Which is now damaged because of lack of hair knowledge.

She seen my hair 2 days ago and was "oohing and ahhing" about how healthy it's getting.
I told her I owe it all to LHCF...and all the beautiful inspiration on here.

She came round to my place yesterday, saying "show me this hair site!"
We logged on LHCF and we were trying to come up with a regime for her damaged relaxed hair.

She starts complaining about "why did God have to give black people this kind of hair!Why cant we have hair like coolies?(half indian half black)" I sighed...

Why should I have to try and educate someone 10years older than me?
She asks to see some of the sisters of LHCF Hair/Fotki's, I showed her about 5different Fotki's and one by one she had something stupid/jelous to say...

Eg) "Shes too light!" "her hairs Long but thin" "she's Not full black" "thats obviously a weave"

I was so hurt for her (and the members hair she was dissing)

WHY WHY WHY??? i really hate to see sisters hating on sisters, it just feels to me that black people will never unite....
Folks hate on what they don't understand or think they can't achieve.

What she said was sort of spiteful, but a common reaction. That's the same thing that happened to me when I tried to share this site with people.
Just help her with her hair and watch, she will be on here in a few weeks postin up a storm!!! Trying to get us all to look at her progress and becoming a product pusher too. I dont know why us women hate on ea. other so much...i work in a YT corporate america but the people who give me the most problems are other black women. I dont get it :confused:
Leave her alone. Wait till her chewed up hair falls out. Trust me, she will do anything she can do to make it better and change her ways. There is no better teacher than results.
If the proof that black people can grow their hair long
(and your own hair previously was reasonably long and healthy)

why deny it?

Aw well, I guess I'll just never understand bad-minded people :look: :ohwell:

I regret bringing her on LHCF now
Starian said:
Folks hate on what they don't understand or think they can't achieve.

What she said was sort of spiteful, but a common reaction. That's the same thing that happened to me when I tried to share this site with people.

This is why I don't tell people the specific address or name of this site. I refer to it very generally ("the hair forum") if at all.

I think the treasures of this site are for those who take the initiative to Google or otherwise research and find it. They appreciate it more.
ms portugal ditto all the way
Some people need to realize that the negative energy they put out will come back as negative energy also. Maybe she needs to lurk the site for a while and see how supportive we all are then maybe she can begin to see the light.
Synthia said:
This is why I don't tell people the specific address or name of this site. I refer to it very generally ("the hair forum") if at all.

I think the treasures of this site are for those who take the initiative to Google or otherwise research and find it. They appreciate it more.

So true. Many times I'll refer to board when I'm talking about hair or the other topics mentioned here and I'll have to stop myself from mentioning the name of the board...purely for selfish reasons, tho. I done confessed too much on the "confessional" thread, the "tacky" thread, and the "tacky confessional" thread:D
Synthia said:
This is why I don't tell people the specific address or name of this site. I refer to it very generally ("the hair forum") if at all.

I think the treasures of this site are for those who take the initiative to Google or otherwise research and find it. They appreciate it more.

I agree.

Some folks have to hit hair rock bottom before they decide they need some help.
Even after all she said....I guarantee she'll be surfing this site on her own for some tips, lol. Don't sweat it, some people are just "like that" unfortunately.
Synthia said:
This is why I don't tell people the specific address or name of this site. I refer to it very generally ("the hair forum") if at all.

I think the treasures of this site are for those who take the initiative to Google or otherwise research and find it. They appreciate it more.

I totally agree. I have been researching black hair care for sometime and I actually remember coming across this site a long time ago. I was looking at the pics (they were mostly of the back of peoples heads) thinking that this was a not a forum comprised of much 4b/a hair. I'm telling myself that most of these ladies must have naturally wavy or curly hair. And thats because in my experience most black women don't have long healthy looking hair like some of the ladies on here. Not because they CANT achieve it, but because they have been MISINFORMED all of their lives. I came across the site again last year and spent a lot more time on it, reading the posts, looking at PROGRESS PICS. That is what made me a believer. I believe that black women need to share this wonderful hair information and be patient with those that you are trying to help because when they have been told otherwise (misinformatiom, lies, myths etc) for all of their lives and the majority of products that are marketed to us are trash, it will not be easy to accept that all black women can grow their hair this takes time, and proper education. IMHO
I have been trying to help my cousin with hair care
...She used to have beautiful bra strap hair, Which is now damaged because of lack of hair knowledge.

The fact that she use to have long hair should tell her that she could have it again and that there's no need for her to be a Indian.

I don't really tell people about this site.
She'll probably be sneaking on lurking and all that stuff w/o you knowing, LOL, I never had a problem w/showwing the site to others, shoot just yesterday my mom was giving Anky all these you go girls on her weight loss, LOL, I don't know why others can't just be happy for others and take some of their advice. :ohwell:
msportugal said:
you can lead a sista to LHCF but you cant make her think

I always hesitate to share this with ppl. And if ppl found out I had a fotki! OHHH LOOORDDD..............
wantlonghealthyhair said:
If the proof that black people can grow their hair long
(and your own hair previously was reasonably long and healthy)

why deny it?

Aw well, I guess I'll just never understand bad-minded people :look: :ohwell:

I regret bringing her on LHCF now
Don't regret it at all, you tried to enlighten her and if she chooses to not utilize the info, than too bad for her..just keep showing her with your results (the proof is always in the pudding)
West Indian people, like everyone else have preconcieved notions that have been bed into them/us, its very difficult for my mother who Trinidadian to accept or support many of the things, i tell her about the site. (I'm only saying this because of the mention of coolies).
Synthia said:
I think the treasures of this site are for those who take the initiative to Google or otherwise research and find it. They appreciate it more.

I agree.... otherwise, folks simply arent ready for it.
I've mentioned the site to a few friends, and they've had pretty much the same reaction...

"Oh, they must be mixed with sumptin'!"
"Girl, I can tell that's a weave, who she foolin'?"

I just sigh and let them keep messing up their rickety-thin chewed up head of hair, while they wonder why mine is thriving.

Whey they want the knowledge, they will come.
alonshaw said:
West Indian people, like everyone else have preconcieved notions that have been bed into them/us, its very difficult for my mother who Trinidadian to accept or support many of the things, i tell her about the site. (I'm only saying this because of the mention of coolies).

:perplexedUmm, I'm West Indian..And i know my hair will grow to where i want it to!:look: lol,
i do see your point though ;)

what doesn't your mother accept/support about the site?