Vent: I'm so sick of this...


Well-Known Member
Can I vent a little?
This Indian woman where I work was like is you hair real? And I said no since I'm wearing a braided weave but before when my real bun, curlytail was out she didn't say a word-right. I say you saw me w/ bun, ponytail that's my natural real hair, then she goes oh so your hair is short? (Hello she seen my hair before) Ok I feel like taking my hair down and flat ironing sooner just to shut her up, but I'm not using heat and I'm trying to reach my goal. Seriously though, am I taking this too personal, cause seriously they make weaves in India so she needs to stop acting like she's never heard of weaves before.
I have length pic in my regime all the way down @ bottom
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goldensensation said:
I understand your frustration. That's why I never wear extensions. :(

Right. Me too. And yet my nosy female manager still stares at my scalp to make sure the hair is growing out of my head :lol:. (She likes to flip her hair when doing this).

But I understand cuz one Friday a black coworker had a short feathered cut. By Monday, it had 'grown' to past chin length.

And one intern had awfully cared for hair that was dry, damaged and unprofessional worry the next week she's back with an obviously extra long weave that begins with braids and is then unraveled.

So, I think the plethora of weaves just confuses people when they finally see real black hair. They're like that???
Just a silly nosy lady. Had no business asking if it was yours in the first place, heifer! Don't you pay her no nevermind, your hair is lovely and she knows it too. Take that length pic to work with you and the next time she comes nosing around just show her the pic like BAM!
Lucia said:
Can I vent a little?
This Indian woman where I work was like is you hair real? And I said no since I'm wearing a braided weave but before when my real bun, curlytail was out she didn't say a word-right. I say you saw me w/ bun, ponytail that's my natural real hair, then she goes oh so your hair is short? (Hello she seen my hair before) Ok I feel like taking my hair down and flat ironing sooner just to shut her up, but I'm not using heat and I'm trying to reach my goal. Seriously though, am I taking this too personal, cause seriously they make weaves in India so she needs to stop acting like she's never heard of weaves before.
I have lingth pic in my regime all the way down @ bottom

:lol: :lol: :lol:
That's funni, but girl, some people just want to have something to say. I bet she seen that dumb ass Oprah episode that has the whole world thinking All Black Women wear weaves....
I feel your pain. When I was in japan with my braids, a guy came up to me (puerto rican) and said "so how long is your hair? This long (holds up a pinch)?" and he wasn't kidding either. I had pull out my Student Advantage card to show the fool that I had some hair. sheesh
anky said:
I feel your pain. When I was in japan with my braids, a guy came up to me (puerto rican) and said "so how long is your hair? This long (holds up a pinch)?" and he wasn't kidding either. I had pull out my Student Advantage card to show the fool that I had some hair. sheesh
You go Anky, that's rude what if you had pointed to his pants and said, this long? (using half your little finger), did he have anything to say about your pic then?
When I've reached my big goal, I'm going to take hott length pic and keep one in my wallet, and I will flip some hair @ old girl while I'm at it too. Even Midnightcurls wrote about this kind of stuff in her hair journal, maybe it means we've arrived that if your hair is healthy and thick they just can't believe it's real. I'll flip it until I get whiplash :lol:
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I try not to let people put me in that "denfensive" mode like their judgment means a hill of beans. It's so hard to ignore how they look down on black hair, like it can't grow.
Lucia said:
You go Anky, that's rude what if you had pointed to his pants and said, this long? (using half your little finger), did he have anything to say about your pic then?
When I've reached my big goal, I'm going to take hott length pic and keep one in my wallet, and I will flip some hair @ old girl while I'm at it too. Even Midnightcurls wrote about this kind of stuff in her hair journal, maybe it means we've arrived that if your hair is healthy and thick they just can't believe it's real. I'll flip it until I get whiplash :lol:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
These kind of people act like they are so cool and in the know b/c they "know" about black hair and weaves.

Goldensensation, This is why I don't wear weaves either. :nono: My hair long w/o the extensions and I don't want people mistaking all of my hard work for smthg fake.
balisi said:
I never wear them either, but people still assume that I do. :(

And I hate that. Even when my hair was shoulder length in HS, people would always think that it was fake because it had a tendency to get big.

I get it worse now because my hair has different colors in it that have grown out. So my bun isnt the color of the rest of my hair.
People ask if my hair is fake alot. I wear weaves sometimes as a protective style (and when I'm feeling like being lazy for a couple of weeks). The only time it offends me when people ask if it's fake is when I AM wearing a weave because 1. My weaves are always shorter than my real hair anyway 2. I don't want them to assume it's because I don't have hair and I can't prove it at the time. I just want to say "yes it's a weave but my real hair is longer than this". Aaaahh I hate being misunderstood :lol:
Lucia said:
Can I vent a little?
This Indian woman where I work was like is you hair real? And I said no since I'm wearing a braided weave but before when my real bun, curlytail was out she didn't say a word-right. I say you saw me w/ bun, ponytail that's my natural real hair, then she goes oh so your hair is short? (Hello she seen my hair before) Ok I feel like taking my hair down and flat ironing sooner just to shut her up, but I'm not using heat and I'm trying to reach my goal. Seriously though, am I taking this too personal, cause seriously they make weaves in India so she needs to stop acting like she's never heard of weaves before.
I have length pic in my regime all the way down @ bottom

I would've said it's my hair. I paid for it. Mind your own business!:lol: Y people always gotta put others down because they choose to wear extensions or weaves? :mad:
Lucia said:
You go Anky, that's rude what if you had pointed to his pants and said, this long? (using half your little finger), did he have anything to say about your pic then?
When I've reached my big goal, I'm going to take hott length pic and keep one in my wallet, and I will flip some hair @ old girl while I'm at it too. Even Midnightcurls wrote about this kind of stuff in her hair journal, maybe it means we've arrived that if your hair is healthy and thick they just can't believe it's real. I'll flip it until I get whiplash :lol:

Dang that would have been a great come back:lachen: . Your good Lucia!
anky said:
I feel your pain. When I was in japan with my braids, a guy came up to me (puerto rican) and said "so how long is your hair? This long (holds up a pinch)?" and he wasn't kidding either.

I would have said, "No, this long" (hold up a closed thumb and pointer finger to signify nothing) and i would have just rolled my eyes and walked away. I bet that would have really pissed him off.
Thanks for the support ladies,I know LHCF girls got my back. I'm just going to brush her off and do my thing. I know when she does see my real hair again I'll make sure I point out that this is my natural hair to her.
People of other races often think black americans can't have long hair. Not just people of other races but blacks also. When I wear my hair loose and down people often ask me if I have on a wig or complement me by saying "Oh, your hair is so thick it looks like a wig" which is their way of asking, is it a wig? I reply by saying (very nicely) it's my hair, if I bought it it's mine or if it's growing out from my scalp it's mine. Why do you ask? :)
I just think that is a rude question. It's like asking someone well-endowed if they have on a push up bra or implants. Imagine the response if you asked someone with a great smile if they had dentures. It's just a tacky question.
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Lucia said:
You go Anky, that's rude what if you had pointed to his pants and said, this long? (using half your little finger), did he have anything to say about your pic then?
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Girl, you made me choke on my smoothie!!
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People are just plain stupid. They need to think before they speak. Does it really matter if it's real or not? It's on your head, therefore it belongs to you. I know how you feel I get this annoying question, a lot. Even my good friend who I've known since grade school is always up in my hair touching to see if its real.