Vatica Frosting or coconut oil


New Member
Hello Ladies,

I have been eying the vatica frosting :grin:. It looks really good but I know that it is primarily coconut oil. I love coconut oil but I wanted to know if there are any added benefits to this stuff other than the yummy smell :lick:. For those of you who use regular coconut oil do you think this is worth the extra expense?

Thanks in advance for you help:)
I've never used the Vatika frosting but I just went to look at the ingredients and IMO, you may as well stick with the regular coconut oil. I use coconut oil all the time and lately I've been thinking of adding amla to it myself. If you can get ayurveda powders near you, it would be cheaper to just do your own little mix. Especially since that way you're getting full strength henna and amla, and not just the extracts.

But, lots of people love it (and are stocking up on it right now). You could get it just to compare the two.
As much as I love me some hairveda, the vatika frosting really just seemed like very good smelling coconut oil to me. I really noticed no difference or anything that just stuck out. The effects of coconut oil are great, so it's a nice product for simply that reason. But I will stick to buying my coconut oil at the wholefoods store instead of the frosting.
i love love love love coconut oil. i use it for everything from sealing to HOTS and in my mixes. i use the vatika frosting the same way. i cant say i see a difference with the vatika frosting but its a nice treat when it on sale.
I use Vatika oil sometimes. If its anything like the frosting, you might like it better, but for me, I won't be buying another bottle of the oil. I didn't notice enough of a benefit over my regular coconut oil.
never used vatika frosting...but at 2 for $10 + $5 shipping i can get slightly more of it than what comes in my jar of regular spectrum, so i figured...why not try it?
I think you should go ahead and just use regular coconut oil. I personally do not think it is worth the extra money. HOWEVER, it is only $5, so it's not like it would hurt to try if you are that curious about it.
The Smell Alone is Worth $5.00.:lick: It smells Absolutely Wonderful.:cloud9:

Use them both. Have Them Both. Love them Both.:love:

But I Agree: It's basically Coconut Oil on Steriods:lachen:
That is the only reason why I'm buying the Vatika Frosting is out of curiosity and I hear so much about it..I also have the Vatika Coconut oil so I just want to see if there is a difference while its on sale for $5 :yep:
I have both VF and coconut oil. While the VF smells lovely, I prefer CO.

The VF didn't do anything spectacular to my hair except make it smell nice, but CO does the same thing so I'd go with the CO.
Thanks ladies for all the replies. I had a feeling the frosting was basically really good smelling coconut oil. I may treat myself to a jar just for the smell but now I know not to expect something more fabulous than what I already get from my old faithful, coconut oil. Thanks again; this really helped:yep:
I didn't like the smell, but I don't lie very sweet swelling things. I have tried Vatika frosting, coconut oil, and Dabur Vatika. I perfer Darbur if I had to pick then regular cococut oil then some other oils, then Vatika frosting. Sorry Hairveda. :(