Varied questions about products


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I don't want to make a bunch of new threads about questions that I have, so I'm just gonna post them here :) if you have answers to any one of them, please answer. Thanx.

1) Does anyone here use Motions CPR and if so, how often? did you like it? does it make your hair strong? i've used it in the past. I was using the right products but heat was killing everything the products did for me. Right now, I need my hair to get strong! By the end of the year, I need to have strong healthy, midback hair, darn it :lol:

2) Has anyone used the L'anza leave-in conditioner? I think the stylist used it on me once, and it untangled my hair SO well! I need to make sure tha's what she used before I purchase it though

3) If not, to the question above, what are some good detangling conditioners? Some that are not too expensive please :look:

4) Are there any cheap moisturizing detangling shampoos out there besides CON? if not, u can list the ones that work best for you.

5) I think I need a larger detangling comb. the one i have does not seem to be doing much. Which are the best and largest?

--I'm on the Christmas Stretch challenge and I need stronger hair and good products to help me out. I'm only 6 weeks post and I'm beginning to struggle with my hair already. It doesn't make sense :confused: I think i might need some CON.
I decided that when my Rusk shampoo, Rusk smoother, and Nexxus Headress are done, then I probably won't buy them anymore. Why? maybe I'm a PJ in denial :lol: or I may just want to find products that work even better for that price or cheaper, and I NEED a moisturizing shampoo. Help me out! thanx :)
2) Has anyone used the L'anza leave-in conditioner? I think the stylist used it on me once, and it untangled my hair SO well! I need to make sure tha's what she used before I purchase it though

I've tried the L'anza leave-in and it was okay for me...nothing spectacular! But everyone has different hairtypes or body may be good for you though!;)

3) If not, to the question above, what are some good detangling conditioners? Some that are not too expensive please :look:

I'm totally in love with Fantasia leave-in treatment and Giovanni's leave-in both are phenominal...I have 5+ months of thick 4a NG and I was able to GLIDE the comb through my hair (regular comb not a wide tooth either!) and I had no breakage:D !

4) Are there any cheap moisturizing detangling shampoos out there besides CON? if not, u can list the ones that work best for you.

Well I'm really feeling Cantu Shea All soft shampoo, I washed my hair with this stuff twice in one night and my hair was soft and it detangles like a dream. You can get it at walmarts for $4-$5. It smells like Pina Colada:lick: :) and it made my hair soft. I'm also interested in trying Elucence hair products as well, I'll post a review on that when I order them.

5) I think I need a larger detangling comb. the one i have does not seem to be doing much. Which are the best and largest?

Well, Jilbere shower combs are great! You can get them at Sally's Beauty Supplies for $2.50-$3. They are worth it, they really do perform well! I would also suggest that you get a bone comb, they help elimate snags, breakage and static. YOu can get them at

--I'm on the Christmas Stretch challenge and I need stronger hair and good products to help me out. I'm only 6 weeks post and I'm beginning to struggle with my hair already. It doesn't make sense :confused: I think i might need some CON.

When you wash your hair, have you been separating them into sections with clips? THis really helps! Wash each section separately and detangle each section separately as well. Always work from your ends up. Rinse in sections as well, follow up with a moisturizing leave-in treatment like Giovanni or Fantasia and comb through with your shower as usual. You may want to stick to styles such as braidouts or twistouts during your stretch to avoid breakage or you can just do braids too...they really help!:)
I decided that when my Rusk shampoo, Rusk smoother, and Nexxus Headress are done, then I probably won't buy them anymore. Why? maybe I'm a PJ in denial :lol: or I may just want to find products that work even better for that price or cheaper, and I NEED a moisturizing shampoo. Help me out! thanx :)

So a good moisturizing poo for me is Cantu's Shea soft moisturizing Poo. If you do co-washes then a cheapie product like suave's or V05 is good, but for me a Dominican conditioner like Miss Key 10 en 1 Plus is Great! Good luck!;)
Thanks for the reply Alli!

Omg, 5+ months of newgrowth! and u could comb... wow... I've read about this Giovanni leave-in. I gotta check that out.

I'm taking a trip to walmart today to look for and probably get a couple things. For sure, i'm getting

-Motions CPR
-a new detangling comb if i find a huge one
-Elasta QP mango butter if i find it... i hope i do

I do CO washes with my Suave Humectant. I love it. I've been washing my hair in sections now, but when i'm done, i still need to put in a ponytail, which means i have to TRY to comb it all back, and that's really annoying. So, sometimes I do three horizontal parts, like a mohawk style or whatever, and wash it in sections like that. I can't do braidouts right now, because i go to practice after school so, i'd end up washing everyday because with the braidout, i'd have even more tangles under my hat.
Suave Milk and Honey Conditioner detangles my hair very well, as does Elasta QP Creme Conditioning Shampoo.

ETA: Also, try doing a search to see if there are other threads on any of these products that might help answer your questions.
It's OK to be a product junkie. Those extra bottles of stuff come in handy sometimes. Anyway, here are the answers to your questions.

1) Does anyone here use Motions CPR and if so, how often? did you like it? does it make your hair strong? i've used it in the past. I was using the right products but heat was killing everything the products did for me. Right now, I need my hair to get strong! By the end of the year, I need to have strong healthy, midback hair, darn it

Motions anything doesn't fair well on my hair. Sorry no feedback on that one.

2) Has anyone used the L'anza leave-in conditioner? I think the stylist used it on me once, and it untangled my hair SO well! I need to make sure tha's what she used before I purchase it though

When I use to wear a pixie cut, my stylist at the time used that sometimes during the winter months. It layed my hair nicely, but I found it hard to wash my hair effectively. I have not used that product since I've been growing out my hair.

3) If not, to the question above, what are some good detangling conditioners? Some that are not too expensive please

Suave conditioners are great. If you pre-treat your hair with some olive oil before you CW, I find that helps. Add some of that olive oil to your conditioner. You will notice a difference.

4) Are there any cheap moisturizing detangling shampoos out there besides CON? if not, u can list the ones that work best for you.

I do shampoo my daughter's hair, even though I am strictly CW and ACV rinsing. I use the Sauve coconut shampoo mixed with any conditioner and rosewater. She's 2 and very tender headed, and I get no screams of terror while doing her hair now.

5) I think I need a larger detangling comb. the one i have does not seem to be doing much. Which are the best and largest?

Seamless ones are good. The Jilbere shower comb is excellent for any type of detangling.
1) Does anyone here use Motions CPR and if so, how often? did you like it? does it make your hair strong? Motions anything I still cringe when I hear the name,:eek: , CPR made me loose hair like I nobodies business.

3) If not, to the question above, what are some good detangling conditioners? Silicone mix is the BOMB! I use it w/heat for 20 min and it left my 14 wk post relaxer NG and hair butter soft and soooooooooo shiny, another thing I noticed that other conditioner don't do, is keep my NG from completely shrinking it's like it actually did a little curl loosening type thing because normally after my hair dries the NG shrivels up like I don't have none even though their is 2 1/2 in of NG their,LOL, so it's a definite staple Mineral oil and all.
4) Are there any cheap moisturizing detangling shampoos out there besides CON? In another thread it was said that lemon juice and water mixed is a detangler because of the acid. CON is the only cheap moisturizing and detangling poo I remeber purchasing except motions and I wouldn't recommend their products unless I was getting paid, LOL, and then would probably warn everyone after I received the check,:lachen: . But maybe u'r hair will like it.

5) I think I need a larger detangling comb. the one i have does not seem to be doing much. Which are the best and largest? I use the Diane comb can't think of the name of it but it looks like a butcher knife except where the blade is thats the teeth,LOL, best discription I could think of.

--I'm on the Christmas Stretch challenge and I need stronger hair and good products to help me out. I'm only 6 weeks post and I'm beginning to struggle with my hair already. It doesn't make sense :confused: I think i might need some CON.
I decided that when my Rusk shampoo, Rusk smoother, and Nexxus Headress are done, then I probably won't buy them anymore. Why? maybe I'm a PJ in denial :lol: or I may just want to find products that work even better for that price or cheaper, and I NEED a moisturizing shampoo. Help me out! thanx :)[/QUOTE]
CarLiTa said:
Hey ladies, I don't want to make a bunch of new threads about questions that I have, so I'm just gonna post them here :) if you have answers to any one of them, please answer. Thanx.

1) Does anyone here use Motions CPR and if so, how often? did you like it? does it make your hair strong? i've used it in the past. I was using the right products but heat was killing everything the products did for me. Right now, I need my hair to get strong! By the end of the year, I need to have strong healthy, midback hair, darn it :lol:

2) Has anyone used the L'anza leave-in conditioner? I think the stylist used it on me once, and it untangled my hair SO well! I need to make sure tha's what she used before I purchase it though

3) If not, to the question above, what are some good detangling conditioners? Some that are not too expensive please :look:

4) Are there any cheap moisturizing detangling shampoos out there besides CON? if not, u can list the ones that work best for you.

5) I think I need a larger detangling comb. the one i have does not seem to be doing much. Which are the best and largest?

--I'm on the Christmas Stretch challenge and I need stronger hair and good products to help me out. I'm only 6 weeks post and I'm beginning to struggle with my hair already. It doesn't make sense :confused: I think i might need some CON.
I decided that when my Rusk shampoo, Rusk smoother, and Nexxus Headress are done, then I probably won't buy them anymore. Why? maybe I'm a PJ in denial :lol: or I may just want to find products that work even better for that price or cheaper, and I NEED a moisturizing shampoo. Help me out! thanx :)

Carliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiita, hey girl!!!
I can't help with many of these, but I'll add what I can.

As far as a moisturizing poo, I would highly recommend Nexxus Therappe. Some ppl don't like it, but I've never had a bad experience with it. It's done a great job of detangling as well.
Detangling cons: I've heard great things about Biolage's Hydrating Balm & I personally like Nexxus Humectress. I don't have any less expensive recs b/c for some reason my hair responds much better to the professional products.
comb: JILBERE DE PARIS HANDS DOWN!!! This comb is one of the best things to ever happen to my hair!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE this comb and it's all of $2 at Sally's! (Plus I'm a Perferred Beauty Member, yeah baby!) But girl you should definitely snag one of those...I think every lady on the path to long healthy hair should have one. :look:

Good luck with everything...we should PM it on up since we're both in the Stretch new growth is OUT of control...but I havin fun with my springy coils :lol:
hey DivineI! lol thanx for replying!

i'm definitely going to get one of those Jilbere combs. I haven't washed my hair yet just because i haven't bought the new things yet, hehe...

i'm loving my curls and i play with them but i need those babies to stay moisturized man! i'm gonna finish the products I have and when they're done (hopefully soon :look: ) i'll get some new ones. I'm keeping my Suave Humectant though, i love that stuff. I think i will get the Motions CPR and some olive oil etc... this weekend. When i'm getting brand-new products, I might try Nexxus or Keracare, even though they ain't cheap :)