Vacation Styles While Transitioning - Help a Sista Out!


New Member
Hi 2 weeks I will be going on vacation and I'm trying to decide what to do with my hair. I am currently 6 months post relaxer. A sew-in weave is not an option because I wouldn't want to keep it once I got home and that's too much money & time for one week's wear!

I thought about just going as "me" and wearing my usual twist-outs, buns, etc. I also thought about braids of some kind (like cornrows) but I'm not sure how I want them to look. I want something cute, not just straight back. I will most likely get in the water, but I won't be dunking my head all the way under or doing any real swimming...I'll mainly frolic.

So in other words........HELP!!!! I know you ladies have GREAT ideas and hopefully pics of your hair on vacation.

I'd recommend crochets. It's a very inexpensive style and you won't feel like you wasted money if you only keep it in for a few weeks because you won't have to spend much at all on the hair. You can get your head wet without have to have any worries about having to style your hair.
I was honestly thinking about loose bunning or wearing a pony with a cute decorative scarf...kinda Nicole Richie style.

I think its a cute look while ensuring your hair stays down and a cute scarf (the long kind, not the short bandana type) will come off as a fashion choice and not a protective style.
I am a fan of braids -- I like loose micros using wet and wavy styled hair. They last a long time ( I've never done longer than 7 weeks) and the style of hair is perfect for summer time. You can mix up a moisturizing concoction with Scurl, water and a leave-in and spray a few times a week and still do cute pin-ups or just let them hang. This has been my style savior for summer vacations.
Get head bands.

Seriously. You're 6 months post and if you're comfortable with cowashes, this might be good. What I did was, I cowashed after the beach in the morning and put a headband on so the front would lay flat and put it in a french braid. At noght when I was going out, it was already dry and an OK braid out.