uuuugghhhhh, SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!~!!


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me why the H-e double hockey sticks I can't get silky blinging plucking hair!!!!:mad: :confused:
I don't get it. I get 100.00 plus flat irons ( the chi sucks! Why is my hair still friggin puffy and won't hold a dangin curl!!-I wanna cry) . Use the so called best conditioners. Deep condition every single wash, henna. Bun, still I am sick and tired of looking like somebody's momma and the couple of times I do try and flat iron it looks like I have a formed patted in place afro!!:confused: WHY???? Then I get all freaked out cause I am convinced that heat is the debil and I notice every broke hair, every shed hair. Ugggghhhh!!! I see breakage when I touch my hair so much to flat iron. So you mean to tell me the only option I have to keep hair on my head is if I never can show I have hair!!! I have for the first time in my life Bra strap length hair and I can't do jack crap with it!!! I am sick of bunning although it's helped me retain length. I need some sexy back and hopefully some dang sex!!! Uggggghhhhh. I just don't get it!!!:( I wanna fall out in the floor and act a dang fool!!! :-(
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I'm sorry this is happening to you...Are you relaxed or natural?
What do you do to your hair prior to flat ironing? Blow dry or air dry? Do you use a serum? I think sometimes if you use a serum that can help with the silkyness. I only flat iron every once in a while and I usually air dry first with serum and then flat iron. I hope I have been of some help to you.:)
You make me laugh about acting a damn fool lol, but I do understand what you are saying my hair is now getting long and all I do is bun its insane but that's what I have to do to protect my end so that's what I'll do but its boring as hell, this is also weird because there's another post about style versus length
s_terry said:
Can anyone tell me why the H-e double hockey sticks I can't get silky blinging plucking hair!!!!:mad: :confused:
I don't get it. I get 100.00 plus flat irons ( the chi sucks! Why is my hair still friggin puffy and won't hold a dangin curl!!-I wanna cry) . Use the so called best conditioners. Deep condition every single wash, henna. Bun, still I am sick and tired of looking like somebody's momma and the couple of times I do try and flat iron it looks like I have a formed patted in place afro!!:confused: WHY???? Then I get all freaked out cause I am convinced that heat is the debil and I notice every broke hair, every shed hair. Ugggghhhh!!! I see breakage when I touch my hair so much to flat iron. So you mean to tell me the only option I have to keep hair on my head is if I never can show I have hair!!! I have for the first time in my life Bra strap length hair and I can't do jack crap with it!!! I am sick of bunning although it's helped me retain length. I need some sexy back and hopefully some dang sex!!! Uggggghhhhh. I just don't get it!!!:( I wanna fall out in the floor and act a dang fool!!! :-(

LOL @ "I need some sexy back and hopefully some dang sex!!!"

No, but really, I'm sorry you're having problems with getting that "bling" look. But don't feel bad-it is a common problem. I have the same problem. I know a couple of things, though:

-For me, since I am natural, the straighter my hair is, the more "bling" it has. Some more knowledgable people can attest to why that is, but I know that straight hair reflects light better than natural hair, which is why straight hair alot of time appears to be shinier. So that's why I came to the conclusion that my hair is the shiniest when it is the straightest. I know this 'may' not be the case for everyone, though.

-Maybe if you can break this post down to several things you want to accomplish. What is it you're looking for advise on? Is it only to have shinier hair? Do you want to try more versatile styles? And do you also need advice on the breakage issue? Some tips for pressing hair? It sounds like you've got several issues going on here so try not to overload yourself or else you will become overwhelmed (if you're not already there) and you'll have a difficult time trying to decide what to tackle first.

-Girl, you've done GREAT to have grown your hair to BSL. Look how many women are waiting to get to where you already ARE! You deserve a pat on the back for that alone. So take a second to realize how far you've come, and all the potential your hair DOES have....first.
Sounds like you're having the same problem I had. I have a maxiglide and a chi and no matter what I would do my hair would be poofy after flatironing. I used Beyond the Zone heat protectant spray, Redken Heat Glide, Fantasia IC, etc. With Florida humidity and my hair's resistance it was impossible to keep my hair straight and I gave up for a while. However, I had my first sew-in and the stylist left a little of my hair out in the front. When I would flat irion my hair it would look nothing like to weave and so everyone knew what was my hair and what wasn't. I had to find a solution, so I talked to my sister (natural), she wears sew-in's often with a little of her hair out in the front. I asked her how she keeps her hair straight all day because my hair looked dry and poofy. She told me to use KeraCare cream press to flat iron and she promised that my hair would shine and stay straight. I completely trust my sister, so I tried it and my hair stayed straight and shiny for a week. Its not cheap, but it doesn't take much and it works like a charm, look at my fotki at the album entitled "My Natural Hair 2007," picutres 10,11, and 12 are done with KeraCare. This is long, but I hope it helps.
LOL girl you had me cracking up. But I feel your pain. It sounds to me that you are natural, hence the puffiness when you flat iron but I could be wrong.

I would take a minute and jot down what you are trying to obtain with your hair. What styles are you trying to achieve. We know you want shinier hair and that could be as simple as a product change. Most women in here that have really long hair, don't use the highest priced products, they found the ones that work for their hair. Some use VO5 products while others use Aveda. It really just depends on the strands coming out of your hair. Its going to take some time to figure out what works for you but I am sure that you will find the right products in no time, without going crazy.
Try getting your hair professionally straightened w/ hot comb. I used to go to a lady along time ago that relaxed my hair and then would hot comb it , and afterwards my hair was flipping and shinin like a white womans! I dont know what type of heat protectant she used though.Then she would put a little bit of olive oil on it and wrap it with some plastic wrap (like saran wrap) and sit me under the dryer for a few minutes to keep the "bump" she put in it. to me the key is "technique" .sometimes your hair style will come out better if you let someone else do it. and make sure your ends aint all frazzled either. hair will have more shine and body with even (no splits) ends.
mzhotniz86 said:
Try getting your hair professionally straightened w/ hot comb. I used to go to a lady along time ago that relaxed my hair and then would hot comb it , and afterwards my hair was flipping and shinin like a white womans!

Not to discredit you but don't get a hot comb to your long hair. Um, ask glossyxlips what she used. Her hair is almost to her waist and she gets her hair silky and shiney everytime she flat irons...even w/ inches of new growth.
Mom23 said:
I'm sorry this is happening to you...Are you relaxed or natural?
What do you do to your hair prior to flat ironing? Blow dry or air dry? Do you use a serum? I think sometimes if you use a serum that can help with the silkyness. I only flat iron every once in a while and I usually air dry first with serum and then flat iron. I hope I have been of some help to you.:)

I am textulaxed with alot of texture still in. I rollerset and airdryed in rollers. Then flat ironed when dry. I did use serum. A giovanni anti frizz. Since a couple of you are willing to help I will post exactly what I did.
s_terry said:
Can anyone tell me why the H-e double hockey sticks I can't get silky blinging plucking hair!!!!:mad: :confused:
I don't get it. I get 100.00 plus flat irons ( the chi sucks! Why is my hair still friggin puffy and won't hold a dangin curl!!-I wanna cry) . Use the so called best conditioners. Deep condition every single wash, henna. Bun, still I am sick and tired of looking like somebody's momma and the couple of times I do try and flat iron it looks like I have a formed patted in place afro!!:confused: WHY???? Then I get all freaked out cause I am convinced that heat is the debil and I notice every broke hair, every shed hair. Ugggghhhh!!! I see breakage when I touch my hair so much to flat iron. So you mean to tell me the only option I have to keep hair on my head is if I never can show I have hair!!! I have for the first time in my life Bra strap length hair and I can't do jack crap with it!!! I am sick of bunning although it's helped me retain length. I need some sexy back and hopefully some dang sex!!! Uggggghhhhh. I just don't get it!!!:( I wanna fall out in the floor and act a dang fool!!! :-(

I'm sorry but you are so funny!!:eek: My goodness!!!
How many swipes did you pass through the hair?

A lot of people get very heat cautious but I figure if you are doing the deed and using heat you mines well use a heat protectant and go all out. Girl go ahead and give that hair a few more swipes. My first swipe is always slow then I speed it up and do about 2 more swipes (on a high temperature too).

If you are using heat, you mines well enjoy it. Also flat ron in little section no more than 1 inch wide, and .25 of an inch thick.
Thanks sooo much ladies for being willing to help me! Heres what I did

Oh and Divine I tried the Giovanni leave in and it did make my hair alot softer when roller setting! Thanks to you and Isis on this tip! :)

Ok so I washed with
-Giovanni Silk Shampoo
I deep conditioned with
-Salerm Wheat Germ then my mix of domican to help with moisture
Then I equally mixed Salerm 21. Lacio Lacio and Giovanni Direct Leavin and a little seal of Giovanni anti friz ( a silicone product)
- Sectioned hair and mixed a little Fantasia IC Heat Protectant and Chi silk

- Result dull hair that is not straight and pretty puffy at the root.

How did the Chi not even get me close to straight. Now it is overcast here and humid, but even still I ain't holding no kind of curl!! :mad:
Since you mentioned that you still have a lot of texture in your hair, I would recommend blowdrying first, then flat ironing. I agree with LocksofLuv that if you've decided to use heat then you may as well use heat and get 'er done :lol: My hair is natural and I've learned that if I expect to get it sleek and shiny I'm just going to have to put in the wattage and degrees Fahrenheit to do it. Also make sure your hair is COMPLETELY dry from blowdrying. If you leave moisture in it your hair will puff back up pretty much instantly.

Other than that, I'd say use less product after you wash. You want your heat protectant for sure if you're going to follow the "use more heat" advice, but too many leave ins, especially air-dried, will definitely dull your hair. The shiniest hair is hair that is clean and straight. So ease up on the products, don't be overly afraid of the heat, and be patient enough to use good technique during the flatironing.
I agree w.BLack Cardinal. I"m natural and I let my hair airdry part of the way in twists w/Giovanni Direct leave in. Then I use IC Fant. Heat Protectant and blowdry my hair. THen I flat iron. My hair got straight this way, I don't use heat often so I don't mind using this amt. of heat every now and then. For shine I like the IC polish or I use some of the IC protectant.
Heat protectant makes my hair look dull. Especially the spray kind. So I don't use it. My hair prefers oil or light grease.

I also have a CHI and I personally think it's way too HOT and makes my hair smell...kind of a burnt smell. I just got some of the CHI Silk Infusion but I haven't tried it yet. My Aunt told me that if I use that with the Chi then I won't get that funky smell.

Maybe you need some Oil. I like the Fantasia IC PM Night Time Oil Spray.
s_terry said:
Thanks sooo much ladies for being willing to help me! Heres what I did

Oh and Divine I tried the Giovanni leave in and it did make my hair alot softer when roller setting! Thanks to you and Isis on this tip! :)

Ok so I washed with
-Giovanni Silk Shampoo
I deep conditioned with
-Salerm Wheat Germ then my mix of domican to help with moisture
Then I equally mixed Salerm 21. Lacio Lacio and Giovanni Direct Leavin and a little seal of Giovanni anti friz ( a silicone product)
- Sectioned hair and mixed a little Fantasia IC Heat Protectant and Chi silk

- Result dull hair that is not straight and pretty puffy at the root.

How did the Chi not even get me close to straight. Now it is overcast here and humid, but even still I ain't holding no kind of curl!! :mad:

You are using waaaayyyy too much product! Therein lies the problem. Try just deep conditioning, use one leave-in, and one heat protectant (just use a little, you don't need much).
Mook's hair said:
Heat protectant makes my hair look dull. Especially the spray kind. So I don't use it. My hair prefers oil or light grease.

I also have a CHI and I personally think it's way too HOT and makes my hair smell...kind of a burnt smell. I just got some of the CHI Silk Infusion but I haven't tried it yet. My Aunt told me that if I use that with the Chi then I won't get that funky smell.

Maybe you need some Oil. I like the Fantasia IC PM Night Time Oil Spray.

When is the last time you cleaned your iron's plates? Too much dirty old product can build up and burn onto those plates.

I recommend after every session whiping those plates down with alcohol and cotton balls. This cuts the burnt smell drastically.
BlackCardinal said:
Since you mentioned that you still have a lot of texture in your hair, I would recommend blowdrying first, then flat ironing. I agree with LocksofLuv that if you've decided to use heat then you may as well use heat and get 'er done :lol: My hair is natural and I've learned that if I expect to get it sleek and shiny I'm just going to have to put in the wattage and degrees Fahrenheit to do it. Also make sure your hair is COMPLETELY dry from blowdrying. If you leave moisture in it your hair will puff back up pretty much instantly.

Other than that, I'd say use less product after you wash. You want your heat protectant for sure if you're going to follow the "use more heat" advice, but too many leave ins, especially air-dried, will definitely dull your hair. The shiniest hair is hair that is clean and straight. So ease up on the products, don't be overly afraid of the heat, and be patient enough to use good technique during the flatironing.

I agree. Just try using the Giovanni alone. It may have been all the leave-ins making your hair dull. I hope you find your solution. :)
jwhitley6 said:
You are using waaaayyyy too much product! Therein lies the problem. Try just deep conditioning, use one leave-in, and one heat protectant (just use a little, you don't need much).

Agreed. I see too many steps and products. I also agree w/ LoL with keeping the iron clean and BC re: heat. If you're DCing regularly and taking care of your hair, it should be able to handle heat on occasion without going haywire.

I'm glad you liked the Giovanni Direct. It's wonderful! :)

Also, have you considered using products from the same line? A lot of times, shampoos and conditioners are formulated to be used as a set and splitting them up sometimes yields unfavorable results. Just a thought...

Also, how often do you clarify? With all the cones in your products, it sounds like you need to clear those away to get a fresh start. Cones cause stiff, dull hair for me so have to use a TINY bit of serum when I flat iron...otherwise, my hair is stiff instead of light & bouncy.
You ladies are really the greatest! Thanks so much! I am def going to cut down on the products and see how that goes. More Heat? I'm going to have too ease into that one. I would be so upset at this point to loose all my gains. Like Mook said that dang Chi gets hot! I can't believe it wouldn't straighten the tighest coil of hair! I do clarify every now and again, but they are natural shampoos. Maybe they aren't clarifying enough with them being natural? The Irons are pretty new so I don't think buildup would be a problem and Divine you might have a point regarding using the same line of one product. Do you have any line in particular you like? Your rec for the Giovanni was totally on point.

Thanks so much ladies. I'm feeling a little better at my failed attempt at a silky flat iron. I'll try again and hopefully it will come out much better.
You all are the best!;)
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Mook's hair said:
Heat protectant makes my hair look dull. Especially the spray kind. So I don't use it. My hair prefers oil or light grease.

I also have a CHI and I personally think it's way too HOT and makes my hair smell...kind of a burnt smell. I just got some of the CHI Silk Infusion but I haven't tried it yet. My Aunt told me that if I use that with the Chi then I won't get that funky smell.

Maybe you need some Oil. I like the Fantasia IC PM Night Time Oil Spray.

Mook as far as heat protectants go I hate the ones that are liquid. They make my hair sizzle. This can't be good-the sizzle. It sounds like it's frying my hair! Maybe I am using it wrong? I also read here that grease is basically frying and can damage the strand. Maybe it's the kind of grease you use?
LocksOfLuV said:
I'm sorry but you are so funny!!:eek: My goodness!!!

I really wasn't trying to be funny at that moment. Girl I really felt like falling out in the floor and having a temper tantrum like a 5 year old. Maybe I am taking this hair thing a little too seriously??? LOL
s_terry said:
Divine you might have a point regarding using the same line of one product. Do you have any line in particular you like? Your rec for the Giovanni was totally on point.

Right now I'm using Nexxus Phyto Organics Theratin and Humectin. I also like J/A/S/O/N's Sea Kelp poo and con.

BlackCardinal said:
Since you mentioned that you still have a lot of texture in your hair, I would recommend blowdrying first, then flat ironing. I agree with LocksofLuv that if you've decided to use heat then you may as well use heat and get 'er done :lol: My hair is natural and I've learned that if I expect to get it sleek and shiny I'm just going to have to put in the wattage and degrees Fahrenheit to do it. Also make sure your hair is COMPLETELY dry from blowdrying. If you leave moisture in it your hair will puff back up pretty much instantly.

Other than that, I'd say use less product after you wash. You want your heat protectant for sure if you're going to follow the "use more heat" advice, but too many leave ins, especially air-dried, will definitely dull your hair. The shiniest hair is hair that is clean and straight. So ease up on the products, don't be overly afraid of the heat, and be patient enough to use good technique during the flatironing.

I am really going to have to find other ways to style where I can feel cute! I want to wear my hair out sometime this summer. I want to be free!! LOL Doing this to get the results I want ain't gonna cut since I would have to do it everytime I wash my hair. Maybe I just need to scratch straight styles out as my only other look option. I will remember this though when I want to really straighten again. Thank you BlackCardinal.:)
Divine Inspiration said:
Right now I'm using Nexxus Phyto Organics Theratin and Humectin. I also like J/A/S/O/N's Sea Kelp poo and con.


Thanks Divine. Off to stalk your album. I will look into these! Thank you! :)
MCrzyGr said:
Sounds like you're having the same problem I had. I have a maxiglide and a chi and no matter what I would do my hair would be poofy after flatironing. I used Beyond the Zone heat protectant spray, Redken Heat Glide, Fantasia IC, etc. With Florida humidity and my hair's resistance it was impossible to keep my hair straight and I gave up for a while. However, I had my first sew-in and the stylist left a little of my hair out in the front. When I would flat irion my hair it would look nothing like to weave and so everyone knew what was my hair and what wasn't. I had to find a solution, so I talked to my sister (natural), she wears sew-in's often with a little of her hair out in the front. I asked her how she keeps her hair straight all day because my hair looked dry and poofy. She told me to use KeraCare cream press to flat iron and she promised that my hair would shine and stay straight. I completely trust my sister, so I tried it and my hair stayed straight and shiny for a week. Its not cheap, but it doesn't take much and it works like a charm, look at my fotki at the album entitled "My Natural Hair 2007," picutres 10,11, and 12 are done with KeraCare. This is long, but I hope it helps.

Thanks MCrzyGr. It really does. Thank you for taking the time to reply.