Using Roux Porosity Control Before a Relaxer????


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone I'm a newbie and currently trying to get my dry, breaking hair in shape. A friend suggested using Roux PC. On the bottle it says I can use it before my relaxer. I'm a little confused. I thought your hair was supposed to be dry before putting in a relaxer. If you use this before relaxing can you give details on how you do it etc. Can someone help me out? I would appreciate the comments.
Try using the LHCF search, there's a lot information already out there.

I usually use RPC 1 week before I relax.
You are right, your hair/scalp needs to be dry before relaxing. I use PC after relaxing and sometimes after washing. I guess you could use it a week before you relax. HTH!
I've read things about people applying PC to their previously relaxed hair prior to getting a relaxer as sort of a protectant and to prevent overlapping and overprocessing. I've never done this myself, but I might experiment the next time I self-relax.