Using "relaxed" products on natural hair


New Member
Hey all, I am curious about something. After being inspired by my sister's beautiful natural hair I've decided to transition to becoming natural as well. Ive used Profectiv products for years on my relaxed head and I've always gotten great results with their products, but I'm wondering if it is okay for me to continue using it as I transition? I've been researching and I know I'll have to take care of both hair textures but does it matter if the hair products are for naturals or not??

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You wil have to use the products on your transitioning hair to determine if you can ise the same products. I stil use the same products that i did while i was relaxing. I did not buy any products catered towards naturala because i do not have the money. Dont be a pj because there are "natural" products out there. Use what you have and if those products stop working for you, then its time to experiment.
It's going to be touch and go. What worked for your relaxed hair may not work with your natural hair but also as a natural head I don't automatically by-pass products that are for relaxed heads. Everyone's hair is different and the fact that natural hair comes in so many states and textures there is no way of really knowing what products you will have to change until you are at that point. The best advice I can give you is continue with the regimen that you have (or the one that gives you the best results) and just listen to the needs of your hair as they come along. Don't throw everything away (total waste of money) you may only end up having to tweak one or two products.

This is going to 100% dependent on your hair. I used Profectiv on my natural hair and it was horrible, but your hair may work great with them.
i loved profectiv products. that root health and breakfree were the bomb. they were too small and expensive for the amount my hair needed though. currently i am having a love affair with razac perfect for perm products
Thanks so much ladies!! Im so excited to become natural and I really dont wanna start off on the wrong foot but I shall listen to my hair!

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