using oil/natural products vs shelved products


New Member
do you find that your hair reacts better to natural oils and products of that nature versus manufactured products? my younger sister always has dry hair and breakage. i've tried numerous protein treatments, moisturizing treatments, deep conditioners, leave in conditioners for her hair and its still not getting any better:nono:
Consistency will be key. And Patience. It's going to take some time for things to turn around.

Have You Clarified her Hair so you can make sure you are starting off with a Clean Slate (so to speak).:look:

Also, I would incorporate Porosity Control into your regimen for her. Her dryness and breakage could be coming from Porosity Issues.:spinning:

I would be patient and continue doing what you are doing. I'm sure it is some better, especially since she has you looking after it.:yep:
Well, as far as conditioning goes I am coming into the knowledge that the laboratory formulations just work better for my hair. But for oils, I do like pure jojoba which is only available at health food stores and such.

There are some natural lines that are "manufactured" and some of them are excellent. I like Aubrey Organics very much. :yep:
I personally prefer commercial products for my hair...I like natural manufactured hair moisturizers though.
I have found that my hair LOVES things that are "natural". Natural oils to be specific (EVOO, EVCO, JBCO, etc). It hates the things that are typically found in commercial preparations (mineral oil, wax, petroleum, and cones). But there are some stellar commercial products out there that I will never give up (Roux, Aphogee). Its all about finding the right balance for her hair. My hair did a complete turn around from the first time I used EVOO in my DC. It was amazing! Just experiment and see what her hair likes.
And for her dryness I would definitely address her porosity issues! You can do that naturally with an ACV rinse; or commercially with Porosity Control.