using mutiple hair growth products


New Member
I noticed that alot of u ladies are using various HGP at the same time...DOes this make the hair grow even faster or arent u afraid that the ingredients in the products will have a bad mixture or somthing im just wondering b.c i just started BT but hear alot raves ab alot other products too like Lenz's Request, Castor Oil, WGO, and MTG.

Which is ut Top 3 Fav. Hair Growth Products.

What does it do for your hair?

How long did it take to see reasonable(DAMN!!!:eek: ) results? hehe
Yeah, I wanna know, too! I see a lot of ladies using both MN and BT or MTG, for instance. How are ya'll rotating these topical growth aids? I'm too scurred to do too much...:look:
Originally posted by loveable 37
I dnt believe the hype:D

Exactly...Until I see true comparison pics of say: 3-month of normal hair growth without using AAA growth product and then a 3-month comparison picture of hair growth with the aide using AAA growth product, so we can see honest proof that AAA is a miraculous hair growth aide. With hair growth, visual aide is a must. Otherwise, it's just hype!:ohwell:
I think it is over kill and totally unnecessary. I can understand if you have a scalp problem or something, but other than it just is not worth it in my opinion.

I can honestly say that I see more progress in my hair's growth and health since I gave up on aids.

I think it is because I can spend my time really taking care of my hair and less time concentrating on how much faster it is growing.

But, believe me, if I started having some problem like alopecia (sp?), I would use them.
didirose said:
Simple is best! Everything else just gets really complicated and costly.
ITA. I experiemented with some topical stuff and really didn't get miraculous growth from it. Maybe I didn't use it long enough, but at this point I'd just rather let nature take its course. The other thing is that I don't want topicals interfering with my natural hair oils, and mess up my normal growth.:perplexed I know it might sound kinda paranoid, but I just don't want to take any chances. Besides, I get pretty decent growth for the most part. I just need to focus more on retention!
meaganita said:
ITA. I experiemented with some topical stuff and really didn't get miraculous growth from it. Maybe I didn't use it long enough, but at this point I'd just rather let nature take its course. The other thing is that I don't want topicals interfering with my natural hair oils, and mess up my normal growth.:perplexed I know it might sound kinda paranoid, but I just don't want to take any chances. Besides, I get pretty decent growth for the most part. I just need to focus more on retention!

IA^^^ I done the same thing!
I believed the hype and paid for it...My hair responded with breakage & bad shedding :( . I use no more growth aids and my hair is maintaining.
Golong said:
I believed the hype and paid for it...My hair responded with breakage & bad shedding :( . I use no more growth aids and my hair is maintaining.

You know I was experiencing shedding like crazy but I couldn't figure out what was going on,But now I know, Thanks!
Golong said:
I believed the hype and paid for it...My hair responded with breakage & bad shedding :( . I use no more growth aids and my hair is maintaining.

This explains my experience, as well. I cannot believe how well my hair is doing now that I stopped using anything topical.
i don't use hair growth aids anymore, for one the smell is not worth it plus i get headaches. I guess it made my hair grow faster but know that i've learned more about my hair i find that it grows in "spurts" and so it may not have been the growth product anyways. keeping a clean scalp by shampooing with some rosemary to open those pores is what i find to contribute to good hair growth.
pinkskates said:
Exactly...Until I see true comparison pics of say: 3-month of normal hair growth without using AAA growth product and then a 3-month comparison picture of hair growth with the aide using AAA growth product, so we can see honest proof that AAA is a miraculous hair growth aide. With hair growth, visual aide is a must. Otherwise, it's just hype!:ohwell:

My curiosity got the best of me, so I wanted to do exactly what you are talking about. I used MTG from Jan 1 - April 30, and posted pics in my fotki. From May - Aug I'm not using it or any topical growth aid. I'll post new pics the first week in Sept. I plan to repeat the MTG cycle again from Sept 1 - Dec 31, and the non-MTG cycle from Jan - April 2008. I'll see what happens.

Kinikakes has pics in her fotki from a consistent year of MTG usage, and she acheived great results. It was her fotki that actually started me to think about doing my little experiment. (thanks Kini) :) HTH