using henna to cover up gray hair from MTG

How do you know the mtg caused the color change?just asking...
I have minimal random grays so far and When i henna (not so often lately) I def. get a gold color to them right away..sorry couldnt help more.
I know that the mtg is causing it becuz I'm 21 and have never had gray hair I've only found 1 gray hair but I'm self conscience. And mtg is known to cause gray hairs. I started using mtg on 9/28 and have seen some great growth from it and don't wanna stop using it.
I know that the mtg is causing it becuz I'm 21 and have never had gray hair I've only found 1 gray hair but I'm self conscience. And mtg is known to cause gray hairs. I started using mtg on 9/28 and have seen some great growth from it and don't wanna stop using it.

Is it?! :o Gosh, you learn something new everyday.
I wouldn't bother coloring my whole head for one strand of gray hair. If it bothers you - pluck it or cover it with some mascara.