Using Heat vs. Growth


Well-Known Member
Who uses heat...on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and is still experiencing healthy growth? I've been heat free for a while and have been damp bunning my hair. Its working fine, but I'm noticing that my ends are clumping together and I'm getting those little knots (fairy or pixie knots as some call them). That can't be good for hair health either. I know members like Sweet_as_Jalebi use heat and still have long, luscious hair. Is this an option I should consider? Should I start using heat treatments again? Or how can I battle the clumping ends? your hair growing at a healthy rate with using heat? (esp. naturals) and if so, how often are you using heat?

If I should try to avoid heat as much as possible...what can I do to prevent clumped ends? and all the damage that comes from them?
I would also like to know. I have used no-heat method, and found the same problem. I use heat now, but would like to stop, unless someone can tell us how they have mastered using heat and getting growth!
I bumped up a thread a few days ago that was started a few years ago about blow-dryer users that still get good growth. I want more responses, but it had quite a few already that were pretty encouraging.

I have been using heat with a silicone/hemp seed oil mixture 2-3 times a week depending on how many times I shampoo and deep condition, and it has prevented my main hair problems - shedding and breakage.

I fear heat damage because of what everyone believes, but everytime I do roller sets or airdry, My hair starts to lose moisture after a few days and I find myself manipulating it to put product in. :look:

With my silicone&oil/ionic blowdry method, my hair is not shedding and breaking and I am not manipulating it.
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