Using heat everyday with hot rollers


New Member
Hello ladies!

I was wondering if any of you use heat (curling iron, hot rollers) more than once a week without damage? (I know it sounds silly, but bear with me) If so, do you use a heat protectant?

If you use hot rollers, what type do you use? The reason why I'm asking is because I'm trying to find a better way to style my hair without damaging it. I don't want to wrap because of the breakage I've heard about. Sometimes I sleep on rollers (plastic and foam {sometimes}), but that gets old after a while. I was using the Caruso steamer, but after three straight years of usage, it started drying my hair out. Are there any alternatives? Am I crazy for asking this?

BTW, I saw some Conair Ionic hot rollers that are supposed to be better for your hair than any other heat styling tool.

Thanks for your help in advance.
i have those rollers!! havent used them yet but when I do i will definetly report on them!
i used to in the past-- at one point i used heat once a day-- and I used a lot of heat-- my hair was fine until a year of daily heat but then it broke off. But i think my hair was fine with just once a week and that was before heat protectors and the tips from this board. plus i think hot rollers arent as harsh as say a curling iron or a blow dryer and these new ion rollers are supposedly good for your hair. In fact the reason I bought them was because I read in a magazine that they wont damage hair. I'll keep you posted!
Hi Kedra,

I think Heat Protectants are limited, but they can only do so much. So, I still say try to limit your heat use okay
Thanks Supergirl - I'm tempted though. I'm tired of sleeping on rollers. Maybe I'll try those bendable hair rollers from Sally's.
